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Speaker explains how to create a highlight video and fix the open closed caption in chrome browser. Speaker explains how the work session works. The chat room is broken. Subscribe shows you all the upcoming ciphers. Speaker has created a player that allows independent artists to submit music to random projects that create. Speaker explains how to do tasks in their wares and how to list them on twitter.

Speaker uses sunday as a time to focus and work on their side projects. Speaker is working on their cipher on the internet. The cipher is consisting of ciphers write and cipher the three-hour time block and within each cipher there are two sessions: the break session and the work session. Speaker wants people to come up here and talk about what they found interesting on the internet.

Speaker has created several tutorials. One of them is an application where you can dial a number and it will ring and you can have a conversation through the browser in the phone. Speaker has another one where two people log in to each page and one can call the other through the.

Speaker wants people to understand the tutorial. They want them to be able to expand it for their own situation. They will talk soon. Speaker sends a link to the highlight video to twitter, but it doesn't show the video with the link. Speaker created coals to help a coder / creator out.

Speaker explains how to create a screen share. There is a countdown timer. When someone requests to join the room, they show up under pending. If approved, they can see their twitter and github. If not, they get banned. Speaker wants people to share their screen and enable audio chat in order to help people who are trying to help them. Speaker turns speech into text and posts them as text chats in the text chat. They have to fix a small issue and then they will be able to do everything in the cloud. Speaker needs to pull the code from github and make the changes and then deploy it again. Speaker will see you later. They are listening to a new jabez featuring a piney be the track. Speaker will talk about it with Speaker at the next break.

Speaker is a big fan of web development. They have links to resources for people interested in learning it. Speaker is looking for a quick and easy project to work on in web development. They are a javascript developer and has been working on video adaptations of their tutorials.

Speaker is updating the chat room. Some things have changed and some things have been broken. Speaker has to fix them. Speaker needs to make a minor change in the latest version of the chat room to fix it. They will probably just do it all the way and it will work. Speaker travels a lot on sundays.

  • break session
  • work session
  • chrome browser
  • adequate button
  • highlight video
  • highlight clip
  • web development
  • javascript developer advocate advantage
  • text chat

Welcome back your dreams or your ticket.

Welcome back that same old place that you like, but those dreams everything, and they turn around, they need you.

We need to talk, we got him on the spot.

Welcome back, welcome back brother.

Hey what's going on y'all, welcome back to another edition of until it dot Works?

Its quick, quick update.

Oh, and yeah.

So some things have changed and some things that Can have been broken, and so I have got to fix that.

Now I know what it is.

And, so I have to fix it and I will but it's the chat room.

It's broken for right now.

I have just got to fix it and neither here nor there.

How do I want to fix it?

You know, I think I am future thing because there're two ways of fixing.

It's kind of like, rolling back or there's a breaking change in something.

Yeah, I am saying.

And I have been pulling in the latest of it, and so, it kind of broke stuff because there's a, in the newest version.

There's a breaking change and I never changed a thing.

So I can either roll back to the previous version or just is say, get it out the way and just get it done, son.

I just go to do it get all the way.

This is a minor change, and so I will probably just do that so by the next break it will work.

All right?

Neither know they're.

So until it works until it doesn't in case of the chat room.

I saw the thing.

I am always building random projects such as this, and so, always, for me, I am the type of person I need to, like, cut out time to be able to work on things, right.

And, so I figured well, I am pretty much off like not doing much on Sundays.

I let some traveling.

So my toes will do that time as a time to just focus and work on things, don't have to worry about it in like during the week or what have you, you know?

So I could focus on work during the Week because I already know I did some stuff.

And if I have time working my side projects during the week, you know, saying or otherwise just kind of relax.

And, so I figured out Sunday is going to be the day when I put in some effort and work on things, I mean, to be get done.

So that's where until it died Works came from.

I figured why not do it on the internet?

So that way, I am kind of like force because I have like a thing to do.

While I am working on my things I am saying like to make sure that and it kind of time box it.

So until it that works is consisting of ciphers write and Cipher the three-hour time block and within each Cipher, there are two types of sessions.

There's the break session, and the work session.

Right now, we're in the break session.

And so with the break session is kind of 15 minutes and it happened 15 minutes after the hour.

And there are time of like coming just out of the work session we can kind of like stretch.

I mean walk around, take a break, get some to drink.

Have you?

You are mean and you don't and if you want to still hang around, you can watch me talk about some Randomness that I found interesting on the Internet or maybe listen to some artists, some listen, some music, or you can actually come up here and talk about whatever you found.


And so it's kind of like that.

So we will talk about how you could do that.

And so you see the video at my face, you will see that there's like a notice that you may need to click Start to start need to click play to start the stream.

Because if you hop in, On the site.

And we're in a break session, the video will probably be frozen because browsers don't allow for video with autoplay and audio.

So you may have to click play, what else?

Then there's also the open closed caption where the words that I am saying, I am being turned into text through this speech, recognition API built into the Chrome browser and if the chat was working you would see it pop up but it's not, and so I have got to fix that.

Again, then there's an adequate button with the create a highlight video.

So there's anything that you found interesting in these break sessions, you can actually highlight them by clipping them out, and they're five-second Clips, you get five of them.

And so when you're done, and before I hit the stop broadcast, make sure to click the create a highlight video.

So what I will do is safe the time stamps of the different clips and what I am done it will Send it off to the back end that I have and it will go and take the recording of the video and cut out the highlights, your timestamps put them together and create a highlight clip and then you will be able to check it out.

Download it posts it to Twitter, and we will show you how that works in the break in the work session and as the countdown timer counting down to one, the next work session happens.

And then again like I said there's the chat room but it's broken, and so I have got to fix that.

All right?


So now that is a brick Stitch.

Let us talk about the work session real quick.

Share my screen.

So now this is what happens at about 45 minutes of just time to work on whatever is that you want to work on.

And so All right, so, upper left upper right-hand corner.

We have the menu where the home shop.

The Subscribe.

Subscribe is shows you all the upcoming ciphers, and you can subscribe to them to get notified when we go live, then depending on, if you're logged in and logged out, now, we will show that.

They will reflect that.

On, the upper left-hand Corner, we have the like a band camp player.

So I am a big fan and a band camp, because it supports Independent Artists.


That a big fan of supporting and impart independent artist and I know a lot of really good producers.

And, so I asked a few of them if they want to submit music to random projects that create, and so I created a whole system for them to submit tracks.

And then I have this player that will pull it in and so if you want to send some music, some dope music.

You can just have some right there for you.

Since the band camp player, you can actually purchase the track.

You can share it, and then I also added this tweet.

So you can tweet about it if you want to support artists.

If you like it.

Alright, cool.

Then toward the center, we have to do is list so you can put your tasks in their Wares.

It's a task, put it in there.

Enter or the plus sign will add it to the list here.

Then you can double-click the text to edit.

You can click the X to delete and then you can mark it done through the checkbox.

Now, when you do that, it goes to the done section, and we click you, click done and I will show you all the things you completed.

All right.

Oh and then when we're pretty much wrapping up, you can click the Twitter icon and now open up Twitter, and a list out the tasks that you got done kind of like feel good.

I got some stuff done, let the world know you're productive.

All right.

Got another countdown timer and it's counting down to one the break session happens.

Again there 15 minutes, after the hour, then we have the tutorials.

So let us say you don't have a thing but you want to be productive but you don't have a thing that you know that you want to work on, right?

And, so I am a big fan of like, web development.

And like for people to try it to see if they like it.

You're mean, and so I have there's tutorial well to resources that I have heard that it was a pretty good.

So there's free code, camp, dot-org.

And then there's the Odin project, right?

So I have links to those so you can check them out, try them out, you know, and maybe this will be the time when you try to learn it.

And from what I have seen and from what I have heard, they give a good overview of what's needed to do web development, right?

And so from that, I think you will be able to create to do an educated like decision on whether or not you want spend more time and more money following going into web development and then also I have.

So now let us say you like already known do web development.

I am looking for like projects to work on something kind of quick to work out on.

And, so I am a JavaScript developer Advocate advantage and so, part of that is kind of working on tutorials, which is actually a thing that I have been working.

I have been doing video adaptations of our tutorials, so I have three tutorials there now that are in there and one of them is its pretty cool.

Like you create an application through the tutorial, right?

Where you can put in your phone number and it will actually ring your real-world phone number and you can have a conversation through the browser in the phone, it kind of amazing.

And then have another one, where you dial a number, you get a virtual number you.

Lit and application.

You build can answer it and you have a conversation.

And then I have another one where it's two browsers, the application to Pages.

Two people log in to each page and one can call the other through the browser and have a conversation.

Amazing stuff.

It's kind of, it's so cool.

So I have those there so you can check them out.

Give me feedback.

And I mean, because again, I work on these tutorials.

So give me feedback on.

I am always like we're looking for feedback and kind of changing stuff around it.

Kind of make a little bit, hopefully.


Yeah, I mean I would because the thing is I don't want you just to like Zoom through the tutorial.

I mean that's cool and all but I want you to understand what was happening?

So that when you do that, you can take it even further because it's just a basic example, right?

And I want you to be able to know how to expand it for your own situation.

The only so, that's why.

Yeah, so let me know big on feedback.

All right, so we have the Jaco, we will talk about that soon which stands for help a Creator outright, which might also be broken because of this stuff, which I have to look into either.

They're all right show and tell.

So if you again is you wanted to come up here and talk about something you found interesting, you can do that there.

And then the Highlight again that video that you sent off to be the highlight video be created, first us a status submitted and then when it's done and ready to be viewed as I status done and have You button be able to check it out.


And then you can will see that but you will be also to like they will be a link to send it to Twitter and but it's sometimes Twittered doesn't show the video with the link because I think depends on the sides where I don't know.

So I have been downloading them and then attaching them to the Tweet so that I know they show up because I post to Instagram as well.

So, all right, so there's that now Jaco again help a coder / Creator out, right?

So, Say you wanted to view the hot?

Coals, it will show all the hot girls that have been created, all right?

And you can see the title of them, you give the see who created them, you can click on their name and check out either the GitHub or their Twitter depending on where they logged in and kind of see, like, who they are and you will be able to join it.

Now, let us say you want to create one, right?

You click create what you do is you got to fill in the title, then three keywords.

I kind of describe what it is that you're trying to get help with or get feedback on.

So maybe like a Language or framework or whatever, right?

Then click create.

Well, I will do is create a link.

So your own link that you can copy or shed or Twitter and then when you join it, This is what it's going to look like.

So you have like the leaves you want to leave, you can open the menu to see some other information.

I have the title.

We have a text chat over on the right-hand side toward the center is where the screen share will show up, and I will show that soon.

And then we have another countdown timer and that's kind of down to when the next break session happens and then again, you can copy the URL to it.

You can share the Twitter again.

Now, when you share your link and somebody clicks on it, they just don't automatically jump in joining your room, right?

Because Requesting to join the room.

And so what happens is they will show up under pending, you will be able to click their username to the see their Twitter or GitHub, depending on where they logged in with whether or not you make a decision whether or not you want that person into your room so you can improve them.

And if you approve them, and they turn out to be a terrible person, you can then ban them, all right?

And so here, as the owner of the room, you get to Only you create a highlight video.

Sorry only you can share your room, right?

Because the whole point is about you get help and feedback on a thing.

And, so I am hoping by sharing your screen, you can give more context to the people who are like a part of the who are, are trying to help out basically who are also in the room.

And so again, only you can share your screen.

Then we have like the text chat here and so you can kind of follow along the as a regular Chat.

But I added you can enable audio chat.

And so what that will do is it will take what we call it audio chat.

So the people who have enabled audio chat would be able to hear and speak with each other, right?

And but the people who don't have it, it's going to turn your text.

I turn your speech into text and then post them as text chats in the text chat, right?

And then I actually have the Opposite, where let us say, you're not looking at the screen, but you still want kind of follow along and like, you're working on something, you can enable text to speech.

And that will then, read out all the messages that are being put into the text chat.

All right?

Yeah, I think that's it.

And then again you can check out all the other hot coals and stuff they're happening.

And that is that cool.

I got a minute left.

Kind of ran through that pretty quickly.

Alright, so again, explore I have got to fix this issue.

Again, it's a small issue and it's got to pull down the code again and then that's what I will be able to just like just do everything in the cloud.

Just like login and stuff, but because I don't think I have that code on this computer.

So we have to pull it down from my GitHub and make the changes and then deploy it again.

So either, you know, there you have to worry about that.

So let us get back to work because I have got some stuff to do.

And yeah, so this sends you all for some traveling music.

This is New Jabez featuring a Pawnee be the track is called, thank you, because I want to thank you all again for hanging out and I will see you later.

I wish you much productivity again, next break is 15 minutes after the hour.

And unless some talk about something, what's up by this thing that came out, I think this week or what have you?

And I thought it's pretty cool.

I can see the vision of what they're doing, and so we will talk about that.

Alright, so again, this is a new Jabez featuring a Piney be the track is called.

Thank you.

Thanks again for hanging out, roll and see you.