Links mentioned: Details automatically generated.

There are 70 people who work for free and 37% of them earn less than one year of annual salary. They discuss the results of the survey. Speaker found out that 29% of the respondents are highly highly paid. They talked to 5390 people about their investing habits. Most people are in the 100 K to 200 K range. 18% are in between 100 K and 200K.

Speaker wants to know why in other countries the percentage is put before the number. They were making 50 when they started and now they are making more than 100. Speaker has always been coding, but it wasn't until recently that they got their first professional job. They are doing well for their professional timeline.

Speaker is calculating some stuff. They are looking for a project to use used it. Speaker is part of the 19th percent of Mexicans who use felt.

Speaker is happy with the state of front-end Frameworks. They went down. Jaso Thinkin released a new rendering framework. Speaker has not played with solid fresh with Dino. They met the creator of Blitz Jas.

Speaker is happy with the state of rendering Frameworks again. They send some traveling music from Anthony Cruz's website.

Speaker has met them at a Cascadia dries shots of them. They are a big fan of Cowboy Bebop. Speaker has finished their language course. They would have put more information in alphabetical order if they had known as others of evidence, went directly to the year-over-year stuff. Speaker and their team need to work on the page visibility API. They have used the web share API before.

Speaker is looking into WebEx. They met in Greece and in Orlando. Carson wrote the JS books.

Speaker is trying to access a library tier list. They are excited that Iran became Puppeteer. They don't understand front-end Frameworks. Stencils are not on the list.

Speaker was productive in the last work session. They want to post some radio show promo stuff today. They also want to do some JavaScript tests. Speaker is talking about the state of JS in 2022. They are looking at the front-end of a website. They like the way it looks.

Speaker hasn't played around with react yet, but they like the idea. Astro would like some of the components under react to be changed.

Speaker has a lot of data to ship to the client. This year's survey received more than thirty-nine thousand four hundred seventy-two responses. Speaker has developed new ways to interact with the data set. They are going to be speaking at the ATL conference on features and libraries. They are excited about the fact that coding is a worldwide phenomenon.

Speaker bought a t-shirt support the survey with the state of JavaScript. It costs 29 bucks plus shipping shells.

Speaker thanks Anthony Cruz for hanging out and showing them the state of JS.

  • surveys
  • unexpected results
  • chart filters
  • experience respondents
  • areas showing higher
  • css grid users
  • web components

Welcome back.

Your dreams were your ticket.

I welcome back to that same old place.

The chicken laughs.

Well then since you hung around but those dreams have remained, and they turned around Let us stretch it out.

Oh hopefully, you were productive in that last work session.

I actually got a bunch of stuff done.

Feel pretty good.

I would get only like one more like account to post some host radio show promo stuff and so, they will get done.

And there's a thing.

I want to try to get done today like a tests, prove a concept to see if I can get it to work.

Once you have I can get that done today as well.

It involves JavaScript which, you know, being as a JavaScript developer Advocate that makes sense.

But here is speaking of JavaScript, the state of JS came out and I think we spoke about it when they were like, taking submissions.

And then we spoke about the stack flow survey 2022.

So, here is my little talk about the state of JS, 2022.

And oh, let me add a link.

Give me a second for sure, my screen.

I am going to add a link so that you could check it out.

If you're watching the recording of the video, it should be right to the side of it and yeah, let us go.

Show my screen where to go, you go.

All right, I don't think I am going to need sound but just in case.

So, state of J, the 2022.

Now if you refresh, it has that nice little Animation there.

That's pretty cool.

Very nice.

All right.

Now, let me wonder how they did that?

Let me check that out real quick.

Okay, okay, looks like a lot of SVG animations are very nice.


That's pretty cool.

All right.

What do they make this with the site itself?

Let us see here.

Anything I can See what they use, look like Gatsby.

All right.

Which makes sense.

I mean it's not like it's a needs to be interactive really, right?

So all right, and they probably get like a lot of traffic to so it's probably just better this serve static assets and sometimes like generate all these things.

All right, cool.

So here it is.

And then after years of relative stability, many are now beginning to question the status quo.

Almost read a new, front-end Frameworks like solid and quick.

What pretty good stuff.

I think I haven't played around with them, but they seem pretty cool.

Are suggesting that react might not have all the answers after all and on the server Astro which I use a lot remix haven't done any that?

A xjs see Solid remix.

And next year yes, like require like are like writing like react kind of and I Don't so that's what I use.

Astro would like Spell components either under there among others are making us reconsider.

How much code we really need to ship to the client?

We will need all the data we can if we want to make some sense of this and in fact is a glare on my monitor here.

And in fact, this year, surveys received a massive thirty-nine thousand four hundred seventy-two responses.

Almost double last year's amount based because of this newly expanded audience, you might notice some unexpected results.

Such as some features going down, over a year going down year over year in terms of Awareness or usage, but having more data that holy crap.

But having more data can potentially mean new insights, and that's why we have developed two new ways to interact with our data set, the data Explorer, lets you cross-reference two variables.

And highlight any outlying results, while chart filters, let you filter specific charge by salary country, gender, and many other demographic variables.

We have also replaced our catch-all back in category with a more specific rendering Frameworks page and added a new video creator list to the resources section.

Finally, features and libraries questions.

Also, now have a comments pop up that lets you see what people actually think of the items mentioned in the survey, with all this out of the way.

Let us discover what JavaScript has been up to in 2022 and Sasha grief.

And then you can sign up for like notifications and then the partners.

Hey shot, surrender ATL.

I am actually going to be speaking there and I think I know I am going to talk about.

So shots of them the special support from and then all Zoe different languages that it's translated in, which is kind of amazing.

It still blows my mind to see, like, JavaScript like coding, just all over the world and seeing people speak other languages.

Coding is this it's an amazing thing.

It's a worldwide phenomenon, and I am here for it, it's amazing.

What am I doing?

What am I doing?

Oh yeah, this down here start.

Alright so they got a t-shirt support the survey with the state of JavaScript t-shirt.

Okay, so the oso this is base like a 90s visual thing.


All right, so like a retro feel that's so wild to me.

That 90's Are retro.

Now I am old.

Okay, get 29 bucks.

Plus shipping shells to Christopher Kirk Nielsen.

I guess we designed it and yeah.

Alright, so data Explorer, here we go.

Is there talking about dynamically, explore this surveys audience, what picking two questions and seeing how respondents are distributed between them?

All right, so we pick two questions.

This is a preview version of our new data Explorer.

If you find any issues or data inconsistency, please let us know is going to get Hub.

Go to GitHub, if it's called Mono repo, oh yeah, devil Graphics mono repo.

All right, so yearly salary versus years of experience Okay.

So less than one year.

I work for free which was this a to do?

So is I guess 2524 people said that they work for free and have one year less than one year.

Isn't that works?

Yeah, so the people answered, I work for free.

Those 25:24 out of that, so there's less than one year 11:07.

All right, so then this is the merging between them.


So that's why.

So, the gray boxes are I work for free?

Because there's more of that then less than one year, must be the blue boxes.

Oh, a text respondents.

Wait, 1 %.

0 1.

Is wonders, okay?

So I can't really even see these because it's not says 37, hold on.

So wait one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.

So there's ten of these.

So 30.

What 70?

So 37%, I guess out of this group, I don't know that what?

If a quick it.

Okay, here we go.

All right.

Yeah, it's kind of hard to read, okay.

So okay, overall a percent of yearly salary respondents selected I work for free, okay?

But within years of experience respondents who selected less than one year that percentage climbs to 37.9 Oh, okay, so people who work for free and have less than one year, that's 37 percent.

Okay, those extra 29.

Respondents are highly, okay?

So in between the 8% and okay.

Oh so I was kind of right.




Let us see what we got here.

So more than 200 K, not a lot of people.

Oh, well, that's with less than one year, at that.

Be wild.

If you had less than one year and you're making more than 200 K, that would be amazing.

So, the more years more should go up.

Here we go.

See ya.

Some more than 20 years, 200k.

Okay, so yeah, so you can see it's like an inverse that like yeah, if you have like, more in 20 years, you're probably not working for free.


Okay, that's cool.

So It is basically the same as formatting and it is put in the different thing.

Be cool.

If they do is to Gatsby for this, I mean there that's like generate all those pages which could be a lot, right?

I don't know.

Still get on the way this is to do.

That's cool.


So yeah, so you can kind of see like A trend that comes down like, which makes sense, because you expect the more years you put into something the more money you're going to make from it.

So it looks like a lot of people are in that 100K to 200k range, I guess, regardless of how many like years you put in That's probably a good thing to Clank plan out your whole like situation you like so don't be buying like million dollar homes because you're, you know, that can be a pay for all that I guess.

So, that's one thing I gleaned from this.


So, all right.


So that means so 5390 one people responded that the in between 100K in 200 cases, like 18% and it's weird.

Why is it is that in other countries, that they put the percentage before the number?

Or maybe it's just a guess, separate them I guess.

I don't know.




So, yeah, so okay, I am gonna keep going.

I am not trifled with some money here, so extra and Mr. Respondents the chart above aims to identify areas showing higher than expected or lower than expected values compared to a calculated Baseline.

So yeah, so, when I was starting brand-new, Yeah, I was making I like 50.

I think my first job Well, I mean, I have always been kind of coating so it would be, but professionally.

So, that's another years of experience is that professional experience?

And I have always been kind of coding.

It wasn't until like recently.

I really I am doing pretty well for my professional timeline, so that's cool.

All right.

Yeah, okay, so let us see here.

For example, assuming there are 1,000 CSS grid users and that 50 percent of survey respondents work in a large company.

You expect to find 500 CSS grid users working in large companies.

A deviation above or below that expected total could potentially indicate an interesting correlation between both variables and is highlighted on the chart.

With either colored, dots for extra, respondents above the baseline, or empty dots, for missing the respondents.


So yeah.

So they're saying that hey, if 17 percent of folks are saying like a, we make 30 to 50 k.

And when they had more than 20 years, And the only 7% that responded here.

Yeah, I guess so.

Yeah, I guess so.


All right.

So then wait, where do you select stuff?

Like, yes, I can hear Oh here you go.

See edit this.

All right, so demographics, what else can you do by?

Features libraries, libraries.

Oh interesting.

Let us see what like I said, Astro.


Let us see what's felt.

Okay, interesting.


Submit All right, calculating some stuff.

I have no clue what I am actually putting in here.


Alright, so we have Astro felt all right, so Astro So, okay would use used it would use again.

So like a percent of the people who responded used it would not use it again.

Oh, that's cool.

That's good.

So it says zero percent.

Heard of it would like to learn.

Wow, that's a lot.

Heard it not interested, okay?

And then, Never heard of it.

Not sure what it is.

Oh wow.

So there's still some kind of room for growth.

But I mean, like, 45 people said they heard of it and would like to use it.

That's cool.

Just about finding, that gets a project to use used it.

So I guess if you so this guy like me, we're I use Astro and I would use it and I use it with felt now, we use it again.

So I guess I am part of the nineteen percent of that.



I am gonna put more time into this because I am not sure if I am reading this, right?

That's so pretty cool.

That 6180, eight people said they have used felt, and we use it again.

So that's good.

And then 2644.

So maybe when people use funny is spelled has been out longer.

That's cool.

This is what I am mostly concerned about because this is me basically.

Yeah, I guess Mexicans.


So never used it would use again but not sure never heard of it.

So at 0% there, Okay.


All right.

Yeah, we're so yeah.

So I guess it's up to you to kind of like go through And see what if I just want one line?

So let us look like promise any which I think is super cool if I just do this.

They're just giving you like one line across.

Oh wait, the kept this felt but I didn't choose felt.


So I guess I have to choose two.

Okay, okay.


Yeah, I might have to come back to this, so yeah, we got demographics.

So I guess this is the chart thing.

They're saying.

So you can like look at this way.

I guess.

I kind of like the normal way so where do you could?

So a lot of people live in .90.


In Germany came in second at school.

Not a kingdom came in fourth in India.

Is there more looks like there's more here Ukraine?

All right.


Then language.

What is with this face?

Oh, if it's a person.

Okay, person donated.

Oh, that's cool.


A lot of people speak English.


I always find it fascinating that like code is written in English and it's you don't speak the understand what you're typing.

I don't know.

These are I seen like on Twitch I see is amazing to me.

Like people write like an English, but they're speaking in another language that's just find out super fascinating and super cool survey completion.

Okay, so I guess a lot of people filled out this part.

All right, fill out this survey.

Cool features.

Okay, so we got language browser, apis, and other features.

All right, cool.

Knowledge score.

I have met her, it was at a Cascadia dries shots of her.

We spoke about Cowboy Bebop big fan of Cowboy Bebop.

So, Oh, got a course.

Okay, so the okay, cool.

Let us see here.

Language, I am going to go through these real quick because I am already over.

All right.


There's a lot of information here.

Okay, I guess now as I say it's in alphabetical order but it's not but I will probably would have put like these things the data Explorer probably put later because I just got lost in that one.

So I guess if I had known as others of evidence, went directly to hear seems like the year-over-year stuff.

Cool webgl.

All right.

Look, like its kind of taken off some more.

That's good.

Good to see.

Good to see.

Let us see.


You see cool web speech, which I am kind of using right now.

10%, used it.

Cool websockets McMahon websockets custom elements kind of like web components, big fan of that.

So let us see.

All right, so more or less we learn about it.

Never heard of it.

Okay, we need to work on this.

We need to work on this.

We need to make this.


When you work on that shadow, Dom also with the web components and stuff.

Page visibility API.

I haven't got a chance to play around with this but this seems pretty cool broadcast channel.

I have actually used that before, and I am random project geolocation done that.

So a lot of people aren't like they have heard a lot of things but a lot of people aren't using a lot of these things.

Wonder what you know the web share API is pretty cool too, but I guess a lot of people aren't don't know about it.

I have used it for like a pwa.

I made time.

All right, WebEx are I am actually looking into that?


A lot of folks don't know about that.


So I may do some stuff.

Hey, I am at Carson's before in Greece and in Orlando, he came to speak in Orlando, and then we reconnected in Greece and yeah, cool guy.

He wrote the, you don't know.

JS books.

Let us check other features.

I am going way over aggressive web apps.

I am glad to see is great.

Well no it's not actually growing is actually going down but still a good amount of people know about it so that's cool.

So what are people doing there?

Like I guess it's regular stuff, I don't know.



It's like people are like hearing less and less about things.

Cool libraries.

All right, change the row.

I don't even know what all this means.

What the what Huh.


Have used so, yeah, and 2022.

We went down a little bit.

Looks like negative opinion.

So I guess it got less negative.

Then it was in 2000.


Then in 2016 Okay, okay.


How do I?

What is happening?

Okay, select the certain one.

I don't know.

It's fine.

Library tier list, I guess, cuz you have V pretty much everything like built on a v so that's cool.

Just felt very nice.

That is see that.

React and PM so, is there a pack?


Okay, let us see if there's a package thing there.

Oh, react native.

I was like, wait, what?

View pre-act?

Let us see.

Okay, so pumped Iran became Puppeteer.

So, okay, so it looks like Astros not on here.

All right, cool.

Alright, retention versus use, cool.

Another graph.

I don't understand front-end Frameworks.

Let us see what this is about.

Okay, so what we got here, so let us look at okay.

So, all right, so it's getting up there.

Very nice, glad to see, good to see you react, like it's going down view, extend, some big fan.

Stencil at Stencils not on the list.

Okay quick then hear about quick.

Oh, so I guess it's not so okay yeah because you know guys stencil.

All right Alpine Lit.


Pre-act solid.

Which we have heard about before Ember.

Who Amber?



Experience over time.

This is a pretty graph.

I like, how that looks.

It's pretty cool.

Like, one of those sand things that are the different coloured Sands in them, never mind.

Let us see.

All the negative split.


Other tools.

Cool, cool.

Wait other tools, it's have a straw in there Astro.

Oh, wow.

Welcome seem to be digging, Astro.


Or at least used it.

All right.

How happy are you with the state of front-end Frameworks?

That's cool.



Very happy neutral.

I mean, I am happy with the choices that are out there and I can choose what I like to use and use it.

That's why I like, you know, type of choice.

Let us see.

Cool rendering framework.

So this is what they're saying.

We're like the back end stuff.

So Astro should probably be in here.


Astros right there and went up cool.

Remix of heard about that went down.

Gatsby is gone down which I guess they built this site with knux these review.

Alright, next year.

Yes, so let me get this straight.

So React went down.

But next Jaso Thinkin uses.

Looks like it's staying pretty steady eleventy spoke.

It, smoke it.

Like, just released a new one, so to see it pretty much the same.

It makes sense dogosaurus.

I wow.

That's a new one.

Okay, not know.

I have heard of it before.

Where am I see?

Somebody use it.

Some of it some of you somewhere experience over time.

Cool stuff.

Cool stuff, positive negative, split cool stuff.

Tools solid start.

So, yeah, I have not played with solid fresh with Dino.

It's got like a react kind of thing.

Viets, I guess this V of the Box cause I mean, cause I think likes felt kit uses.

I think like view uses V, like a bunch of leaves me, but I guess if you're using Vite directly Quasar, I don't think I have heard a quasar Nest was like some angular stuff, quick Redwood Blitz.

All right.

I think I met the creator of Blitz Jas.

It was that render?

I think?

All right, cool.

How happy are you with the state of rendering Frameworks again?

Happy is the most that's cool.

Alright, cool testing.

Oh, I am going to go over time.

Okay, so yeah, so check it out.

There's a whole lot of stuff there.

Seems super cool.

And yeah, I gotta get back to work.

I got to finish up some stuff.

Sorry, for taking up too much time.

Yeah, going to be out of here.

Now we got one more break session and yeah so till then practical.

Look at artists website.

Lists some music, watch videos, maybe you will become a fan of the artist, but I, yeah, I think that's going to be it.

Thanks for hanging out.

I am going to leave you all with some traveling music.

This is Anthony Cruz, AKA butter.

The track is called.

Thank you.

Thanks again for hanging out.

Sorry for going over and but yeah, it's super cool to see what people are working on.

Yes, our screen share I will see y'all around till then I wish you much productivity thanks for hanging out.

You can check out the state of JS.

A link will be right next to the video and yeah, thanks again.

Y'all see you around Anthony Cruz, AKA butter.

Thank you.