Links mentioned: Details automatically generated.

Speaker is in the UK from the 9th to the 13th. They and Oh, Black Milk produced the new album Back in Black. Speaker is trying to figure out how to get photos from a link. They are talking about the music videos behind the scenes. Speaker likes them a lot.

Speaker sends Komodo I a link to the official video of Cypress Hill's "Just For Old Times Sake".

Speaker is doing interviews about Cypress Hill, the South Gate California rap group. They played thousands of shows and recorded 9 million albums. They earned a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. They sold more than 20 million records and were nominated for three Grammy Awards. Back in Black is the group's forthcoming 10th Studio project.

Speaker has not kept up with DJ Muggs' website for a while. They like the logo of the group. Speaker is sending off their friends with some traveling music. They shot the Cypress Hill and sends them a song called " butter ". Speaker has a subscription service called The Scribe.

Speaker is working on their side project. They are tired. Speaker's data is being pulled. Now they are about showing It and making sure it's in the form that Speaker wants it. Speaker needs to choose a group for the data. They have lost their stereo. They want to celebrate episode 4 2010 with Cypress Hill.

Cypress Hill's new album is out. Colorado Symphony Orchestra will play Black Sunday in its entirety on March 5th. Cypress Hill are going to Australia and New Zealand.

Speaker wants to go to Australia at some point. They would like to catch a Cypress Hill show, but they are not going to be there on that time. Speaker has just finished at home. They like the 3D modeling of Cypress Hill, certified, featuring Dem Rick. They will check out more videos later on the site. Speaker doesn't like working with Instagram.

Speaker has posted a video on Facebook and Twitter with a video of the Cypress Hill, Rock Superstar tour. They are watching Mort's board. Mort travels to Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Switzerland, the UK, and France.

Speaker thanks Anthony Cruz for hanging out.

  • episode number
  • superstar rap
  • send dogs
  • hollywood walk

Welcome back your dreams were your ticket.

I welcome back that same old place that you will the new since you hung around but those dreams every made, and they turn around.

Welcome back y'all.

So stretch is the final break session of the day.

Oh, and I am tired, so I am actually I think yes my fish.

My laundry.

So that's cool.

I am working on my side project I am at the point now where I am kind of like saving the data, and so I think I have how I want the data to use it later so it's kind of like going in between like alright saving the data making sure I have it for when I need to show it later kind of thing so but yeah but although all the stuff like saving the date is like saving the data going.

Well that works pulling the data going well.

Now she's about showing It and making sure what I am saving is what I want and in the form that I want it because it has to do with some dates and things.

And those are always, you know, dates are notoriously like difficult to deal with.

So why make sure the formatting is the way I want it.

All right, neither here nor there.

Let us talk about a group and it's funny that this, I guess, episode number is 420.

And, so I was like, well, I gotta pick a group that has a do with that.


So yeah.

So of course, I am talking about show the screen here, all right, so like I was saying What better group to celebrate episode 4 2010 with Cypress Hill, right?

So let me refresh the screen cuz I don't know if anything like faded in or Nope just shows up.

Alright cool.

So Cypress I have totally lost my stereo.

All right, so let us take a look at the website.

So they have all their social media stuff up here in the top of the left.


And then you want to sign up for our newsletter, on top, right?

All right.

And we have the menu top.

We will take a look at all that stuff there.

I will scroll down some So this is Cypress Hill.


And they got a new album out back in black and then you can listen to it here.

Looks like it goes to like, one of those like link things where you can, I guess choose your favorite streaming service or something.

All right, we got some news, cool to Cypress Hill in Colorado Symphony Orchestra to play Black Sunday in its entirety.

All that's dope.

And it's a pretty recent, I mean, we're in, March 5th.

And so, a couple of weeks ago, all right?

So I get.

So I think this site looks like it may be built on WordPress I think and so on.

So these look like they're going to blog posts.

All right, very nice.

They got some tour dates World Tour on sale.


All right going to Australia, super dope.

And again, you can see from this picture while we why I selected Cypress Hill as the for 20 episode group.

And so, a bunch of stuff in Australia, New Zealand.

I am hoping to go to Australia at some point.

What is this?

Oh, this is this month, never mind.

I was like, maybe cool to catch a Cypress Hill show, but I am not gonna be there on that time.

New Zealand, dope, and then going to Spokane Washington State.

And then that's cool, then Georgia.

And then back to California, That's cool.

Yeah, they're like a big gap in between because the travel must be so much.

Yeah, I am saying, like it's got to be a lot.

So from the first, they do the show and then come back whenever.

But the next one is into a 20th.

So, They give you all the tour.

Dates will take a look at that later.

All right, so they have this video here, so they featured, it's all amounts of check it out, right?

So this is Cypress Hill featuring emmerich, the track is called certified.

Oh, and parental advisory also just in case.

So here we go.

Cypress Hill, certified, featuring Dem Rick, here we go.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I am sorry.

All right.

All right, very nice.


Very cool.

I like the, like, the 3D modeling.

So the 3DO I wonder.

Did they have to like track the order it is had like random people in for standing in for the movements and stuff under the interesting, I will check out more videos later on the site.

So we got the store here.

All right, cool, very nice.

It goes to a new site.


So two different sites, one for the us and one for the EU, which is smart and but the yeah they go to other websites.

It's not on here Instagram.


Although it looks like they had a plug-in for Instagram, and Instagram is terrible to try and work with, at least in my own personal experience has been terrible.

I don't even like working with it.

And so yeah, did not return it to 100, so that's broken.

All right.


Then we're the bottom.

All right.

So, let us take a look at news.

Just finished at home.

All right.


So same thing we spoke about before.

Okay, we got rock superstar.

Remember that is the version of The Rock Superstar rap Superstar live at NASCAR Clash at the Coliseum.

If you want your NASCAR The Clash though.

That's not like what you supposed to be doing, right?

Is supposed to be driving in circles.

Don't want too many clashes.


Let us see.

So let us take a look.

Let us see if this has like assuming you will have the video embedded.

So let us take a look at what that looks like.


All right.

So it is there something.

Look at that.

Check it out.

So the Cypress Hill, Rock Superstar, again, parental advisory so, you want to be Wait.

You can show the post to Facebook or Twitter.

All right.


So, that was news that we get tour.

We got going on here.

See if there's anymore there.

What was shown that?

Like the background picture is changing.

So, it kind of shows, all right?

Or you're only like four different pictures like them rocking lie.

All right, so again, we got Australia bunch of time.

New Zealand, couple times.

All right.

So there are Mort's more dates.

Okay, so they go to Canada and some places and some other states.

And then back to the UK, Switzerland, and France.

Very nice.

That's going to be like, I mean I don't know how they rock or whatever but like so you're in Switzerland, Like one day.

And then the next day, you're in France and you're rocking.

And then he like abandoned everything like wow, dedication.

I was cool with his board Mastery.

So from the 9th to 13th, And the United Kingdom with that is, that's cool.

All right, also, notice that some of these, you get like VIP packages, which is interesting and it's like that using bands in town to put all this stuff on the site.

All right, cool.

Let us take a look at the shop.

No shot goes into a new website and then that music Alrighty.

So this is the new album Back in Black so let us take a look at that.

See what it looks like.

So that's the thing.

I don't there's no way of listening to the tracks on the website.

And Oh, Black Milk produced it.

Okay, very nice but nothing really dopa producer out of Detroit, remember correctly.

So but wait, how do you even?

Oh, I guess you lose here and it goes again to one of those links and have old stuff there.

All right.


So that was music signal.

Get photos.

All right, what's all this in one of the backgrounds?

All right, cool.

So I click this, is it, okay?

Oh, that's a nice little animation, okay, opens up.

Very nice.


All right, I think that shirt on send dogs needs us the Seoul assassins, So Dope crew out of Cal.

Let us see, it's a little part of Seoul says, the crew.

I think.

DJ Muggs is a part of it, not sure but don't group?

All right, it'd be nice if those like live photo.

Oh never mind.


So it's a whole other section.

I was just about to say it'd be cool to know they do great shows and the cool to see them rocking lot.

Like I said they have a cab and everything super dope All right.

All right.

Very nice.

Very cool.

And then again, for 20 episodes 4, 20, I chose correctly looks like All right, that's dope.


Okay, cool.

So they break it down.

So music videos behind the scenes.

That's dope and interviews.


So we saw this video.

Really cool.

If it actually said like the name of the videos, They go back, okay.

I think this is Dr. Greenthumb, that's a great song.

Let us see.

Wow, they're going back.

Insane in the membrane.

Insane in the brain.

Where's this one?

They went.

Oh, they went back.

All right cool.

You know what just For Old Times Sake?

Well, listen to insane in the brain So if I click this order will happen, will it show up in this video?

Or will it open a new window or if you like a modal thing on spine now?

Okay, Komodo I.

So this is insane in the brain, and I was right?

Cypress Hill.

The official video like I came up on this track.

I remember seeing it all the time on TV, so I here we go.

Oh principal by 3 Again lyrics.

Here We Go.

Will you try to get crazy with ese?

Don't you know, I am Loco.

They have like somebody to like before going on stage and stuff.

Yeah, it'd be cool if you could see again.

Let us also has ensured, okay, I guess they are Parcels.

That makes sense, but if you see you like what the actual title of it is, you should be able to pick that up from you to because like a YouTube like Plug-In or something.

All right, interviews.

Oh, am I?

I am over in time.

All right, cool.

Alright cool, very nice.

You have a good time.


They're all like YouTube videos.

All right, and then a band.

So I was like an about or something.

All right, here we go.

So we have one.

All right, for every number, very nice Mission DJ Muggs, of course, and dog be real bubble.

All right, Cypress Hill, shifts culture, the South Gate California rap, group Champion, cannabis before he became for it before, because before it became fashionable assured.

In a genre shifting Sonic, tapestry performed.

Thousands of shows at a time when rappers were having a hard time getting booked for live gigs and helped pave the way for rappers.

So you Spanish in their Rhymes along the way, Cypress Hill earned a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

So more than 9 million albums.

Yeah, and were nominated for three Grammy Awards.

I think I thought I read somewhere, maybe this is older but I could have sworn.

I saw some of they sold, like, more than like 20 million records of something.

So, Shout out to them.

And so yeah.

So Back in Black, the group's forthcoming 10th Studio project.

Very nice.

Very cool.

And so, let us take a quick look in the see, one of these were the profile Pages.

Look like Also, there's not information about them, it just kind of like, all right, here's the official website.

All right.

Okay cool.

But wonder what it says about I am pretty sure DJ Muggs is still a part of the group, right?

I have not kept up with anything, okay?


So, okay, so he left for a little bit knees back, okay?

Because I felt like there's some time in between, all right, very nice, very cool website.

I always like the logo, I have no clue what it looks like a skull with the marijuana joint on the forehead.


I am assuming with school and like, there's like the globe I think on the back and it's like, it's so like north south east west compass.

Very nice, very nice.

All right, cool, I will get your back to work.

And now this being the final break session, that means that the last work session is going to be an hour long that way you can finish up what you're working on and finalize things and get into a good stuff in space.

All right, so I guess I shot the Cypress Hill so such a dope group who got to see them?

Still do anything.

All right.

Yeah, so I am gonna send you all off with some traveling music.

This is me get ready?

Share my screen.

So I send you all off with some traveling music and this is if this would select cool.

This is Anthony Cruz, AKA butter, the track.

It's called, thank you.

Thanks again for hanging out.

See you all next week, check out schedule.

Not called schedule, I call it.

I have got one called pretty sure schedule.

And now have all the yes, subscribe, it's called The Scribe.

You'd think I would have made it or something.

So, under, subscribe has all the upcoming ciphers and then you can subscribe to get notified when we go live.


So again, thanks for hanging out, is Anthony Cruz.

AKA butter, thank you.

Alright, see you later bz piece.
