Links mentioned: Details automatically generated.

De La Soul's goal was 110,000 but they surpassed it to 600,000. De La Soul lost. Speaker will be back in 3 hours.

They are talking about hip-hop music. Speaker pays tribute to AK Dave, who passed away recently.

Speaker wants to listen to the album Nobody by De La Sol, but first they need to check if it's already available on streaming services. They also want to check out the singles. Speaker played on the radio show to pay respects to True going past away. They watches Lost Soul's official announcement. Speaker is looking for the album "De La, Soul" by Dallas. They want to stream something that's not on their official page. They have a video and a certificate to provide online job training.

Speaker is going to buy all their music again on their website. They have been together since 1989. They were consistent from 1989 to 2004.

Speaker finished all the post radio show stuff and now they are working on their side project. Dave from De La Soul passed away last week. They are going to release their new album on March 3rd.

Speaker found out from the website that all their albums will be available for streaming on March 3rd. De La Soul's website is DeLaSoul. Com. Speaker is copying and pasting the link to their website. They are looking at the discography of a band. The first album from 1989 went platinum. Speaker doesn't know about the other ones. They do a lot of Classics and new music.

Speaker likes hip-hop music. Their player doesn't work, so they can't access the discography. The pre-orders are for streaming services. Speaker informs that the physical copies of the album are available for download. If they give money to the Kickstarter, they get a t-shirt for the album and they can subscribe to their newsletter. Speaker is trying to figure out why the player stopped playing. They are listening to De La Soul.

Speaker thanks everyone for hanging out and wishes them productivity.

  • break session
  • platforms
  • online
  • final work session

Welcome back your dreams were, you're welcome back, same old place.

But those dreams have remained Welcome back.

All right, Lee.

Okay to stretch it out.

My back is feeling a little bit better but yeah, you know, it's not going to stop me.

I finished all the post radio show stuff, so that's good.

And now, I will be able to spend the rest of the day.

Pretty much working on this side project, so feeling pretty good about it, feeling pretty good about it.

All right, so let us Take a look at artists website, a list of music.

Watch the videos, what have you?

And this one kind of hurts because found out last week.

Like during these streams that true Joy, a plug to AKA Dave from De La Soul passed away.

And it, it really sucks and because I have the way I found out, Out was that I saw them trending.

It was like a during a break session and I saw them trending on Twitter, they lost soul, and I was like, oh I wonder if because recently they just got like all like the rights to their music so that they can put them on streaming platforms now and actually make money from their music, right?

So everything is set to be released on March 3rd because earlier in the year, like, in January, they met, they announced like, March 3rd like 33 because their whole there's three of them.

They have a song called the magic number, which is 3 as like this whole three thing, right?

And so it's coming up March 3rd and all their albums on all streaming platforms and so it's like a big deal, and so I thought maybe something like that, maybe they're like a new album or something, right?

And then I clicked it and found out that true going, the dove passed away.

And so, I figured take a look at the website, you know, and because it was cool because it's going to be like the first time, the music like their albums were available for streaming.

And so like a whole new generation of people will possibly be able to awesomeness.

That is a lost soul.

And, you know, but, you know, so I don't know, but yeah.

So let us take a look at the website.

Let me see here.

Start screen, share.

This one definitely want to include the audio.

Alright, here we go.

So their website is, we are De La

Let me copy that and put that in the list of Link's.

So I don't forget later.

All right, so it's going to be right next to the recorded video, if you want to check it out, Let me refresh the page.

I remember there's like an animation or anything like that.

Nope, that loaded pretty quickly for the large image in the background.

All right, so yes, so they lost soul Got the Music Tour videos shop newsletter the top and all these different Social Media stuff.

So cool.

All right.

I didn't notice this thing.

Bounces back and forth.


Alright so scroll down.


Things like a load in.

They fade in cool.

So you can see they have abso the first album which went platinum.

I don't know about the other ones.

I am really check by now the first album from 1989 went platinum.

But yeah.

So you can kind of see like the discography here, and they have other stuff outside of this.

So they have done other.

But these are like their official like we put these things out.

That's cool, it wraps around.

All right, that's cool.

All right.

I remember this one.

All right, but yeah, they have a lot of dope, do a lot of Classics.

You're mean.

And they always the they like dared to like be themselves, you know.

And make all sorts of like, new interesting type of music, which, you know, I appreciate that.

So, I mean, yeah, they really Like how did I can impact on me with hip-hop?

You know I am saying like them being able to do what they want to do?

Black be who they are?

You mean like that was always kind of dope to me and for some reason this player isn't working anymore.

Okay, that's weird.

All right.

I look like my internet.

Maybe down or something.

I am not sure.

I will keep it moving.

All right, let us see.

So yeah.

So that's the discography there.

And then here's some more things that you can purchase like that but I can set.

All right.

Oh, so I thought.

Okay, so yeah, so these pre-orders I guess these are like the actual like streaming services.

Like for like downloads you have to download them and these are the physical ones.

Okay, cool.

So for their Kickstarter.

I had an if you gave some money to the kickstarter the certain level, you got a t-shirt for the album.

I got it somewhere.

It's a bright yellow shirt.

I got somewhere.

I gotta go check it out when I so you can buy other shirts you know, and cassettes and CDs.

We got some videos.

All right.

So take a look at that.

And they have got the tour dates open one of these.

You know, they go to different pages.

Look like, okay.

And you can subscribe to their newsletter.

All right.

Very cool.

So, let us take a look at some videos and listened some songs.

All right, here we go.

Why is this not playing?

Give me a second here.

I got to try figure this out.

Why did that player stop?

That is weird.

Okay, I think it's back.

All right, that was weird.

Okay, let us just check out.

A song.

So this is the magic number.

Like I was mentioning before 3:00, so De La Soul, the magic number checks out Orville, open up like in a modal window.

Let us see.

Yeah, it does very nice.

Three monkeys doing hip-hop.

Rock and roll.

Unless your name's Bruce because Bruce doesn't translate magic in the air.

Stop looking That song is so good.

That song is so good.

Um, yeah.

Okay, let us do something else.

Here we go.

Ones this one.

Okay, I know this one is the lightest saw.

It will check this out.

Here we go.

I know they lost soul.

Greetings girl, and welcome to my world of Breda.

Like I said, back in the day, z80 about 21.

Cos Theta wife is on the map, hip-hop love.

This is a one-man sport.

May I cut in?

But Jenny's, I reckoned with lost the more like a homework, excuse this time.

The magic number is too because it takes to, well, I probably should mention that.

This is true going.

The dove plug to AK Dave.

The one that passed away recently.

So yeah, that's it sucks.

And so, but yeah, but I mean music lives on and like it's going to be on streaming platforms that be able to hopefully like I said, reach more people, and people can appreciate, you know, this other and like That this stuff was like in like the 80s 90s.

You know, I mean and like the sound at that time was not this and so for them to come out and do something like so different and just being themselves and having fun, it just like it really struck a chord with a bunch of people that you can be yourself in hip-hop and enjoy it and have a good time and stuff.

So yeah.

So this is the lyric video for this one, so we won't check that out.

But let us see.

What else?

Well that's cool.

Oh so it just rotates those three.

All right, so let us take a look at music.

Those are good new page.

All right.

So we listen to some songs over there.

Let us check out.

De La Soul is dead their second album 491.

And so kids was a pre-order.

So if I go to the pre-order page, all right takes me to the store Page.

All right.


But didn't actually take me to like and then I can listen to.

So if I click this, This, let me listen to some tracks.


No, right, no.


All right.



So it open in a new window.

So here we are.

Alright, so I guess there's No place to actually, okay.

Oh yeah, this does listen.

This was listened.

Pre-order, pre-order, pre-order, pre-order, pre-order, pre-order.


But these to say, listen.

All right, here we go.

Let us check this one out.

Open in a new window.

Oh, okay.

So I guess these are already on Streaming services.

It looks like all right.


What if it's good?

That maybe I think these were on, like, a separate label that they created, I think so.

Yeah, I think the later ones, All right.

So that's why.

Yeah, that's why these this was the album that they're doing a Kickstarter for and the anonymous.

Nobody by De La Sol.


OK again it goes to this thing.

All right, I wish I could like just listen to it from the actual website.

All right, maybe singles, let us see.

Listen, the singles, it does that again.

Okay, nevermind.

Alright, sure.

I guess we will look at.

I get the YouTube or something to check out some other stuff.

All right.

Yeah, okay, so we will go ahead and just Check out the YouTube, this is some, so we played some tracks on the radio show.

I mean, anytime I get some new dick, I can't screw this a time.

I get some new day, lost soul stuff.

You know, like, I always played on the radio show, but to kind of pay respects to True going.

We played like two joints and so by probably listen to them here also, but if they're on, they're on their YouTube channel, they might not be on their YouTube channel.

But so here is the announcement.

So the day is fine.

Here, they lost soul official announcement.

So this is like I said, just like a month ago and so when I saw them trending on Twitter, I would like oh cool, maybe some more information and it was just a terrible news that true going past away.

But all right, so we're gonna watch this real quick, so I was like, 15 seconds.

All right, so full screen this.

And here we go.

He's even like, still with like the flowers and stuff.

Yeah, I am saying like the daisy age.

That's just good stuff.

Okay, here we go.

I can't string Builder soul.

I can stream the ellipse whole.

I can't swim down, so I can stream Dallas all over the day is finally here.

And that's it.

That's kind of funny.

So, yeah.

So March 3rd more De La, Soul stuff.

All right.

So let me see here.

Do they have.

Okay, so they have See if the one I am looking for the album if it's on here up, didn't mean to do that.

Okay, I am looking for the aoi joints, that's not here.


First serve.

That was a really good project to.

Let us see.

I don't have it here, hmm.

Yeah, cuz I want to stream something that's not on their official page.

But let me see here, this one was a good song.

So the memory of us featuring Estelle, this is a really good one.

So let us take a listen to this, but they have a video.

Yeah, let us check out the video.

And of course, is another certificate to provide online job training, that's fast and flexible learn at your own pace.

So many pop-ups.

All right, so, there's like an intro.

Let me get to the actual song.

Sounds of Pete Rock.

Here we go.

It's really nice song.

Here we go.

But you know what?

Let me go to the part that has Dave on their, he's such a gifted MC.

Coming up, here we go.

Alright, let us check this out.

So that's Dave.

All right.

Let us go right now.

Start, here we go.

Erase the bitter past.

I ain't Kissin ass.

I bought you everything.

You're pretty fake fit in what you were hired to find steering wheels.

Fearing, you drop an n****.

Crazy, told you grow up.

Bits and pieces.

But yeah.

We go.

So yeah.

So our IP, Dave egg, a plug to AKA true going the Dove.

And yeah.

So I am going to go and I can purchase everything on their website, you know, I mean I already have like the physicals, so I am just going to go through and just buy all their stuff again.

Just I mean, its great music and it kind of support and hopefully it gets out there to more people.

So yeah.

Can you guys just seems like from 1989 91-93?

96 2000 2001, and they're super consistent 2004 and then there's like a whole time in between I think when they're going through their issues with like trying to get this a bit there's still like torian doing shows and doing like side projects so putting stuff out your mean, but then they did their Kickstarter.

It's like hey would y'all want to support us?

And they made like I think their goal was like 110,000 that I think they like surpassed that to like 600,000 or something like that and it's just yeah.

But yeah.

So yeah.

So they lost.

So I mean and amazing talent and forever a fan, so De La Soul forever kind of thing.

So I am going to get you all back to work.

This is the final break such this is the final break session as we lead into the final work session and those are typically like an hour long so that way you can finish up what you want to work on.

And yeah, so I am going to finish up my stuff going to like stretch up.

My back would like walk around and stuff.

Try to get this thing.

Worked out, start some laundry, but be back in like three hours, you know, again, you can always check out in the top right corner where it says, subscribe, it has all the upcoming ciphers so you can subscribe to get notified when we go live.

Alright, so, thanks again, for hanging out.

Let us send you all for this traveling music.

Hopefully, this time has been productive for you.

And yeah thanks again for hanging out.

See you around and yeah wish you much productivity alright see you later.

This is new Jabez featuring a Pawnee be the check is called thank you.

All right, thanks again.

Y'all see you around, you know, busy and peace.