Links mentioned: Details automatically generated.

Speaker works in the telecommunications industry. They are finishing up the web development survey 2023 from net. They put a link to the actual survey. Speaker is going to get back to work. They are going to get back to work and send a new Jabez featuring a binding upon EB.

Speaker is a developer advocate. Next Compressible, when composable architecture is a modern approach to building their go cool to building and managing websites.

Speaker uses Firebase for a lot of their projects. They also use them for their photo-sharing projects.

Speaker works on B2B consumer software, documentation. They are about news entertainment, politics activism, social media streaming, meet streaming media.

Speaker keeps logs on one of their projects. They don't know how many users were intended to serve, but they know them use it. Speaker is interested in modern websites and how often they incorporate them into their organization's work. They use Google Cloud, Cloudflare, Dino Deploy and some other video streaming services. They don't do too much AWS or Azure hosting. They use some CMS tools.

Speaker wants to continue using some of the tools they have heard about. They have heard of Adobe experience manager, Agile Builder, Decap Drupal, Przemek, Sanity, Squarespace, Webflow and Wicks heard of them. They discuss e-commerce platforms. Speaker is thinking about e-commerce as their next project. Square, Square. Com, Squarespace, stripe, woocommerce, Shopify and others are being used to build websites this year.

Speaker uses the following front-end Frameworks: angularjs, orange, angular backbone, lit. Js, stencil spelt, svelte view cut and Web components.

Speaker used the following rendering frameworks or site generators: Ness, Start, Remix, View, and Press. They used the following CSS Frameworks in the last year: Bootstrap, Bulma, material icss, tachyons and half moon. Speaker's next project would have them thinking of sites they have worked with in last 12 months and service technology they have used. Firebase functions are under Google Cloud function. Speaker is not using Edge.

Speaker doesn't work at an agency. They had an internship in an agency after boot camp. Speaker turned down a job offer because they got another offer.

Speaker has been working in the industry for many years. They believe that experience can be measured in distance.

Speaker doesn't do much crypto norweb, three, low code, no code tools, not so much metaverse. They have a side project that would use some Ais stuff, but they need to get access to it first.

Speaker is working on a project for Yemen. The project uses AI to take the recording of break sessions and summarise it. Speaker likes how they have Astro there. They want to see how they react to angular WordPress sanity.

Speaker is working on their side project. They need to pass a function to make sure it works. Speaker wants to talk about a survey they saw on Twitter. They believe in letting people's voice be heard. They will post a link to the Twitter link so people can check it out. Speaker is going to take the annual web development survey. They invite web developers to take part in the 2023 web development survey. The deadline for the survey is unknown. Speaker encourages people to skip optional questions in the survey. They like these surveys because they don't know everything about everything.

Speaker has a goal to work on some stuff and they are working on. They like doing surveys because sometimes there will show things that they are not aware of and they will make a mental note to check later.

Speaker thanks them and will see them around.

  • web development
  • closest match
  • current status
  • communities hacker news method
  • boot camp
  • actual site
  • bullet points
  • tools decrease code quality
  • web projects
  • material icss

Welcome back, your dreams were your ticket out, welcome back.

That same old place that you will then, but those dreams everything, and they turn around.

Welcome back.

All right, give it a stretch.

Oh yeah.

Oh yeah.

Oh yeah.


So I think that little side project that I want to try and get done pretty much done.

I just need to pass In a certain function, I set up like the node server so it works, so I am getting back what I want.

I think the pass in this one thing to make sure it all works and so yeah, just real quick.

I am gonna get that done like soon so that'd be good.

Now be able to work on my actual side project.

I have been meaning work on.

So yeah.

All right.

So wanted to talk about this thing that I saw on Twitter and maybe we will just kind of go through it, and yeah.

So, Something I find interesting because I am the type of person that believes in, you know, letting your voice be heard.

And so anytime there is like a survey or whatever, especially like with web development, I am like, hey mi will take it, you know, and get your voice heard in the process.

I think you mean put in your two cents, and so I am going to post a link to the Twitter so you can check that out.

We're going to take a look.

Look at this survey.

From net.

Le fi the fourth annual web development survey is here.

And so this year we're asking you to weigh in on hot topics like chat gbt and other AI /ml tools, Loco, /, no code, tools and web three, and then have a link to take the survey.


So I figured not going to necessarily take the survey but just kind of go through it and show you the type of questions on there so you if you so choose can fill it out yourself.

All right, so Let us go ahead and take a survey.

I know I didn't have to like quick, the actual take the survey I just have it as like oh there's a button there and click that.

Okay, So, here it is.

Web development survey 2023.

So introduction.

Thanks for taking part in the 2023 web development survey, every answer you give is appreciated, our goal is to give every web developer a sense of where the industry is now and where is going in the next year.

This survey is for and by the community.

So we will be sharing the results for free with everyone.

Once the survey is complete.

I am not sure they say when the deadline is Not sure.

So hopefully when you see this hopefully it still up and going.

Let us see.

So yeah.

So there are six between 16 and 24 question.

Depending on what you answer, we sometimes have follow-up questions, as you should take from 7 to 12 minutes.

Now eerily nearly every question is optional.

So feel free to skip questions if you're not sure what to answer the survey is anonymous unless you choose to give us an email for follow-up questions at the end.

All right?

And what another reason I like these is because sometimes like I don't know, everything about everything.

Specially the web, there's so much stuff happening.

And a lot of times I am just so focused on like either work or my like side projects that sometimes things just kind of Pass Me By because I am just working.

I have a goal to work on some stuff, right?

I have something I am working on and I like these surveys because sometimes there will show things that I am not aware of, and I am like, oh, I will take like a mental note and like, oh okay, let me check that out later.

See, maybe you will feel fit in my grand scheme of side projects.

So yeah, that's another reason I like doing these.

All right, so question number one, Which of these job titles.

Best describes the work you do.

If your job has changed.

Recently pick the closest match to your current Rule and so there's content, producer, designer developer back-end developer front-end developer full-stack, Dev ops manager, executive /, business owner and other specify.

So I wonder as a developer.

Advocate would I choose other maybe but I do like, I just I work on stuff in the back end and the front end.

Well then I guess I will be full stack or something but it's not like I am that's all I do.

You're on.

I mean, so, Neither here nor there.

Alright, then I am not answering these now just thinking out loud.

What's your employees that employment status?

If your status change within the last 12 months, pick your current status.

Oh, I can't wait for retirement.

Even though I don't think I will actually ever be like retired.

I am always going to be doing stuff so, so I am kind of like, only the student but not in the classical sense.

But I am full time, so yeah.

Here we go.

How useful do you find these sources for improving your technical knowledge, Blue Sky?

That's, that's brand-new right.

So, I guess it will be interesting to see where this comes up.

That's the new Social Network that you need private.

You need like an invitation to get into it.

So, it'd be interesting to see how this fairs in the results.

In bootcamps, div dot, t-- o-- discourse like communities Hacker News method on stack Overflow, Tick-Tock twitch Twitter, YouTube.

I like how they're in alphabetical order, others, please specify.

All right, cool.

So, how do you rank those things?

As sources of information for improving your technical knowledge.

All right, cool.

All right, here we go.

About your job, tell us about your role and experience.

Do you work at an agency?

Again, if this answer has changed in the last 12 months pick the current answer.

So, no, I don't work in an agency and these are cool.

Random little side tangent here.

When I was right out the boot camp, I had an internship that I got from like just, you know, networking and being around at a really super cool agency because I thought, During the boot camp that I was like agency work seems dope, especially this one where I got it.

They were doing a lot of cool stuff they're doing stuff like Cartoon Network and here's a really cool brand stuff and but I got another job offer the action paid so you know which one I went with all right?

But so yeah so that would be like a no for me, and I was like a long time ago, how many years of experience relevant to your current role?

Do you have?

We are interested in know how many years you have been working?

Thing with websites.


So now so your thing is, Experience for me, can't really be measured in years, you know, I mean, it's kind of like trying to measure like light speed.

Like in you know I am saying light-years you know saying like it's trying bike, light years isn't actual years, it's a measurement of distance.

Like how far you got that?

Feel the same way can buy like experience.

So someone who like puts in the work like every day just to just add it, I feel is gonna have more experience in somebody who just kind of did like 12 hours your, I mean that's kind of like this, you know, maybe watching the video we're not actually doing anything but actually, if your Coordinate.

So that's the way I feel about experience neither here nor there but put whatever.

All right, cool.

Did you do industry trends?

How much have the site's you have worked on in the last 12 months?

Use any of the Technologies below?

I don't do much crypto norweb, three, low code, no code tools, not so much metaverse, not really.

Now I have a side project in mind, that would use some Ais stuff, but I am waiting to get access on something before I go ahead and do that.

So it's like a quick project.

This is like Quick.

You know what's funny?

This actual site uses I guess AI to, because the recorded videos, they get summarized by from a company called symbol symb L.A twirl.

You know what?

Let me just, I am just gonna put the link since I am talking about it symbol that AI.

But this actual very site until it got works.

Is using symbols AI.

To take the recording of these break sessions and like kind of like gives a summary some like key points, like bullet points and even like the transcription of what I am saying.

And so yeah, so I guess this project here you just maybe I have another one that I think is going to be pretty cool and by Yemen's waiting on access to something.

So All right, cool.

So yeah, so I guess I have something with the machine learning drink, all right, cool.

But then they also have as far as like your Like how much you have used it or not, or whatever, so you can answer all of them.

I like how they have Astro there, shouts Astro, and svelte nice.

Yeah, it's Mother's.

That's pretty dope.

See how I react angular WordPress sanity.

I think next eleven P contentful.

Next Gatsby remix View and astral.

Look at me, I know Milo goes.

Okay let us see.

Okay MLA I you mentioned you have used I didn't mlra.

I so we have a few follow-up questions I never said that but let us go out and build anything in what ways do you think ml / AI can improve your workflow?

Or the sites, you build?

What I am waiting on is, like things kind of like how GitHub copilot X promises to be, to where it has context of your code and as you're writing stuff, you can ask it.

Certain things like, hey, write unit tests for this block of code or what have you, and it can do it, because it has the thing, Or maybe like if you're getting into typescript and you want to write the types, you like all right here is like this data here, right?

The types for this for me, you know, I mean things that thing that you don't want to do And, so I think that would be kind of cool.

So maybe like faster time-to-market improving productivity.

Oh that's of users of my sites.

Never mind.

Yeah automating manual boilerplate work for me.

Yeah so like that?

I think that'd be pretty cool.

All right, either.

They're all right.

What risks do you think are posed by the adoption of ml /?

AI tools decrease code quality we can confidential data that is a big one and I think that's been happening already.

People are putting stuff in like I guess like it was it chat CBT or even like the copilot stuff.

I think that was kind of leaking some stuff as well, but I don't know.

Being replaced in my job.

I am not really again.

I am a developer advocate so unless these things can like start giving bike presentations and talks and workshops, then maybe lack of Regulation.


That could be a problem.

All right.

Next Compressible, when composable Widow, composable architecture is a modern approach to building their go cool to building and managing websites.

That brings together modular technologies that build on each other to create a stack.

Can I guess Jam stack maybe kind of thing?

For example, a hosting provider, a CMS and a database-as-a-service composed to build a website.

So I guess using different like, Open.

He's I guess.

What have you?

And then they all kind of come together to do that.

All right, that's cool.

So but I guess if you use like, see a lot of times I use like Firebase, I use Firebase because it has everything that I need.

You know, like I said, with the hosting, the database authentication, you can do like little like server stuff.

You know I am saying with what?

We call it functions.

And so yeah.

So anytime I need like a product.

That has everything, I will do that.

But if it's something Like I have the Poise tough to never fight before and it was dope.

Like everything was there that I need but if I like the product, the main side project I am working now is like I use stuff from like photo-sharing so like Claudia nari, so I am using iCloud, Ranieri for Stuff.

But, Yeah, see ya.


Yeah, I kind of I guess it all depends on the project for me so that's composable wig.


Alright barriers to composable.

What barriers have preventing?

You switch to composable sites.

So not enough resources.

Lack the right technical Talent.

See I am I guess I am had to look more into composable web.

That one, make sure I understand it before I start answering questions on a survey about it.

A cultural shift is needed first.



Migration poses too much risk.

Then so I hear ya.


So I guess switching from one of your old sites or your current site to that.

A lot of times I just try new stuff out on new projects and ever really change.

Previous project is like once I am done I am pretty much done with it but okay.


Again I will have to look more into composable web stuff.

And then compose will follow up.

What benefits have you seen when building composable sites versus Legacy architectures?


So higher productivity faster, time-to-market higher customer satisfaction improved site performance cost.

Savings ability to customize / personalized ability to use best-in-class tools, competitive differentiation other.

All right.

Making websites.

Tell us about the site's you work on.

All right.

What is the purpose of the site?

You work on B2B consumer software, documentation.

Somehow work on documentation, I guess, education like we're my workshop stuff.

And those enterprise software, they use our stuff btb as well.

Internal tools.

Yeah, definitely.

I am about news entertainment.

Got me my own personal blog portfolio, retail.

And that's much politics activism social media streaming, meet streaming media like this right now.

Government, no games.

No, okay, How important are the you how important our users in the following environments for the sites we work on.

So desktop browsers, desktop browsers.

Yeah, yeah.


Pretty important.

Tablets other large format mobile devices.


Bones and other small format.

Yeah, and pretty much.

Yeah, device-specific not so many watches or iot even though I want to get into that device specific browsers.

You know, I have never really done much with that.

Cool think of the sites you worked on in the past in the last 12 months.

How many users were intended to serve?

I don't even know because my sights I don't like have tracking on them, so I don't know.

I know I use it.

I don't know about like other people but I get you side of it, so I don't know, but it's funny.

I keep one of my projects.

Like it has logs on there because it's a distributed site.

So it's distributed in different, like servers all over the place, and so I can see like the logs of I guess it's like we're like a response or something happened.

Because it will tell me like the response times.

And I know I am not using it because it has stuff like in Europe, like Asia.

Like in the west coast like all over the place I am when I do use it I look is u.s.

East or some like that and there's stuff like I am like, so I don't know if people are using it.

I get I don't care about that so if you find using it cools which of these aspects of modern websites, do you have opinions on?

When which of these aspects of modern websites, you have site hosting Okay, I don't know.

Content Management Systems, e-commerce platforms.

Web framework CSS framework, surveillance technology mono, repo tools.

All right, site hosting o is going to go through them joints.

So thinking of the websites, your organization as a whole works on, how often do they incorporate these Services?

Whether or not you are personally involved in using them, there are many ways to build deploy, maintain and host, Web projects thinking of the last 12 months.

Have you used any of the following services and do you continue to using them and do you want to continue using them?


Okay, so now like that project is a summer before I use Dino Deploy on that.

So, Google Cloud stuff.


There's like no, well, I guess Firebase would maybe go under Google Cloud.


Cloudflare, I have done some stuff cloudflare.

I don't think is hosting.

It was like some other video streaming stuff.

Don't do too much AWS stuff.

Yeah, there's like no Firebase, interesting.

All right.


And that look like as well.

And then some stuff with Azure, but it was like, hitting their apis, not like hosting or anything and way back in the day WordPress, Okay, CMS tools, there are also great a great many ways to update and manage content on Web projects.

Some of which help you build your site as well thinking again and of the last 12 months.

Have you used any of these tools and you want to continue using them?

I have heard about Adobe experience manager.

I don't think it's in my I got paid monthly for Adobe and like Photoshop, but I don't think Adobe experience manager comes with that.

I think I have heard of agility Builder.

I owe it all to the good people at quick butter.

CMS I think I have seen that one content full of seen that content stack.

Not sure Decap Drupal.

I know about Drupal.


Sounds familiar ghost.

Yes, notion haven't read anything but I have heard of it, przemek heard of it.

Sanity heard of it, sitecore her bit Squarespace heard of it, strappy heard of it, webflow heard of it, nibali heard of it, Wicks heard of it WordPress and WordPress headless.

When I first started WordPress, it was just Yes, and then I started doing like, the Headless stuff.

What was it?

A cacfp action, some control forms.

That lets you basically turn your site into like an API.

So you able to pull stuff directly from it, from any front end.


Is it something cool?

All right, e-commerce platforms.

You indicate that you have opinions about e-commerce platforms that I didn't?

But okay, last 12 months, which of these are all right?

If you heard Big Cartel ever heard of Bigcommerce bold Commerce, not sure Magento.

Is now.

Adobe Commerce, they bought.

Okay, PayPal Salesforce Sjogren's.

That's a cool name.

Well, I think I have heard that Shopify shop, where snip cart?

I have heard Square.

Yes, Squarespace, yes, stripe, the text.

Maybe the woocommerce, see I like this because it kind of gives me like oh there's these other options I can kind of like check him out.

All right because I think I am going to my next like overall project is going to involve some sort of like e-commerce like some subscriptions stuff.

So yeah we're pretty boring.

So we go it's on talking about you knew you were going you knew we were going to ask.

There are so many ways to build sites this year.

We split them.

Into Frameworks that are focused on front-end concerns and rendering Frameworks sometimes called meta Frameworks which are focus on the backhand or static generation.

That makes sense because there's a lot of now, thinking of the last 12 months, how much do you use the following front-end Frameworks?

And you continue want to continue using them.

Now, some are angularjs really but angular, plus orange, angular backbone, not so much lit.

Quite a bit Priya.

Not so much quick.

I want to get into it but I have not had a chance to react not so much.

Well kind of for like Workshop stuff, but that's much solid Jays.

Haven't got a chance.

Stencil big fan of stencil spelt big fan of svelte view cut.

There we go.

Web components.

That's what I am talking about.

Web components.


All right.

Do, do, do.

Cool thing.

About 12 months.

How much did you use the following rendering Frameworks or site generators?

And do you want to continue using them?

So like eleventy Astro big fan of Astro dogosaurus?

I have heard of that but I use that maybe um yeah that's me for that grid.

Some heard of that Hugo for that Jekyll Ness.

Ness is like the metal framework for angular.

They have a cool logo.

Next is the metal frame.

I work for react knucks is the metal framework review.

Remix is a metal framework for react solid.

Start is the metal framework for solid spoken.

Is the metal framework.

First felt the uh, and View.

Press is the medic kit for every V press is for View.

And I have used a few of these, they get nothing like to Serious kind of messing around.

Alright, CSS Frameworks.

Thinking of the last 12 months, how much did you use the following CSS Frameworks and do you want to continue using them?

I pretty much just use like straight-up CSS most the time, but previously I have use bootstrap and Bulma because of Dragon Ball Z, honestly, CSS modules, I will have to look into that Foundation.

I have heard of material icss, I think I use that in a project a long time ago, for my web for my radio show website.

I think it was material materialize that my whole goal was to use like Google type stuff and material you.

I was a thing.

So Half moon have not heard of primer, don't think so pure CSS that might have heard of semantic UI.

Think I have heard of that tachyons not sure till when CSS I heard of it but never used it uikit not so much of vanilla extract.

That's a, that's a good name.

So this is give me something kind of look into my go.

What are these things?

My next project would have you thinking of sites you have worked with in last 12 months, which service technology have you used?

Again, there's like no Firebase.

Well, I guess Firebase functions, we go under Google Cloud function since like a wrapper around that so now so much AWS as your functions.

I think I have used in the past Cloud for workers.

I think I might have fastly, don't believe so.

Now defy Edge.

My using Edge this program.


Not using Edge.

Now if I serve list.


Do you know deploy?


Having used verse sell so much.

So yeah, there's that Oh, I am running out of time.


Monitor ecotools thinking of sites.

You have worked on the last 12 months which Mariko tooling ever you use Greater Life.

Seen, don't know about basil.

Lage lerna use that pants.



No, no I am not using an ex personally to repo.

No rush.



Industry questions.

These are the very last questions.

You consider the company.

You work for it to be a tech company.


What industry is the work you do?

Part of if multiple Industries, select all of them pure Tech, okay, I guess got it but there is an industry there're Communications as communication telecommunications networking.

All right.

See, if I still could be used in a bunch of things likes entertainment, and Leisure media, and Publishing like people use our stuff, use it for a lot of things.

So, but most of that, I guess, a lot of they could be wrapped up in telecommunications because allows you to communicate Where I live America.

Is that it?

Wrapping up and we like to be contacted.

All right, so yeah, there you go.

That's it.


So that is the web development survey 2023 from net.

Le fi, again, I put a link to it.

So if you want to check it out, you can only put a link to the actual survey.

Also, just in case you can't find tweet, or if it gets taken down or something.

All right, cool.

So yeah, nice.

Again, always like doing these surveys, the kind of egg, get your voice be heard, get, let your voice be heard.

Kind of thing, you know, I mean, so, all right.

Now, I got worked with you do.

So I am going to get y'all back to work because that's got a I have got.

Pull a value, put in a place and it should work, then maybe do some stuff to make it look nice.

But other than that, should be good to go.

Alright, then I can work on my other project and get started on my laundry and you do that as well.

So I am going to get you all back to work again, thanks for hanging out and send you off with this track new Jabez featuring up, honey.

Bee the check is called, thank you.

When we come back, we will take a look at an artist's website.

Maybe listen to some tracks, watch some videos, you know, me and maybe become a fan of them and yeah.

Thanks again for Hangouts.

Till next time, 15 minutes after our, which you much productivity.

This is new Jabez featuring a binding upon EB.

The track is called.

Thank you.

All right, see you around.

Y'all be easy piece.