Links mentioned: Details automatically generated.

Speaker would like to see a full fledge project. Speaker wants to find out if the site was built using bun the interested in find out the interesting because there's no like i would think the docks would be here as well.

Speaker wants to see how they made a website. Speaker is interested in different ways of doing things.

Speaker is interested in seeing if fun will do something similar to dino. Speaker wants to get back to work because they have a lot of work to do.

Speaker doesn't do a lot of back-end stuff, but the form the little node that they have done, doesn't require http. Jasmine doesn't set the port, but it does react natively. Speaker is not satisfied with the performance of dino. Speaker is not transpiler again. They recommend using the fastest system available with button dot right to write copy pipes endo and clone files.

Speaker has been working late. They are going to take a break and talk about something that came out recently.

Speaker explains to Speaker what a foreign function interface is. Bun is a npm compatible package manager. It's 30 times faster than npm run. It runs package. Json scripts. The source code can be found here. Speaker is excited about the next version of the react app.

The npm client implements node. Js module resolution algorithm. Ecmascript modules are supported. The transpiler is available as an api. Speaker doesn't write a lot of react code. Speaker wonders why the jsx is not coming in as jsx. Speaker doesn't write a lot of react so it's important to react. Speaker explains to Speaker how to create a server and how react dumps the data.

Speaker is working on a project. It's built on web standards and has request and response out of the box.

Speaker wants to keep a tab on what's going on their screen. A new all-in-one javascript runtime called bun just came out. It runs natively like typescript. Speaker explains to Speaker how typescript task runner and npm client improve the performance of dino. Speaker has seen the source code of a forum. It runs typescript and jsx like out of the box. It's written in zig, a low-level programming language with manual memory management.

  • mouse bundle
  • native bundler transpiler
  • typescript task runner
  • javascript core engine
  • test bun js
  • websocket readable stream
  • compatible package manager

Welcome back that same old place the cheat lat.

Well, the new since you hung around but those dreams everything, and they turned around each other.

Plus, we got him on the spot.

Welcome back.

Welcome back, welcome back.

Hey, welcome back.

What's going on y'all again, thanks for hanging out?

All right.

So yeah, you know, when I come on here late, I have been working on a bunch of stuff getting stuff done, so feeling good, feeling good, hope you will eat.

Hopefully your work session was productive as well and you're getting stuff done.

But yeah, so we're going to take a break real quick.

Stretch it out just kind of.

Oh yeah.

Alright cool.

So I want to talk about this thing that a lot of people have been talking about kind of came across.

I think it just came out like, last for it was his private for a while and it looks like it just came public recently, and so I figured I haven't done anything with it yet.

I will talk about kind of why but it seems cool.

It's kind of cool to keep a tab of what's going on, right?

And, so I am a big fan of kind of like knowing what's out there in the landscape and what's doing what?

And so I figured why not?

Not take a look at this thing.

Sure, my screen.

And so Fame, by that may be familiar in the whole JavaScript seen this bun just came out.

And so it says here bun is a fast all-in-one JavaScript runtime.

And so when it means like all-in-one like it says here that it will bundle Trent when the mouse bundle transpile install and run JavaScript and typescript Which is pretty cool.

And so, like it runs it like natively, like typescript like you.

There's no like turning it into JavaScript and then doing it, I guess.

It looks like it's just runs it.

And so bun is a new JavaScript runtime with a native bundler transpiler.

So I guess the transport as far as like, with typescript task Runner and npm client built in.

So, like, I guess that's why with the npm client, built-in guess.

That's why it can install like libraries quicker.

And so, You see right here.

So there's the, so they had the three different things.

So as far as like servant server's, side rendering, like react and so this is what they're saying, like the HTTP requests per second.

So it could handle like server-side rendering react, when there's like 48, that will let us say, 49,000 HTTP requests.

Damn, whereas like, No.

And we spoke about Dino before.

So that's why I am kind of bring it up now, because this is kind of like, This feels like when Dino first kind of like made its debut and so people go my god look how much faster it is kind of thing and so what was interesting is that node renders against faster than Dino which is interesting.

But what's cool is they have this, I guess the source, you can check them out.

So it's so let me look at the source.

The thing that they were using to run it, we see here.

Oh, by the way, let me add a link to this so you can check it out afterwards in the recording and stuff if you so choose.

So let me see here.

These are the same thing.

Okay, no.

All right.

So you can see that it runs jsx like you will same before it.

So that's the thing.

Yeah, I don't think they said a year, but it runs typescript and jsx like out the box, which is kind of amazing and it's using JavaScript core, which is what like web kit is used uses.

I think they say that somewhere.

Probably missing it somewhere, but yeah.

So they're using The javascriptcore which is, instead of using like, V8 they're using that.

So I guess they're saying that it's helping with the speed and it's also built using a language called Zig.

Let me see where that's at.

Here we go, ya Zig.

Let us look at.

So it's using the JavaScript core engine.

It says, which this tends to start a forum a little faster.

And it's written in Zig.

A low-level programming language with manual, memory management.

All right, and so I can say ok, so yeah, with a transpiler, so jsx and typescript.

Which is cool.

And then there's the npm client which I think they said is why it can be?

Yes o node modules but implements node.js module resolution algorithm so you can use npm packages in bun dot, JS, e SM n.

Common JS are supported.

So like the newer version and like the old one.

But internally uses esm okay, cool.

Ecmascript modules.

Yeah, and then, the transpiler.

So, the jsx and typescript transpiler is available as an API, okay?

All right, so let us take a look at the back up to here.

Let us take a look at the page that there were several side rendering and sending 49,000 request to.

So, here it is.

And again, is dot JS X which is cool.

There we go.

Yeah, I don't write a lot of (JavaScript) so Alright.

Alright, a lot of, right?

A lot of react, so I don't do a lot of jsx stuff, but I felt is It's like a template inning but I mean, you know, but I don't specifically right jsx, let us see?

So that's it, it's just a page that says, hello world H1 tag and Okay.

So the test bun JS so it has its own react, Dom file.

Interesting wonder why that's not coming in as jsx maybe?

I don't know but so yeah so here's like the jsx and then what happens is going to render to readable Stream.

So send it back to the response to back to the browser down back to the browser that so it's not like its Lots.

Okay, so this is the bun one and then, let us take a look.

I think this was the node.

And so react, Dom server notes and even know that was a thing.

Again, I don't write a lot of react so it's important to react.

Let us see.

And then requiring http.

These delete.

I am trying to think.

Well I still use HTTP when I only know I normally use like node fetch.

I think that's what it is.

Let us see.

So you create a server?

Yes, you have like a lot more stuff, so you sit the headers and all these things.

You have like, error handling.

Okay, and then here's the actual thing being sent down.


See, I never knew that react dumps again.

I am not written, like react like heavy in a minute and so yeah, so I guess the render thing.

So it, renders it.


So I wonder what?

I guess you don't have to put all the like all these things.

In bun.

Because none of, that's there.

They just did a new response.



Take a look at the dino drawing.

And then I will look like it run on.

Jsx is well, let us see.

Yes, yes, X is 2.

Okay, cool.

Let us see here.

So it's all yours another thing like with be no there's like no installing like packages or anything.

So you actually have like links to where you're getting it from.



So this seems like again, this has headers whereas the bundle it does have headers.

Oh, here it is.

Okay, so that's looks very similar.

So why is the moon?

Jasmine have all this stuff here?


Pretty sure I can rewrite this differently.

Okay, I don't know and neither there again.

I don't do a lot of back-end stuff, but the form the little node that I have done, I will remember ever having to, like, do require HTTP.

It's got to be another way I think.

All right, cool.

And again yeah, it all Dakine, depends on how your coding in which your coding, you know, I mean so take it with a grain of salt.

It seems pretty cool so that seems very similar so, that one, Yeah.

They only they don't set the port here.

I think do here, interesting.

That's cool.

And then import.

So the react done, so I guess it just does react natively because it's not calling in react like it is here.

Do a lot of reacts I don't.

So that's not like a big deal for me but I that's cool.

I guess is Right react.

And then loading a huge table so well so you know, does not do.

So this makes Dino not look too good, not in a good light.


But then again, I guess it all depends on what you're using because, yeah, because like, Dino is not that great in a lot of these.

Hmm, interesting, so yes, it all depends on like the use case and things because so that if you want to install is just you have to do a curl command here to install it.


Oh, put it.

So then you will be able to do like bun, space, run, whatever.

Again, I haven't done it yet, but school has fetched already built in that school.

Websocket readable stream.


Again, every file is transpiled, so then So I guess it just does it super quick because yeah, because then you still have the chance pilot.



I am not transpiler again.

Use the fastest system called available with button dot right to write copy pipes endo and clone files.

Oh, this is pretty cool too.

Like it just loads environmental variables like automatically.

So there's no like Required that Envy or anything like that.

So the, you know, the you have a dependency on dot EnV.

And it comes with its own like databases SQL.

Light thanks, that's pretty cool.

So yeah so then this with the note apis a lot of nodes js stuff will work out of the box whereas I Go Dino it wasn't like compatible.

From what I understand.

I have been running, but like, you had.

Yeah, it was.

It wasn't that compatible at all?

Do you know what a foreign function interface has?

That's cool.

They have a file system and path, native to it.

That's cool.

And it's about Zig which I guess is one of the main reason why it's so fast.

Then getting started again used, run the curl command.

Let us see.

And then to do a server.

So here you put the port.

They didn't report the report here.

That I miss it.

Nah, see they never put a port there.

All right.


It's a fetch.

Yeah, right there.

Oh and look like it has like No, I was going to say that like top-level of sync.


Yeah, return new response.

Yes, you are waiting that.

That's cool.

And they have more examples, which I am always a fan of.

Let us see what else they got here, and then the docks and then to run the scripts is like bun run which is funny to say.

One run feels good.

And so yeah.

So it runs package.json scripts, I guess because of that same npm quiet thing was talking about before 30 times faster than npm run.

And then bun, install is a npm compatible package manager.

And so in saying that replace yard with but install and get 20x, faster package installs, Cool.

And if you want to test it, there's that.

All right, cool.

You can check out the source code you want.

I got to MIT, so that's pretty dope.

Some close this out, this goes that out.

So here are some examples.

So I guess like Discord stuff.

Using it.

What's this museum with next?

Or it's like the next version?

All there's gonna be like a bun creates react app.

That's cool.

So what is this?

Oh yeah.

So this is, this is the next J's bootstrap project bootstrap, the bun.


That's cool and then I like how they can like you can do it and then you can deploy it.

So I like that whole being out there like well what do I do with this now?

But you can deploy to verse sell, the people create a xjs Okay, cool.

All right, let us see.

What else?

I mom am over.

Okay, but this thing's pretty cool.

Digging it.

Okay, Jeff.

I will stop.

See a lot of this stuff is like going over my head.

I am like, I don't, I don't do a lot of stuff.

I am not going to.

Let me get, let me like make stuff.

This is pretty cool.

All right.

So yeah.

So there's that and then This is the documentation looks like.

Yeah, that's a lot of stuff here.


So, yeah, so if you want to check out bun, It's abundant sh and it's at zero point one right now.

So it's super early since when there's a Discord.

So you have questions and things.

But like it's also built on web standards.

So it has like request and response like out the box.

That's good.

So now trying to Veer too much off.

Like what's there?

So that's cool.

But yeah.

Again, I don't do like a lot of reacts like the jsx stuff doesn't mean much to me.

But yeah, I am interested in seeing how this like moves forward to kind of see how that works out, because it seems pretty cool.

So it's there's always room for like different things to kind of like people to try stuff, you know.

So yeah, I think it's cool.

So shouts to them, that's pretty dope.

And see that.

Is it.

And like a lot of the examples I have seen other people do have been like super, like they just kind of like just copied the this the hello world returning that back to the browser kind of thing out.

I want to kind of see like a full fledge project.

I wonder if this site was built using bun The interested in find out the interesting because like there's no like I would think the docks would be here as well, and so I am going to like a GitHub from like a page with like examples, you know?

I mean like this is pretty much a static page like you don't need much To do this.

You know, I mean, it's just HTML CSS at that.

There should be even like any real JavaScript really like, maybe, like for the copying the code.

Let me, let me take a look here.

Let us see.

Now, I am just being nosey, I am pretty sure I hit Network, right.

Okay, there we go.

Let us see here.

No, I didn't click.

Oh my goodness.

Okay, Network.

There we go.

So refreshing to see what happens here.

Yeah, that's a tiny file size.

Very nice.

Yeah, looks like it's just that's cool.

Let us see here.

See what this thing looks like.

That is not what I meant to do.

It's going to be a long day.

Why don't you show alone?


Very cool and so wait, hold on.

This is loading stuff on.

Come on.

I need you to work.

Let us see here.

We got going on here.

All right, cool.

Let us see the same script here.


Okay, everything's all in one, that's cool.

Yeah, so yeah, this is cool.

Just like it's simple page.


But then like, Here's the copy to clipboard stuff.

And some tabbing stuff.

Yeah, not much to the site.

I wonder how they made this.

That's cool.

All right.

Yeah, I am good.

Never mind.

Okay, cool.


Shots of them.

I am always interested in like different ways of doing stuff, you know, because you never know where the Innovation is going to happen.


I mean, so I am a big fan of just trying things, you know so all right.

But yeah I am gonna get you all back to work.

Sorry about that.

I just kind of like got lots because I just kind of like heard about it may not about doing work during the week.

So I never got a chance to really dig into it till just now.

So, all right.

So what do y'all think about bun?

Seems pretty cool.

And again, is just, you know, I want to see bigger things built with it before I am like yeah, let me switch over because again the dino well I liked about Dino is that they should they have like the foundation, and they built like on how to deploy it, and then they have like a framework that we spoke about last time.


Thank you.

Now kind of like wrap everything together, and so I am kind of interested in seeing fun will do something similar.

So yeah, pretty dope.

So that is that get you all back to work because I have got stuff out.

I want to get done as well and yeah.

So again, thanks for hanging out next break, 15 minutes after the hour.

If nobody signs up for show-and-tell will do an artist's website.

Listen to some tracks, watching the videos, you know how it goes.

Alright, so again thanks for hanging out till next time.

I wish you much productivity and this track here is Anthony Cruz.

AKA butter, the track is called.

Thank you.

Thanks for hanging out.

I will see you later.

Y'all be easy.

Thanks again.

Till next time.
