Links mentioned: Details automatically generated.

Speaker has indexed pages. They wonder what was the choice behind doing that because when they look at, like the pages they have indexed, and if they're not familiar with react to whatever, then they're going to have problems. Speaker wants react to be as vanilla as possible for them. They are making good progress on their project. Speaker is preparing a law for the traveling music show screen.

Speaker is talking about a video they have just made. They want to take a look at it now. Speaker used a company called symbol to create a website. They use AI to generate the details of the videos. Speaker added a link to their website. They explain the basics of the Quick Start's API.

Speaker has an account opening. They have reached their usage limit through usage dashboard and billing settings. Speaker tried making a search more specific but it didn't work. They are worried about trying to build.

Speaker hasn't used February first in a very long time. They have API keys from October, so they can build their application from scratch. They are looking at the code of the Index API.

They are talking about chat GPT powered a and open a. Speaker sends a link to open a's Twitter feed. They took chat GPT off Monday to fix a bug in an open source library that allowed some users to see titles from other users chat history. According to Speaker's investigation, only one point two percent of GPT Plus users might have had their personal data revealed to another user. Speaker is adding support for plugins to chat GPT extensions.

Speaker wants their family to learn how to talk in another language. They are interested in checking out Kayak. Com and OpenTable.

Speaker is excited about the chat GPT. They want to build an application using Open Nei's API. Speaker is interested in building a quick, simple app.

  • chat
  • personal data
  • third-party services
  • custom models
  • cutting-edge language models
  • simple interface
  • usage limit

Welcome back, your dreams, were your ticket.

I welcome back.

Same old place that you have all changed since you hung around, but those dreams everything, and they turn around Welcome back.

All right go ahead and stretch it out.

Oh yeah.

Oh yeah, that feels weird.


All right.

Hopefully, that was you got some stuff done?

Thanks for hanging out and yeah, let us get into it.

Kind of wanted to just talk about we spoke about in the first Cipher about like now these like chat GPT powered a, I like assistance to help you with coding that are actually in your browser.

Which are pretty dope.

And so, I want to kind of talk about take a step back and talk about open a, I am little bit and screen share.

This one to Fabio just in case.

Okay, so really quick, I wanted to take a look at the open a.i., Twitter feed, right?

But I add a link to it so you can check it out for yourself.

And I noticed as all scrolling that this first one, That.

It says that.

So there's happen like a couple of days ago and says we took chat GPT off Monday, to fix a bug in an open source library that allowed some users to see titles from other users chat history.

Our investigation is also found that one point two percent of chat G PT Plus users might have had their personal data revealed to another user.

That's well it goes to say, we believe the number of users whose data was actually revealed to someone else is extremely low.

We have contacted those who might be impacted we have.

We take this very seriously and are sharing details of our investigations and plan here, and they like link out to something.

So I was like oh that sucks.

So looks like folks who were paying for chat, GB t plus Some 1.2 percent of those folks may have had their personal data revealed, so I am assuming because with that, you're paying so yeah, like some sort of form of payment so maybe like a payment thing or something happened.

I don't know.

But there's that.

So you can check out and read that if you want.

I thought this was pretty cool.

We are adding support for plugins to chat GPT extensions which integrate it with third-party services or allow it?

To access up to up-to-date information.

We're starting some, I cannot read, it's already late, we're starting.

We're starting small to study real world, use impact and study and alignment, and safety and Alignment challenges.

And so figure, look at that.

Come take a look at this video.

So what it looks like.

So you're still I guess within the chat GPT chat, but like you install plug-ins or whatever you see here, so they're going to stall Wolfram.

And then, we're going to type.

I can't really see it was like, what's the distance between from the Earth to Jupiter, or something like that?

When you answer it.

So what is the current distance?



And then it's going to use the plug-in to answer that so it passes in, I guess that right.


But the thing is you're still inside chat GPT, right?

I am like, I mean, that's cool and all.

So I mean, you know, you build a plug-in or whatever.

I mean, let us see what they have to say here.

But from what I am seeing, it looks like you're still within the actual chat GPT like you.

I basically I am like that's fine.

My little family AI, what's this?

Giving parents superpowers to turn the manic to Magic?

20 minutes each day.

Okay, Expedia cool into the cards.



Let us go learn how to say, anything in another language would speak.

You're a high-powered language tutor at school.

So yeah, so then this one zap, your active, 5,000-plus apps like Google Sheets.

I wonder how that works within the context of being inside of the chat.

Gbt like UI application and you can set them up or something, I don't know.

But okay, so all that cool right now.

The thing I am interested in checking, oh, let me add a link to this as well.

Since I have it up here.

Yo, what is up with this trackpad?

He's saying, why a mouse?

I never do.

I am definitely the by Mouse.

Alright, so here we go.

This is where I am actually looking for, so they also opened up.

I am sure they get a tweet about it, right?

You know, some tragedy T4.

Maybe, I am not sure.

But what I am excited about is the chat GPT when I can check is open, open an i API.

That's why I am kind of excited about right there.

So you can see, let me add a link to this as well.

It didn't get all of it.

I so again this is the open, AP open a.i.

API and this is what I am more interested in because I want to kind of like build an application using it.

This guy test it out, see how it is, right?

And so they say here, the open a.i.

API can be applied to virtually any task that involves understanding or generating natural language code or images.

We offer a spectrum of models with different Levels of powers suitable for different tasks as well as the ability to fine-tune your own custom models.

These models can be used for everything from content, generation to semantic search and classification.

All right, cool.

So then they have all this stuff here.

Key concept got like a tutorial, and I am not gone through yet, but I am looking forward to it.

You learn by building a quick, simple app.

Let us try that.

So that's about Not going to do it now because not a lot of time but so for this QuickStart most interesting, what people use for like the kind of onboard people quickly.

So let us see.

Open Nei has trained cutting-edge language models that are very good at understanding and generating text.

Alright, our API provides access to these models and can be used to solve virtually any task that involves processing language.

You don't, let me just look at it now, let us take a look at it now.

I am here, right?

So if I am talking about, so if you go to until it that works, go to videos.

There's a lot of views, so takes a second to load up and let us take one that we just did.

Right literally just like last hour, right?

So let us take a look.

Watch this.

It pulls this up and you notice here it says details automatically generated, so I am using like an i to generate the summary topics in the transcript.

All right?

And, so I am using I will show you what I am using but so it gives me like a summary which is Pretty dope, right?

Then it gives me the topics things I spoke about.

And then like the actual transcripts of what I said.

All right, all that was done by Ai and the company I am using.

So if you go to about it shows, you all the different things I used to create the site's, right, that I make and I use the company called, where are you?

Where is it?


You're not going to show me.

Are you, okay?

I must not have a pretty sure I added it though.


But I am using company called symbol, not AI.

Yeah, here we go.

Real-time transcription and insights at scale.

Are they using like AI?


Well, yes.

Entitled simple AI.

So this is who I actually used for this site here onto a DOT works.

I have got to remember to put A link to that.

They're all right.


So shops, assemble a I right.

That's what I am using to generate the details of the videos and it's pretty cool.

It doesn't all like automatically like I can Ascend it like a link to a video.

It Doesn't, it's pre-built.

All right, so yeah, so back to you.

Oh, since I mentioned them, let me add a link to their site so you can check that out as well.

All right.

Now, back to the Quick Start, So that's the introduction.

The completions and point which is swimming like one of these, right?

So we got text completion code, completion.

Image generation.

So I guess these three here, maybe is the core of our API and provides a simple interface that is, that's extremely flexible and Powerful.

You in put, some text as, as a prompt, and the API will return a text completion that attempts to match whatever instructions or context, who gave it.

So here's a prop, right?

A tagline for an ice cream shop.


We serve up Smiles with every scoop nice.

Now you can think of this as a very advanced auto complete, all right the model processes, your text prompt and tries to predict what's most likely to come next, okay?


So then start with an instruction.

So imagine you want to create a pet name generator coming up with names from scratch.

It's hard.


Same thing with like doing variables is just I can't it's yeah.

First you will need a prompt that makes it.

Clear what you want?

Let us start with an instruction submit the prompt to generate your first come first completion.

So then suggest one name for a horse.


Oh, I gotta sign in.

Okay, well, I guess login.

Does it have like a Google thing going this way, normally login with They're always checking my browser?

I don't understand that part.


So, yes, we looked like it logged in because I have an account opening.

All right, cool.

So let us try this.

And apparently, I have reached my usage limit through usage dashboard and billing settings for more.

If you have, I have not used that not even generate anything.

Today I actually logged in to look at it earlier but I didn't generate thing.

That's weird.

Oh, that's not a good look, hold on.

Let me, I will check that out later but that's weird.

I haven't done it and that's the thing.

I guess it goes down a lot.

Also, he's not so that kind of where worries me about trying to build.

Something on top of it because if it doesn't work then I am because I have not used it at all today.

So asked by whatever not like not bad now, try making your search more specific.

Yeah it didn't work Dell.

So let us try this.


Again, you know what, I am taken a look at it because if it's saying I use it, I didn't use it at all today.

See, no usage whatsoever.

None Look at that expired.

Wait, I can explain something expired.

Oh, so wait, does this not like?

I have no clue what this is.

So what I didn't know.

I had a trial.


It expired.

February first, what is this talking about?

Yes, as you can see, I am not used it at all.

And a very long time.


Oh yeah, so I look at it.

I haven't used this.

I call it February.

Or in January.

Well, the last time I actually you, that's something.

I mean, use this thing.

Holy crap.

This is terrible, terrible.

Oh, I know that's the Yeah, I don't even know this is doing okay.

Yeah, I am not used this thing in ever.


My bad.

Well, you know I am at a time but yeah.

That use this.

Yeah, like everything is saying no.

Yeah, whatever.

But apparently I used it.

I don't know.

I don't even a dull, girl, it's fine.

So yeah slang I can't even like do these s cornball ish.


But it seems interesting with a guy here, they can build your application maybe like a quick start thing.

You can look at And you add your API keys.

So, apparently, I have API keys from October, I guess.

And then, Yeah, I don't know weird.

So that's cool that they actually give you like a starting point with like I find it again.

Take a look, install it from here.

Okay, let us just take a look at what the code looks like, kind of curious.

What pages are the pages?

Index API.

Oh, so, is it?

It's using a react just to what is this?



And not just react whether you're using like next, huh?

Just for a simple like application, interesting and tie you into a framework.


Well, this is look like the actual code you would need here.

if it goes that the general Jerry The Prompt which is where I am probably blind.

Where's generate pain?


So the capitalized animal for some reason, right?


Well that's right.

That's another thing.

Like you have, I guess you like add stuff.

What is this?


That's strange at you.

It's a quick start, but the front end is using react interesting.

So get this is what it looks like as a dog thing, and they're using next-gen react just for this.


It uses the next day as framework with react.


Yeah, like a lot of this.

Look at the packages on real quick.

Sorry, I sort of like this is wild Scamp.

Yeah, so like the only dependency you need.

If you're doing like vanilla JavaScript would just be opening a.

I like you have reacted, react, Dom, and next.

So you those and then you do these things here.



Wonder what was the choice behind doing that because when you look at, like the pages you have indexed, And if you're not familiar with like react to whatever, then you're going to like well wait what is all this stuff here?

It's you state things are.

So it's kind of like you have to figure out what's react and what's actual open AI stuff I guess, right?

I mean huh.


Okay, I just might like, weird rant, I don't know, for me is just always seems weird like starter projects that are like using that should be for me, like QuickStart stuff.

Like try to be as vanilla as possible for me, you know?

I mean because what if I don't use react right, you'd like angular or something like out.

I want to be able to see what the Bare Bones is.

And then, let me build on top of that.

If I want to use react or whatever, or maybe you have like, like check out quick start node with react or whatever, I don't know.

That's just probably just me.

Probably just me.

All right, I will get you all back to work, so I can get back to work.

I am making some pretty good progress on this project.

So I am just kind of like working my way down the route.

So like part of the route get this data then little bit more information on the end of the route can like kind of refine the data a little bit more.

And so that's what I am doing now and it's going to be generalized the more I guess because it's going to look more similar the same.

It's just that beginning part of the route that kind of dictates what happens later.

So yeah that's interesting to have learned a lot of stuff.

All right.

Get your back to work.

Thanks again for hanging out.

When we come back, we will take a look at an artist's website.

But for right now, I am going to send you a law for this traveling music show screen.

This is okay.

Who was selected?


This is new Jabez featuring a Piney be the track is called.

Thank you.

Because again thanks for hanging out and see you around.

I wish you much productivity and yeah, see you later.

