Links mentioned: Details automatically generated.

Speaker wants to see the code on GitHub. It's written in Scala. Speaker is appreciative of the Twitter recommendation algorithm. They are amazed by the blog post about how the algorithm works. Speaker doesn't understand how it works. They want to show the issues of Twitter on GitHub.

Speaker has a problem with random characters on Twitter. They were able to solve the issue.

Speaker has issues with the pull requests. They want them to be boosted instead of ignored. Speaker has disabled boosting of tweets from Blue verified.

Speaker finished all the poach radio show promo stuff during the last work session. They also called the stuff posted to Twitter and Instagram and scheduled the e-mail blast. Speaker can work on other projects without thinking about it.

On March 31st, Elon Musk tweeted that the source code for Twitter's recommendation algorithm is now available to all on GitHub. Speaker doesn't care about people's tweets. They explain how Twitter works. Speaker doesn't care about following and followers. Twitter is a code repository where people can store their code. Speaker wants to merge the source of truth into the road map.

Speaker posted a link to a GitHub repository with a collection of changes made by the Twitter team. They have never seen a 404 error on GitHub before. The page is taking too long to load because the madness of the page was too much for GitHub to handle. Speaker is going to add the link.

Speaker's computer has been hacked. 5,000-plus files were deleted and all the text removed. There are also 200 2229 issues and 200 pull requests. Elon Musk first bought Twitter and when they bought it, they fired half the staff.

Speaker feels sorry for people who have to work on Twitter. They are fed up with people giving them feedback on their open source project. Speaker is going to send some traveling music called "thank you" to everyone. They will see them 15 minutes after the hour for the final break session.

  • recommendation source code
  • tweet twitter
  • hub expert
  • github repo
  • pull request

Welcome back, your dreams were your ticket, welcome back.

Same old place that you like but those dreams everything, and they turned around.

Where we need to always good spot.

Give me a stretch.

Stretch it out real quick.

Oh yeah.

Oh, yeah, hopefully you are doing well, I and what's productive.

During that last work session, I actually finished all the poach radio show promo stuff.

So I call the stuff posted to Twitter and Instagram did all the email blast, got those scheduled and so yeah.

Not too bad so feeling good.

I can work on other projects now without that on the back of my mind.

All right, so I want to talk about this thing.

Really quickly because honestly, I kind of don't care but I found it fascinating.

So I wanted to talk about it anyway.

So this will probably be a quick break session but then whatever I say that it never turns out to be quick and it's just keeps going.

But this one here So, what was this couple of days ago?

Well, not like three days ago, on the 31st of March.

Let me share my full screen here.

Audio, why not?

All right, we can scream at the bigger.



So, on March, 31st, Elon Musk tweeted.

By the way, Elon Musk.

If you're not familiar, but Twitter, not sure why.

But okay, I am going to copy and paste this tweet.

But that you can check it out for yourself.

If you're watching this later on, And so in the tweet twitter, recommendation source code.

Now available to all on GitHub.

And so the Twitter recommendation algorithm, they called it the algorithm, basically how it says, source code for Twitter's recommendation algorithm.

So, basically, the tweets that you see in your Twitter feed, even though I don't follow these people, I still see their tweets which is weird and it's not even like people I follow retweeted.

Their tweets because that's normally how I would think about finding people if I am looking for people, which I am not really, but it just random people.

Now, it's so weird.

Like, and stuff that I honestly do not care, it was a retweet for a person.

I have some sort of tangentially, like, of interest to me, but there's now, as you do this, I don't know where stuff.

I really don't care about either in the Twitter for me is just a way of being able to people, to reach out to me easier, and for me to reach out to people easier.

That's, there's an easy way of communications.

I don't really care about following and followers.

I am saying, neither here nor there, so they release the recommendation, source code the algorithm, right?

And if you ever been on Twitter, you can only guess.

On how that went, right?

You have a good idea of like hey here's how that we do this thing to all the people of Twitter.

You just let them in and you can kind of guess on how that went radio show yesterday, right?

And There was a specific commit.

So, okay, for people at familiar Twitter.

All right.

He's like a code repository, right?

We're a bun.

Companies, store their code.

Some choose to make it which means people can kind of see it's of it.

So they can take a look at the code.

They can copy of your code forks.

From you have the road, they have the fork.

And their code can diverge from that right now.

If you change for and you wanted to follow up on the main, like the main source code will happen is you can do so you make your changes do a pull and the maintainers the people who That depository the code.


Okay, that's cool or not and then merge it into source of Truth, basically?


And what is that you can have like a road map since with on my like Road things.

The road analogy where you can see the progression of the code.

So you can see any changes made in, go back and look for different versions of it.


So there's this one version here where the Twitter team made a change, right?

You can see those, the Twitter team, whatever, right?

And the branch.

So that one is particularly interesting because it's some collection of Itís tough.

And they had Flags, or whatever for like the person was republican or democrat or Elon Musk for the reason.


And I posted a link to that specific one because the stuff people were talking about, in the thread of like the changes that you can see hilarious and just like a dumpster fire.

It was amazing.


And so what's funny is, I went back to click the link to show it here and I have never seen this before ever on GitHub.

I have never seen this page before like this 404 Rarer or whatever.

Now you can afford for it's just like an error.

I have never seen this error on GitHub before and this page is taking too long to load because the madness of it was just too much for GitHub to handle.

This is so that is one thing.

And so I got.

So was funny was that like I mentioned you could see like, the progression of the code but for whatever reason, It looked like to me and again, I am not get Hub expert or anything, but normally you're able to see the full version of that code where they change and like what they change to be able to see the difference between them, but for whatever reason, this one you couldn't.

And if it wasn't for people that were like, I guess like quoting the pieces of code, that had those weird things in it.

Well, weird to me because I just, I mean, I never would have thought of thing.

Like, checking the person Republican Democrat or like Elon Musk to me.

That's weird.

But like, because I want to see that was a real thing, but that version of code is God.

It's only like, the newer version.

Erase that.

Like it never happened.

If it wasn't for people who quoted it, I never that was our just thought people were just making it up.


So yeah.

So again, this thing is not a thing anymore, and I am going to maybe it will be, maybe you will be working, but I am going to add the link.

So you can also check it out at your leisure, right?

Now, so I was like, all right, that's a loss whatever.

So that I went at the different issues, people will get a repo.

Let me add this link as well.

Now, where's the GitHub repo?

So you can see the code, right?

And it tells you like most of it's written in Scala.

There's some job in there.

I don't know what star Lark star, Lark.

Do you know that is?

We got some SQL plus R Us Python and some other stuff right, and they break it down here.

Now it's a pretty well formatted like repo.

Like I dig it like especially has like graphs and charts explain things which is appreciative, right?

You tell the put in sort of work.

I mean, is that just a regular?

Read me like new file created?

Yeah, I am saying like, they actually updated the reading.

So the Twitter recommendation, algorithm is a set of services and jobs that are responsible for constructing and serving the home time line.

So, again, before you now, I guess, right.

Let us take a look at my mind real quick.

Oh my well then, show me.

So yeah, so the for you things is what they're basically talking about.

And so some good folks, here some good folks.

Like it's showing me people that which is good, but sometimes it is the most random stuff.

I don't understand how that works.

So I guess that's why they released it, right?

So It's sort of the hometown for an introduction to how the algorithm works please refer to during black.

So they wrote a blog post about it.

The diagram below illustrates, how major services and jobs and enter.

It is kind of amazed that goes into it, right?

So it seems that's what I like is that you can kind of see Put behind the sink split that.

It's pretty dope.

And so then and this is really well laid out like they put in time to do this, which is like they explain stuff.

They're linking two things.

That is super dope, so shouts of them for that.

Now, like I said, the way Twitter is, and you just go and unleash Twitter onto this GitHub repo after these people, put time into this, right?

And I want to show you the issues, okay?

This is where people can bring up different things that they have about the code.

You know, I mean, maybe it's like if you could add a feature or kind of like ran into this bug or whatever, right?

Let me show you what the issues are for the people of from the users of Twitter, what their issues are.

Follow for follow on GitHub.

Okay, what color is the sky?

Random characters.

I am not even sure where they're from.

I am here just for n**** algorithm public itself.

Great, great job.

Yeah, sure.

Crypto on Twitter extremely major issue from a person whose think it's Fortnight, right?

It's every day, bro, with the Disney Channel flow, Extremely major issue.

Let us just take a quick look at.

All right, next one.

People are mean to me because I have Twitter blue.

I have a question so let us take a look at this extremely major issue.

No description provided.

Based on provided details, I was in 8D, indeed able to replicate the issue.

This needs to be fixed.

This is what's happening.

I was able.

Also, able to replicate it.

How can I be such a an issue hasn't been fixed yet?

All right.

Now those are some of the issues, right?

That people have raised or whatever, right?

I think my pulled should get boosted instead.

Okay, great again remember, pull requests are where people Fork the code, so they make their own copy.

Recent changes and then request for those changes to be added the original source code.

Right now it's issues were like that what people when they were able to modify the code?

Okay, so these are the pull requests.

And, This one for example, remove unnecessary code, right?

I am open this one and I, hopefully, my computer doesn't shut down but that one.

Okay update.

Get ignored to include Mac OS X system files.


Fixed up formatting.

So people were just like adding periods of wrong.

Random places like capitalizing things, lower casing things like small random stuff.

This is But there I fixed it.

These are terrible.

Like pull request, like titles.

That's Twitter is horrible.

That one, I am not even going to read.

People are insane.

And so, what is the fun stuff?


Disable boosting of tweets from Blue verified.

Authors a lot of random stuff right now.

Let us take a look at that one where they said there, I fixed it.

Just real quick in your mind.

Think what?

That may have meant?

What that person did this real quick?

Okay, it probably was when you, they literally erased everything out of the whole thing.

You see, 5,000-plus files changed.

I am not even open it because it's probably shut down my computer.

But everything.

All the files just deleted.

Or like made empty like all the text removed.

And then so then it was signed off or whatever and then this is over engineering or whatever.

But and look it could be merged like, hey, there's like 200 2229 issues, 200, pull requests.


Okay, so that's all that.

That's that is it so that's a dumpster fire that's why and again I ran over but Seriously.

When Elon Musk first joined first bought Twitter and went into the building, whatever you like, fire, like half the staff, right?

And now I can also I feel so bad for the people who are left will have to put up with this now.

And this thing is out there like How can you sift through all those things?

Have the time to do regular work stuff, and then try and keep up with all this other stuff.

And then those another tweet from Ilan, I am not gonna bother pulling it up, where he's like recommendations from the audience, from whatever, for like the pull request and the issues, whatever will be implemented, every 24-48 hours like who has time to go through all that stuff.

You know I am saying like I feel again, our condolences to the folks who have to put up with that at Twitter I am so sorry because it's just I couldn't imagine like I have some stuff that I have to like for like my job or that kind of like go I could not imagine the ours is cool.

Like it's not a lie.

I am saying like this manageable like I actually like it.

You don't mean like people giving me their feedback who are actually using it, you know I am saying and bringing up good things that is Amazing.

And that's what I love about open source.

But when it comes to the point where people are just saying things, just to say things and to take up space, I could my condolences I just I can't, I feel for you is its like in my heart is breaking for you, and I am sorry.

So I hope it gets better.

Like a lot of like, Twitter things.

Hopefully it dies down after like a week and notice returned to normal and you can find some Peace.

So I can only imagine I am sorry.

All right, so yeah, that's going to be a.

That's all I want to say about that.

I am gonna get you all back to work, and we will send you all for some traveling music.

This is Anthony Cruz, AKA butter.

The track is called, thank you, because thanks again for hanging out and I will see you 15 minutes after the hour for the final break session.

Probably take a look at artists website, listen to music watching videos, maybe you will become a fan of the artist.

That's what.

Point of it and again thanks for hanging out till then I wish you much productivity and yeah, thanks again for hanging out.

This is Anthony Cruz.

AKA butter.

Thank you.

All right, see you around?

You will be easy piece.