Links mentioned: Details automatically generated.

Speaker is going to try out Dino Integrations. They have always wanted to try Dino and they had a good time writing it. Speaker is making progress on their side project. They are going to do some laundry and listen to some traveling music.

Speaker is working on a project. They want to go over an article that they found earlier. Speaker is learning a lot from the first Cipher. They are going to add a link to the blog post so that people can check it out for themselves.

Dino is a server runtime code. It was created by the same person who created node. They took the things that they wished them could have fixed from note and applied them to Dino. Speaker has been working on some projects that do not need a build step. Some of it can be done in the browser. Speaker has seen an XKCD comic that explains why there is no need for a build step in computer code. They tell them to make sure all the changes they made were correct.

They discuss the development of websites. Speaker likes the idea of hot module reloading. Jess thinks it's a waste of time.

Speaker is wondering why there is a build step and then talks about how building came to Norm. In simpler times, they added a few script tags in their index. Html and it was always golden because it would just pull it down. Speaker came around to liking them because of JavaScript.

Speaker would like to write server-side J in the browser, but it's incompatible with browser JavaScript. They explain why there is a build step. Speaker would rather write an HTML document instead of writing a JavaScript file. They don't mind writing HTML because they don't want to do a build step. They prefer writing vanilla JavaScript and HTML. Speaker is interested in the rise of the JavaScript build tools and the growing interest in making server-side JavaScript work in the browser.

Speaker is reading a book about the build process for a Blog starter. It's about minifying and bundling and code splitting.

Speaker explains to Speaker how dependency Cruiser works. They are learning server-side JavaScript with Dino to learn the platform web platform. Speaker wants to write browser compatible JavaScript that uses web apis like fetch. Dino takes the approach that web JS has improved massively and now is an extremely powerful scripting language. Speaker is excited about the fresh web framework created by Dino. They don't know if everyone should use it.

Speaker explains to Speaker how new server-side typescript is translated to JavaScript on demand. They like the fact that they don't have to install anything and they can just deploy their code to the Dino deploy Cloud. Speaker is a big fan of Andy's blog posts. They have a link to it.

Speaker wrote something with Dino. They forgot to use them. They used Deploy. Speaker uses serve with JavaScript to lift the links here.

  • dope
  • node
  • program excuse
  • massive projects
  • web developer version
  • development cycle
  • developer experience
  • author tag
  • simple problem nodes

Welcome back your dreams were your ticket.

I welcome back that same old place that you like well then since you but those dreams everything, and they turned around Who's going to know?

Welcome back.

Give it a stretch.

Oh, yeah.

Oh yeah.

Oh yeah, feeling.

Pretty good.

Got some stuff done.

So that's always good working on this project.

I am getting there.

So I-i am like the main part.

Well I still have to test it but I got the thing to load so that's good.

I just got to get it done.

So should be good.

Should be good.

All right, neither there.

Let me get this thing rolling.

I want to kind of go over this article that I found earlier and I thought was pretty dope and it goes into not just For what, like, it's kind of dumb.

But like, but the setup of it, you know, I mean like, I am like learning about a lot of stuff.

And, so I wanted to share that, I am going to add a link to the blog post so that you can check it out for yourself as well.

It will be right next to the recording of this, on the website.

And here we go.

And it's funny because it's kind of related to what we spoke about on the first Cipher by the same people and I don't think there's any audio, so I should be fine with audio.

So yeah.

So I am sure this and so this is from the blog and if you have any no Dino is another like server runtime code thing, right?

So have there's like node you right Dino for the server to be able to like incoming requests and outgoing responses and all this stuff pretty dope and it's created by the same person who created node.

So Took all the things that because notice huge, so you're not just going to rewrite node.

Yeah, I am saying, you're just going to build on top of note, and so he took all the things that he wish you could have fixed.

Now, seeing that how note is and then applied that to Dino.

And so now we have the, you know, super dope.

All right, so this is from Dino and I thought was kind of interesting because you don't need a build step, right?

All right, all right.

Because I kind of believe that well depending on your project, everything depends, encoding and a lot of stuff that I have been working on like, well yeah I mean some of it has build stuff.

Some of it is done like in the browser because the browser is kind of amazing what its capabilities now.

And so Some of it doesn't really need to be built because the browser can do it.

But so this kind of goes into some other stuff, so, pretty cool.

All right, so it says this of the way this weird Mouse thing.

I know is happening, but so it says you don't need a build step.

Let us find out why Okay real quick that we go.

Alright, and so this I have seen this XKCD comic before hilarious.

So it shows the number one program excuse for legitimately slacking off write my code is compiling and it says there's a boss and swing a boss or somebody in the another rooms, and hey get back to work.

And so the compiling is it Go carry on because it's kind of understood to wear like massive projects take time to build and I remember working at a place and it would just take a long time for this huge application to just work just a build like you change.

So you made sure any changes you made like it was good because if you had to redo it will take you some time.

I am saying like so make sure all right, so those honest thing that works.

That happened.

There we go.

All right.

So today the web developer version would be quoted my sights building, and they would be playing swords in VR funny sites.

Take time to build these days, a large next JS.

Next JS is the call like meta Frameworks, I guess because they're built off of other like, libraries and Frameworks.

And so next JS, uses react components to build out a larger application.

So next, Jess, Eleven sites will take several minutes to build.

This is waste of time in the development cycle, build tools, like Vitor turbopack highlight their ability to get this number down and what's cool is like, because it's like a revolution because previously, like, you had to build your thing in order to see it in the browser, right?

Like you to build your code and then you can see it.

But now there's like hot module reloading so you make it like one change and then it automatically you can see it in the browser which is amazing.

All right to do.

But the deeper question hasn't been considered.

How why do we even need a build step and then talks about like how building came to Norm?

So, like, in simpler times, like 10 15 years ago, and simpler times, you added, a few, you know, script tags in your, and they're using against my jQuery script, because everything is like, jQuery back in the day, right?

In your index.html, and always golden because it would just pull it down.

I am saying, like, and you will be good to go, right?

Then node was created on developers to write servers and back ends in JavaScript soon.

Developers no longer needed to know multiple languages to build scalable production-ready apps.

They only needed to know JavaScript which is kind of amazing because I was kind of delving into like PHP and stuff like that.

Like I am never going to like Ruby or Java or anything like that, but because I kind of came around like known was like our Ready?

They're sort of.

So when I realize that was there like, oh, I just need JavaScript, and so I can kind of feel that.

See if we left it there everything would be fine.

But at some point somebody pulls a dangerous question.

What if I could write server-side J?


But in the browser, I wonder would like me to buy think of that.

I mean, it's kind of well because before it was just like, you would have like two separate systems.

Um seems like the front-end back-end.

So you work on, front-end, you deploy, somewhere back in deploy somewhere and you would make calls between them.

But now you're able to kind of like put it all together in one big application and it will deploy and it will know what to do like with back-end.

So being able to so that's it is kind of amazing that as available and capable of being done.

So, a node server side, JavaScript is incompatible with browser JavaScript because again, it was like two separate domains, I am saying.

So because each implementation satisfies two entirely different systems notice built around the file system, and some others out there JavaScript was created for browsers.

All right.

And some other key issues that drove necessity of a build step include.

So they go through a bunch of stuff there, right?

You read it for yourself.

Keep you interested.


Overtime Frameworks and meta Frameworks like they mentioned.

Next JS.

Improve developer experience by making easier to write and manage complex apps.

All right.

So, but the trade-off for better developer experience was a more complex build step because, well, they go into it more.

So, for example, you can make a zero Build, you can make a zero build blog and write it in HTML, so you can just make your HTML.

So having like, you know, like the title of the blog and like maybe like a description then who wrote the blog like author tag, and all these things.

And you have to, like, repeat that over and over again.

Whereas, if you have some JavaScript, you just pull in some data and have it iterates and do all that.

So you like write the like the template once bringing the data.

And you can have JavaScript replicated, so they're just kind of like saying that, you know, so there're more things that like Frameworks benefiting oneself with also, but they're just saying like, you build it and write an HTML and, you know, bunch of repeat boiler plate stuff, or you can write your blog in markdown and then and that will be rendered through HTML, which requires a bill set.

So, I mean, Mark, ground is cool and all, but if I didn't, if it required a build step, I would rather just do HTML.

That's just me.

Though, because I can write, I guess.

I don't mind writing HTML because I don't want to do a build step.

That's me.

So then they have this graph here.

I am saying, Developer experience versus build complexity.

So you see on the y-axis, no.

Build time needed at the start longer build time, and then they have Rock x-axis to the left of that is writing raw HTML and then better developer experience.

And I mean, I don't know.

I like where I write stuff.

I try to keep it as vanilla as possible, you're only.

And so, like, I like writing just vanilla JavaScript and like HTML, and it's making that happen because again, the browser does so much cool stuff now, neither here nor there.

All right, but not all Bill steps are meant to allow a good developer experience.

Others are meant to improve the performance for the end user, which I think is cool.

Now, it's why I like different things like spelt will compile to make things smaller so it loads faster for you.

Users like Astro compiles and like strips out JavaScript that you don't really need or what have you and like makes things faster that stuff.

I like so yeah, so such as optimization steps such as creating several image sizes and converting them to Optimal formats.

So doing things to speed things up, Alright, then here we come down to the rise of the JavaScript build tools, right?

And this is like I kind of came in like a middle of this.

So time to meet the growing interest of making server-side JavaScript work in the browser, several open source, build tools launch marking, the Advent of the build tool ecosystem of JavaScript, and they talked about a bunch of stuff like browserify.

And what's cool is actually has like links to the different, like libraries, which is pretty dope.

All right?

Then so then they're saying like by 2020s build tools, have become their own category of JS, Library / Frameworks, and they mention webpack is huge.

So it has like its own loaders and all sorts of stuff for it, right plugins and all sorts of things.


So they take a look at an actual build process for a xjs they use like a Blog starter, right?

And they actually break it down, which is a pretty good read there.

So they create it, and then they run it, they run a build on it, right?

That's the build step to talk about and it's about the four steps that is required.

That it happens when you hit build.

And those compiling minifying bundling and code splitting and it's cool because they go through everything, and so they show you like, oh yeah.

Like a sample and it will show you where this is what looks like compiled and in these kind of go through.

And it's about minifying and bundling and is pretty dope.

This is kind of interesting here.

So to see all the different dependencies and things that you know, when you're building it.

So they have this thing called dependency Cruiser, and they kind of show you like, okay, here you go, right?

But this is just stuff that's not in the node modules.

These are just like what you're calling, then they go and like all the Different.

Like they look at the node modules.

So all the dependencies for the dependencies.


So there's not a whole tree and this just it's like you have to like zoom in like these are so far as zoomed out that you can't even read them, and so they have an SVG there if you want to zoom in but it is wild all the things that is in there.

So like this is a date.

FNS library right to work with day.

It's because again dates are hard and on the web and these are all like the dependencies, use it.

And then here's like JSM.

Oh I am not familiar that one and then this is next JS stuff here.

So like the pages is servers the router, the client like so much stuff and in the actual app.

So this is like what you wrote and then like these are like utility modules like helper stuff and there's so much of that.

So you're actually just writing this but it requires all this to get the web.

It's amazing.

So bunch of stuff.

They talk about all these things, right?


Now, this is where they get to that of the saying, non building with Dino and fresh.

So I find Dino and there's a quote from this person.

Jim Nielsen, I find Dino similar.

If you learn server-side JavaScript with Dino, you might accidentally learn the platform web platform along the way.

Its transferable knowledge, It's pretty dope.

All right now, so the build steps above all stem from a simple problem nodes, JavaScript has diverged from that of the browser.

But what if we could write browser compatible JavaScript that uses the web apis like fetch?

Because, well, no, I think fetches now in built into node but before you had it like he's libraries, and so I always liked went to Node fit.

I think I am even using node fetch in the project now, because I don't think the server node version that the server, the place is using is the latest.

I am not sure.

I have to check on that.

But so they're saying, like, hey, with this, you can use fetch, which is built into the web and Native esm imports from the get-go.

So that's Dino.

Dino takes the approach that web JS has improved massively.

Like I was saying, it's amazing, what you can do on the web and recent years and now is an extremely powerful scripting language.

We should all be using it.

I don't know about.

I don't like these words should, but it's pretty awesome.

So then like saying, like, here's what you might do, the same thing as above, build a Blog, but with Dino and fresh.

And fresh is their framework that Dino created.

And it's like, you can you write like so it's kind of like next JS.

But like, in terms that you're using like react to build your components, but it's like their whole thing is built like it.

It's built to work with Dino and it totally says it rights there.

Okay, fresh is a web framework built on Dino.

That does not have a build step.


Bundling know.

Transpiling and that is by Design.

When a request comes in to the server.

Fresh renders each page on the Fly.

That's why there's no build step because it does it on the fly.

Like it does it as things come in and sends only HTML.

Unless an island is involved, then the only needed amount of JavaScript will be sent as well, which is pretty dope.

Does it on the Fly?

And so just in time, build What It's Like on the Fly, basically the same thing.

And so they talked about this, a few years or some code and all the good stuff just in time turns.


So fresh doesn't require any separate transpile Steps either since it all just happened since it all happens just in time on the request.

So it that so you can use like typescript or whatever and there are no bills at the convert that like JavaScript does that while the request is coming in.

They say new server side, rendering writing client-side typescript the islands, all sorts of stuff, just kind of cool.

So yeah, so, client-side typescript is transpiled to JavaScript on demand, which is necessary because browsers do not understand types, which is where it's kind of like saying before with the transpiling stuff.

Alright, and then better code faster and but yeah that's the end of it and is, that's pretty cool.

And so what I like about it also is that You don't have to worry about like installing because they kind of could before you have to have your Dino runtime environment, right?

So you'd have to like compile it and store it somewhere, but now this is why like they have their own Dino deploy Cloud thing that you're going to do it yourself.

I mean, they do it for you.

They have it all like worked out, you just deploy your code to it, which is pretty cool.

And I think that really is going to help with like adoption of Dino.

And so If you know, something you got to check out and try and I think you gave in like do it in the browser.

So you're saying, I don't even think you really have to do anything like locally.

Like you probably get a lot of stuff up and running, I don't know, but don't hold me to that, but it's pretty dope.

And I thought it was a pretty interesting read.

Even just to show all the steps that happen because sometimes you just like, oh and PM run building like ours things, cool.

But to see and understand like what happens, like it, you really get a feel like oh, Things you can do to make things faster.

Like maybe, I don't really need that dependency because you see all that stuff there.


I think that's, I think that's super cool.

So shouts to the folks who already know the person, who wrote this goes by the name.

So again, I have a link to it so you can check it out.

I really Andy shoutouts to Andy, for writing the blog posts, pretty dope.

It's like a curse word in there.

I kind of like went over it, but it's fine.

All right, so super dope.

I am a big fan and haven't done much with, you know, I think Like one small thing.

What did I write with Dino?

I think.

What is it?

Let me double-check.

I am here now.

So, was it?

Find my next space.

Let me see.

Hold on I think I did it because I my next phase was I think was just a little bit simpler what I use for this.

Astro Firebase felt.


I have the look.

I could have sworn.

I did something with Dino.

What is it?


That in.

I don't think it was this.

Holy crap.

It was this.

Do you know Yeah, use those application?


Okay, very nice.

So yeah, I use that with this.

Totally forgot.

I was like, I know I thought I did something with it.

Oh, okay.

Do so yeah.

So I actually used it here, so I wonder if I use a no.

Remember, I honestly don't remember.

I did this like a quick project using, yeah, so yeah, Rudy no.

Deploy is where you host yourself.

Since I am talking about it, let us show it.

I think they had a link to it.

Do you know deploy Nice tag.

It's like a You know, dot deploy or do you / deploy?

Let me add this to lift the links here.


So this is what I use and I spoke about this before I believe.

And so yeah, so serve with JavaScript, zero hosting zero.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

And I did it also because Astro dot build a really made me like try.

It is, because Astro has integration with Dino.

And that's why I was like, oh so that's why I thought of what's that in the project idea because like it'd probably be cool to try it with it Integrations, and I am going over there, is it relations into aerial operations?

So I was like, I have always wanted to try Dino and I know they had like deploy things, a lot of stuff.

So yeah, here it is.

And so yeah, I was able to get stuff done.

It's pretty dope.

And if I remember correctly it also does like we're saying the server side rendering.

So you're able to just like you can do, static builds, but you could also do server-side rendering and that's what I did there and it was a pretty dope, and so I had a good time writing it.

So yeah.

So I dip my toe into it a little bit.

Alright so yeah and I add this to the list of links on think I did.

Let me add this.

Also, if you want to check it out, maybe build your own project.

I am a big fan of Astro.

And so seeing that there was the integration for Dino and I go to things, I want to try and I will be able to knock out a pretty quick side project.


So all that is in the list of Link's.

So I am gonna get you all back to work because I want to get back to work.

I am making some like I said, make some progress on this side project, and I am feeling pretty good about it.

So I want to keep that going.

I think my laundry might be done as well.

So cool when we come back, we will take a look at artists website unless you want to come up here and talk about something you found interesting, and then we will call it a day.

All right, so till 15 minutes after our I wish you much productivity must send you all off with some traveling music.

This here is new Jabez featuring a Pawnee be the track is called, thank you.

Thanks again for hanging out, I will see you all around until then I wish you much productivity and yeah, y'all be easy.

Thanks again for hanging out.

See you later.

All right loading, here we go.


Nujabes treatment of Honey Bee.

Thank you.