Links mentioned: Details automatically generated.

Speaker uses web dev to publish content about the stable web. They have a website dedicated to the development of web platforms. Speaker is going to talk about future stuff experimental things and highlight the work of other browsers. They believe documentation is important for adoption of new features. Speaker is working with others improving.

Speaker has been successfully working with their partners, at other browser, vendors, and related companies through interop 2022, and 2023. Now Speaker is working with the Developer Experience Community Group on a feature set. Speaker has created a GitHub repo for the web platform DX account. It was updated three days ago. Speaker wants people to contribute to the project.

Speaker has confirmed that Baseline is supported on mdn and on web devices. All the major browsers list the web features supported by Baseline. Speaker is excited, the continuously moving line with new features that will become part of the set each month.

Speaker has updated the web component and wants to broadcast it out. They are working on a thing that was announced at Google I / O this year. They want to add real time functionality to the button so that it can be picked up somewhere else.

Speaker went to Google I / O in person and they want to share their screen. They are going to put a link to the article on web dev and the list of links. Baseline helps web developers decide whether a feature API is safe to use in their site or web applications.

Speaker, Andrew content lead is going to talk about the interop of Chrome's new API release. Speaker will share how Chrome works with other browsers to make developing for the web easier. They have been building for the web for over 20 years. One thing that has stayed consistent is the need to decide which older browsers to support. Every browser release brings a raft of new features and fixes. Speaker writes a monthly post on web dev sharing. It's not unusual to see new features land simultaneously in Firefox, Chrome and Safari. Last year we saw Cascade layers landing in Chrome. The Baseline was designed to make sure that in between the major browsers that the way it worked in one worked in all the other.

Speaker wants to know what has changed 24 and Baseline 25 and what will happen next year. Baseline will move pages as features become interruptible so there's more information. Speaker is excited about the future of the web.

Speaker thanks everyone for hanging out and sends them off with some traveling music. They are going to look at the artist's website during a break session.

  • google i o
  • web dev
  • feature api
  • web applications
  • web easier
  • web developers
  • evergreen browsers
  • fixes features
  • latest version
  • browser engines
  • stable browsers
  • view transitions
  • browsers support
  • css grid
  • current browser
  • baseline feature

Welcome back, your dreams were your ticket, welcome back.

Same old place since you hung around, but those dreams have remade, and they turned around.

No, welcome back.

Let us give it a stretch.

Oh yeah, stretch feeling good.

So update on the web component.

So I got it all scaffold out and I have it working the way I want.

There's just like a simple button that's going to do something, but I wanted to show something every time it's clicked, and so I am passing in like an array of different things that you can show in the button and so when you click it goes through it.

Now what I am doing is why I need to do is just kind of hookup, a thing, the kind of like broadcast it out.

And so, yes, I shouldn't be too bad because I have done it before but it's working and I added a human, a CSS part.

So that way you have the style the button.

However, I want in the future and so yeah, should be cool.

I think so.


Just kind of add like add some like real time functionality, just like broadcasting stuff so that it can be picked up somewhere else.

So the plan is basically I want to be able to click the button and whatever's in it, show up somewhere else like an another application.

And I want to just be able to just throw the button in like some HTML or whatever, little bit of JavaScript to hook it all up and then somewhere else.

Listen, for those events of that thing, happening and showing somewhere else.

And I wanted to be just as like a you click on the button and it shows up somewhere else and that's what I am working on.

So, almost there, it's got a yeah.

Definitely next break, I should be done with that, so we will see.

All right, well, I want to talk about is a thing that was announced at Google I/O this year.

And earlier, I spoke about how last year.

I got the opportunity to go to see Google I/O in person, which was amazing, but I want Share my screen here.

What about this thing that they nouns?

Which I thought was pretty dope and so figured kind of go through it and talk about it a little bit, you know, it's for this break session, maybe there's audio will take it.

Well, I will sure the audio just in case.

And here we go.

So they announce Baseline.

And, so I kind of figured why not check out what they're talking about, and I am going to put the link to this article on web dev and the list of links.

So you can check it out for yourself.

All right, so Baseline introducing Baseline at Google I/O 2023.

We announced Baseline same Baseline a lot.

Learn more about this initiative and why we think it's important and shells to Rachel.

Andrew the blog post.

Now, there's anything here, so we might take a look at this video as well, but Baseline helps you to see at a glance, whether a feature API is safe to use in your site or web applications.

In this post, learn about the ideas that led to this concept and how we hope it will help you.

So from what I can see is that There are such kind of like fracturing.

They're getting better because we spoken up before about the interrupt like initiative that they have going on to try and release new features across all browsers.

So we're looking at like Chrome based browsers Mozilla like Firefox and, and Apple Safari.

So those are the three main ones that I believe that are always working on this stuff.

I want about the smaller ones.

I wonder if they're I am Not sure I like Opera and stuff.

Not sure.

But maybe I would say it here but it's a, so the interop thing is like, all right, we're going to have this new API release together at the same time, I believe Whereas this Baseline I think is like well when is this API like is it available across all of them?

So like older ones will see I am going to have them talk about themselves because there's a video there, and we're just going to take a watch and here we go.

I am Rachel, Andrew content lead for Chrome.

Web developer relations.

And in this talk I will be sharing the ways we're working.

Alongside our partners at other browsers and the broader ecosystem to make developing for the web easier and more consistent across browsers.

I have been building for the web for well over 20 years.

The web has changed a lot in that time, but one thing has stayed consistent, the need to decide which older browsers, we should support.

There was a time when browser releases were an infrequent thing, new web platform features arrived slowly.

Perhaps once a year, five years elapsed between Internet Explorer, 6 and 7 Things did not change quickly, which was frustrating when dealing with bugs.

When there was no new version around the corner, it was possible for web developers however, to keep track of the state of the platform.

The platform was more limited with fewer features and it changed slowly today.

Evergreen browsers with frequent release Cycles.

Mean that new features land on the web platform every month.

Every browser release brings a raft of features and fixes features that range from the addition of a single CSS property through two huge specifications such as web GPU.

Users upgrade to these browsers almost without knowing about it update and upgrading software is something that just happens.

So the majority of users will be using the latest version quickly.

There are so many things Landing each month.

It's possible for me to write a monthly post on web dev sharing.

Just some of them.

There's always plenty to choose from new features are landing quickly and getting onto the devices of our users at a paste.

Unlike anything, we have seen before.

Features are also becoming interoperable much more quickly, meaning that they work in the same way across all browser engines.

It's now Not Unusual to see features land.

Almost simultaneously in Firefox, Chrome and Safari.

Last year we saw Cascade layers Landing in Chrome.

99 Firefox.

So you can watch the rest of it.

There's a like 12 more minutes, so we will just keep reading.

So yes we're my gather like interrupt was making sure that in between the major browsers that the way it worked in one worked in all the other ones.

But now so that's what the API and how it works.

To make sure it's the same.

And so you code one and you expect it to be the same.

But now I guess with the Baseline is like, well, when it's available, that's whether they're trying to draw a baseline, like it's available here and with interop, that it should work the same, I guess.

So keeping up with platform changes, keep it with changes to the web platform, the world today, changes rapidly.

Our browsers are evergreen with new features landing and stable browsers each month.

Like I said before.

Yeah, okay, said that there.

Okay, so we recognized that we were adding to confusion about the status of features mixing experimental things in with stable content on our sites because some of the stuff you will see like, well you need to act like turn on a flag or something, or it's only available behind this thing.

You have origin, trials on a sort of stuff.

So we have improved the clarity of our own communication channels.

We now use web dev to publish content about the stable web, those things that we can now Describe as part of Baseline and those that are very close to that status.

So now going to talk about like I guess future stuff experimental things.

We also highlight the work of other browsers as we all work together to improve the interoperability of the platform.

So on web dev the site.

Where on you will find content such as the newly interruptible interoperable series.

Yes, celebrating features that are now supporting all three major engines.

We also have our monthly series covering what's new to the web platform.

All right, cool.

So yeah, the site is also home to our best practices guidance in subjects such as performance, accessibility and fundamental web development skills do so, then on separate site, you can learn about the new things that Chrome is bringing to the web platform so not so web.

Dev is going to be like all the major browsers but be just for Chrome based browsers.

so I guess that's also where they will have like like the newness Alright.

So go down to say here documentation is really important for adoption of new features.

Yes, yes it is and this year we have made sure that the new future features.

We are landing in Chrome, have documentation over on mdn Mozilla developer Network, who make Firefox.

For example, take a look at the documentation for view transitions, which was spoken about before on the show and Shone like a demo of how I am using it in a new my current side project.

And web GPU can spoke about that before that thing seems awesome.

Especially I am into like a are like WebEx are with so augmented reality and virtual reality on the web.

And I think by kind of doing some of that GPU rendering with web GPU, will be like a game changer.

Make a lot of things work because not going to block the rest of the stuff that's happening on this site, so then doesn't be pretty cool.

Okay, so here we go.

The time I enter up here working with others improving.

What we do was important.

However, the add to address the bigger issue, we need to work with others.

We have been successfully working with our partners, at other browser, vendors, and related companies through interop 2022, and 2023, spoke about that before.

And then forming the web DX or developer experience web.

Developer experience community group brought everyone together.

There to think about the issue of clarity across the platform as a whole, so the group is working together on a feature set.

A way to Group web platform features to show their support status.

And this feature set is key to the concept of Baseline.

So let us get this feature set here.

What is this?

It's a GitHub repo for the web platform DX account.

I see updated three days ago.

All right, I actually moved up on this thing here.

So, let us see.

All right, so if you want to contribute and check that out, you can hear.

Alright, okay.


So creating platform why Clarity with bass lines, here we go.

Bass line is the Line in the Sand that is hard to identify in a world of Evergreen browsers.

Everything is that is fully supported in the most, recent two versions of major browsers will be a part of Baseline, okay, therefore if your library states, that all features used are part of Baseline developers, know what you mean.



When creating a proposal for a new application, you can explain to stakeholders that browsers support will be tied to Baseline thus creating Clarity for everyone as two levels of support.


So we're saying, hey we're covering this Baseline here, so we know it's going to work across all browsers at this point in time.

So that way, if anything, the Baseline changes, well, we will have to review that At.

But we're saying for this level, it's always your good to go.

I think so please, that's it.

So from today, you will start to see Baseline appearing on mdn and on web devs.

Let us take a look at an example.

I think I saw this earlier when I was working on something.

Close this one.

So yeah.

So your ego Baseline supported, so I guess that means we're so CSS grid if you use CSS Grid in a project.

Well then you're good to go across.

All the major browsers if I drop down lists this so Baseline is determined by.

This Baseline is determined by this web feature being supported on the current and previous major versions of major browsers.

So that's kind of like important to say So Baseline I think they said like Baseline is saying the current version and previous major versions.

This thing is supported cool.

And it was to take a look at mdn.

Oh wait, oh, so here it is.

So that's what he will look there.


And you're understanding what this is.

The web component.

I would be super cool.

There's like a web component.

Let me see here.

Nah, never mind.

Now, I just look like it's regular.


That'd be cool because like a web component, do you past and stuff but that's cool?

All right, close that.

You see this one?

A web component, though?

Because that would be something you could reuse a lot.

It would make sense to be a web component.


But I would be pretty cool.

If it was work point, you just pass in something and you can add on them.

All right.


Yes, yes, Baseline and looks pretty dope.

So, as Baseline will be continuously moving line up continuously moving line because like I said, it's the current browser and previous browsers.

So, any time there's a new browser, there's like a new baseline or new set of like, major things like a new Baseline and so, yeah, we will be a continuously moving line with new features, becoming part of that set each month every year.

We will publish a cut of Features that are part of Baseline in One Moment In Time at One Moment In Time when actually Clarity you can't.

I support to Baseline 24 for example.


So then so we're at 24 then.

So we're also quite excited by the ability to compare year-on-year.

What Baseline looks like what will have changed between Baseline 24 and Baseline 25?

That will be interesting to see where it up.

I am kind of wondering keep an eye on the Baseline page.

So let us take a look at the Baseline page and see, I guess what's there now?

It was cool.

So we will be providing widgets that you can use on your own articles or libraries, indicating support for the Baseline feature set.

That's cool.

And so we're all will also be working to ensure that new features.

We are landing in Chrome.

Become part of Baseline as quickly as possible.

Watch out for future posts where we will talk more about that work.

So let us take a look at the actual Baseline, I guess page.


Wait okay, Baseline 2024.

So I guess all this might be going into next year.

Baseline will move as features become interruptible so there's more information.

All right, cool.

Very cool.

I am always a fan of trying to make things consistent, especially across the web, because before it was like a lot of stuff happening.

And so, something like this is, like, makes me feel good about, you know, the future of the web where everybody's going to kind of, like it's going to be consistent across all browsers, you know?

I mean so.

All right, so that was cool shall see them looking forward to more of that.

All right, so I am gonna get you all back to work.

Let us see here.

Where's the mouse?

There we go.

All right, I am going to send you all off with some traveling music.

This is where we go.

Here we go.


Alright, so this is new Jabez featuring a Pawnee be check.

It's called.

Thank you.

Because again, I want to thank you all for hanging out.

We have one more break session, and we're going to look at artists website with some music watching videos, maybe and maybe become a fan.

Alright, so again, thank you hanging out.

This is nujabes featuring a Pawnee be.

Thank you and see you for the final break session later on.

So I wish you much productivity.

All right, thanks music piece.