Links mentioned: Details automatically generated.

Speaker will be back in 3 hours to do it all over again. Speaker was cleaning up around the van and making orders.

Speaker is going to go over an artist's website. They played them on the radio show before and as recently as yesterday. Speaker will add their link to the list of links. Speaker has created a website with a large image and a link to YouTube. Speaker would like Spotify to put embedded videos on their website to keep people coming back to their website. Speaker would like to have this video on them website.

Speaker hacked the original PlayStation. Speaker will work hard to make they art. Speaker would like to have a Spotify account. Speaker talks about Tres sojourn Hodgins, a professional independent musician and content creator. they do voice acting, design sounds and expansion packs for Native Instruments products and has produced custom music for other artists. they also does voice-over narration for them clients and an online doc Speaker likes the links on they colleague's website.

Speaker is interested in the music of sojourn. Speaker wants to know more about they music. Sojourn has released a debut album, journalism, summer articles, a band camp, an EP, Tableau rasa, tahn, Bourassa and a dark Speaker is browsing a website. There are sample packs with information and an image. The link to the sample packs is not available.

Speaker and they friends are going to listen to sunlight and instrumental single from sojourn. Speaker is going to play some music on Spotify. Speaker wants to use Spotify to listen to the tracks they played on the show. Spotify has embeddable things. Speaker is watching a video of a music software company from Germany. Speaker is going through some of they work and finds some interesting stuff.

Speaker and they friends are listening to the album " Sir " by a group from Tampa. Speaker played the album on the radio show. Speaker has almost 1000 music items in them collection. Speaker is a big fan of the main campus. Speaker has inherited some ugly traits from them parents. Speaker is about to be out of here.

  • listen
  • voice
  • spotify youtube
  • advertising content
  • recordings jostle
  • social media

Come back, your dreams were your ticket.

Welcome back that same old place for the new since you hung around but those dreams everything, and they turned around.

Hey, what's going on?

All right, I can't believe it's been like almost three hours, kind of amazing.

Welcome back to the final break session, man of the first Cipher of the day.

After this, I will be back in like three hours to do it all over again.

So again, you can subscribe and you see all the upcoming ciphers and sign up to get notified.

All right, cool.

So for these bricks, hopefully by the way, hope you're making progress and whatever it is that you're working on.


I was cleaning up around the van and stuff.

So I will get that stuff done and got some stuff orders, like, some juices and things.

There's this thing called.

Chair Bundy.

It's like this cherry juice is made out of this is juice, man.

I cherries.

It's great.

It's, it's awesome.

All right, not a sponsor.

But a be nice, okay.

Let us see.

What are the okay?

Going to go over an artist's website.

That is right.

Let us take a look.


This is someone that we played on the radio show before and as most recently as yesterday.

And so figured take a look at their website and maybe you will be a fan as well.

So the person we're talking about, I am going to add their link to the list of links, so you can check it out at your leisure.

When you listen, you a check out the recording.

The person we are talking about, make sure Share the audio because we're definitely going to listen to some tracks.

So this is sojourn, which I guess is short for sword journalist.

And yeah, the website is so journalist., so generalist

All right, so let us take a look at the website.

All right, so nice, like a large image here making it kind of show like, oh, I am MCS what I do.

I am a big fan of that first impressions.

Like, all right, this is what I want you to know about me.


Scroll down.

So I guess this is the welcome.


That is the welcome.

All right.


Okay picture.

I am guessing that's him.

Holding a mic.

All right.

Well, here's welcome.

Okay to so journalist media and so then live music reduction.

So all the things that they do voice acting, content writing sample packs.

Now, these like, link like this one links to YouTube.

This is the Spotify YouTube, Another Part in the site, which is cool.

And then another part of the site and be cool.

If these are just embedded, I am pretty sure Spotify has an obscene it beforehand.

Embedded thing too because it is like have it there.

Instead of like linking off your website, your I am saying like you want to try keep people on your website as much as possible.

At least for me.

I don't know.

I will hide it but maybe nice as a viewer as a person coming to the site to be like, oh, let me check out some live music.

There's this video here or something, you know I am saying so because yes, you do opens in a new window and then I am like and then YouTube's job is to keep you.

On YouTube, you know I am saying?

So once you get them on YouTube is like, oh, they're gone forever.

They're probably never come back to your site.

So I saw this video before and this is a super dope video.

So definitely I would have this on the website.

So we're going to listen this real quick.

Watch it.

Does this be super dope and because like, what about like, oh, how caspin did you hack the original PlayStation?

And you start going down this Rabbit Hole, you know, I am saying like this.


So yeah, let us take a look at this.

This is a super dope video, this I would have Huge on the site.

I mean, but here we go.

So this is sojourn live at the dome in Encinitas, California.


So let us listen to this real quick.

And yeah, here we go.

I am sharing audio.

Yes, this I won't argue.

I will work hard to make my art.

Do with others.

Won't cook and can't do and part newness with a trueness of style in the midst of the heartless and the clueless.

I do this with a smile, all the while, doing more with less and more or less its Mega freshen, and he attempts to test will be taken and Justin follow our prompt removal of your person from the premises like this.

Climate the definition of liquor and extremities and vocab rather risk of the Santa's lap of paper Grace.

The ears of those who hear and feel the space button for witches.

Go to the website or find on YouTube, I guess, but it'd be dope if it's on the website.

All right.

Yeah, super amazing.

Like that.

I would have that everywhere.

That, that is awesome.

That is super.

Super cool.

All right.

Again, I think I don't have Spotify.

So I don't know what that's going to do.

But let us see.

Voice acting is another YouTube video content or okay.

So, Tres sojourn Hodgins, who wants the last name?


Well, the first name is a professional independent musician and content creator.


In addition to the drums.

He has produced custom music for other artists, is that we have been playing on the radio show TV, broadcast and online companies for their advertising content.

You also do voice-over narration for his clients, nice.

And then, oh, he did a voice an online docu-series called science, Uprising.


Design sounds and expansion packs for a Native Instruments products and hosted events that super dope.

So it goes to another YouTube video.

It is cool.

Again if it was, you know, in there like even if it's just like a video section or something.

About me.


Nice drums, production voice.

Very nice.

Very nice picture, dig it, the unit.

All right, more information.

Start playing that age 5.

Nice different styles.

Very nice.

So you can say it's like, oh, I am about these drums.

To do cool.

Different artists.

He's worked with very nice, cool.

And these links are these links?


Okay, they go to other peoples websites, very nice.

Nice showing love, nice him on the mic.

Very nice.

As a hip-hop artist, very nice known as sojourn and MC producer, and all-around live performer, very nice and other people worked with.

Cool, and then about the beats?

Let us see, the really so the debut album so journalism, the summer articles, it goes the band camp.

So he has a band camp open that up.


That's another thing.

I couldn't like because all the stuff I have purchased before we're from like a list of recordings jostle, these recordings, and that's how I heard of sojourn.

I think it was like an instrumental project.

Or like he did productions for somebody on this recording somebody that as we start playing on the radio show and start working on upcoming beat tape titled.

Tableau rasa, tahn, Bourassa and released an EP titled, the dark room and I go to SoundCloud, okay.


And you have the contact, very nice.


And then bunch of social media, random social media links here.

All right, and I do with WordPress cool.

Okay, continue with the site so about All right, so more information.

All right.

So is the same picture.

Same information?

That's cool, I guess for SEO and stuff.

Yeah, same information chef.


So this is I guess the sample packs, you speak about before.

Very nice.

This Oh, I guess we download it.

Oh, no.

This is the image.

Wait, what?

Yes, image?

Okay, so if you wanted to get it.

How would you buy it?

Zero, I mean, huh?

How would you purchase it?

Can you purchase it?

I don't see a link either.


All right.

I guess there's supposed to be an image here.

Sure shots.

So, the more sample packs, all right?


Plane breaks.

All right, but thing is Where do you pick it up?

Because these are just Oh, okay.

This actually took me too somewhere.

Okay, cool, but the other one didn't do that.

Let me see.

Hold on.

Wait, wait, wait.

This one does the same thing.


This one is just the image.

Okay, so they do link against just the first one.

Doesn't cool.

Is this?

And this is also the one gets an image, but it's broken.

Yeah, I think that's going to work.

All right, for a mess, anything up.

Alright, cool.

So that's shop.

Nice leases.

Okay, I guess it's a blog post.

So this one was pinned to the top, I guess.

All right.

You can listen to it.

All right, very nice.

Let us take a listen to sunlight and instrumental single from sojourn and it's available now where we get your music, and they have a link to the sound like, okay, like, if you could like link to where it is, instead of just available wherever you get your music because I may get it from some random place.

I am saying neither here nor there.

Let us take a listen sunlight.

It's what we play on the last show.

All right, I am gonna get us are gonna get high.

You're gonna have to pick it up.


Then we have the dark room.

The latest vocal work from surgery and finds him looking at the in developing his — his negatives for himself and the listeners consider the snapshots a continuation of the journal like song entries.

He enjoys creating.

Nice, it goes to SoundCloud.

I am not going to click to go to some quite, alright, so Works.

Let us take a look at works.

But again, it'd be cool if you had an embedded of the track, like it did sunlight.

Very nice works.

Goes a Spotify, Spotify, Spotify, Spotify.

Spotify will make a w of FIB.

Think we play some stuff in there before, on that up from that album.

Let us see.

Try think.

Okay, Spotify, Spotify tunnel rats.

I think I have heard of Tourette's before.

Are they from like Chicago or something?

I remember was that like a little while ago, Ariel Sketchbook.

Recordings dot band. cool.


I just got to band.

Camp, band, camp, cool.

It's Wi-Fi.


Good at stuff.

Lots of on Spotify, do too.

Thing is, I don't have Spotify.

So this I think we played on the show that looks familiar.

That looks familiar.

Spotify will be cool to be able to listen to the tracks.

And I mean, if you want to use Spotify, no Spotify has pretty sure we played this one as well.

And I know, I am pretty sure on that one Spotify have like embeddable things.

So be cool.

Again, like these social media, their main goal is to keep you on their platform looking at ads I am saying, so if you can get people to stay on your website by some miracle, they come to your website, the keep them on there, then it's like kicking them off.

You know, I mean, but cool.

The best dope.

Alright, lot of stuff.

Very nice quiets.

See does he have some of the voice acting?

Oh that's cool.

Nice showing like in like a teacher mode.

So clients Native Instruments.

This is kind of hard to read but music software company from Germany.


Yeah, so guys I am out.

Old critic, custom loops and demo music for I guess, various Pacs and things.

All right.

Cool, very nice and warm spring Productions, voiceover for TV, show promo, pitches and show narration for docu-series.

That's what it's all about before science Uprising.

Very nice.

Be cool.

Again, to have the video up because it goes to YouTube.

Broken life, media developing show, ideas, treatments, and multi-genre cutting-edge content.


And then this is looks like music supervisor for the Parker.

Edison project podcast on NPR.

Nice, cool.

She's been in some work.

Very nice.

And it shows like a wide range of different things that Soldier and can do super cool contact.

The think is what we saw on the form of, for.


Here we go.

Very nice.

So, pretty much like the stuff that was on the front.


All right.

So let us so we looked at the video.


Very nice.

Let us listen, a couple more joints.

So this is from his bank account page, and this came out.

Okay, 2009.

Got some more stuff.

So, okay.

So I guess the newer stuff is on Alyssa recordings.

All right, cool.

So let us take a quick.

Listen to, what's name of the album?

It's called Sir.

Germans is the Z of a title track.

Other than the same surreal from Tampa.

It's part of a group called.

I forgot the name.


We just played on the radio show.

I shot the blame one.

All right, so journalism.

Okay, let us listen this because it's like the title track.

All right, so journalism by soldier earn Soldier on from so journalism.

The summer articles.

All right, here we go.

Take a listen real quick.

Journal entry, revealing Turtle intrigues.

Perfectly Flawed man, monologues map.

My psyche MC like no other replicas.

Do not me.

I was born an original.

I refused desire copy.

I got these to jog memories of the days dead when heads of the feet and listened to what was this time around is not dancers on the fine line between refined and raw.

I am a rough draft and deities.

Are you gonna the purchase that you weren't listening?

Rest of that.

Very nice.

Let us see.

Okay, so I looked through our catalog, by the way, almost 1000 stuff in our collection, just saying, just saying we have been putting it works.

All right, so let us bunch of stuff.

So yeah, so we heard sunlight, so I do own that one late night.

Unfiltered, let us listen to that one.

So, we will end off with this one.

And there's rise and fall.

And yeah, let us take a listen.

So yeah, here we go.

So, this is unedited, unfiltered, genuine craft by sojourn.

All right, here we go.

Take a listen.

Let us go see what school is.

Bandcamp players.

You can listen like right there, you know, I mean, so yeah, big fan of the main campus.

Oh, yeah, you put on your website would be nice.

As have seen, something like this.

It's have links to other places.

Yeah, I mean, like, Keep them on your website.

All right, here we go.

Oh, yeah.

Just listen, narcissistic Tendencies.

A great escape artists painted.

Portraits of traits that were genetic in a sense.

I sense my senses deceive me to self-hate, believe I have the capability to be the Flyers, lie, you have ever met the lie because the other ugliness that was passed down.


I caught it in our own it.

Now that I have stolen the cut, you open an infection is the natural progression of things.

Warrior-poet leader, King act accordingly, instead of taking the opportunities afforded me to be.

All right, guys.

The cop that if you wanna hear the rest of that.

So, yeah, shouts is sojourn and, I mean, nice website.

Very nice.

So, this takes me back to the beginning, right word.

So I shall sojourn continued success, you know, I mean and I thought it was dope and cool.

So about to be out of here.

So for the final work sessions, normally give like an hour to finish up.

What are you working on?

So be able to do that?

Enjoy and let me see time.


All right.

Let me stop the screen.


Cool, good.

Almost thought.

I stop the broadcast.

That would been a disaster.

Let us see.

Okay, let me get this ready.

So I am going to end off.

Send you all with some traveling music to finish up.

Maybe you will come back later today, again, like three or four hours from now, going to come back and do this all over again, and the Subscribe has all the upcoming ciphers, so you can always check that out.

All right, so we're going to end off with nujabes featuring, a Pawnee be again.

The track is called.

Thank you.

And see you all around and you have a great week, be And have fun.



See you later, maybe or something whenever have a good time.

I am going to show you how.