Links mentioned: Details automatically generated.

Speaker wants to talk about the 2023 developer survey from stack Overflow during the break session. They will put a link to the Preserve next to the recorded video.

Speaker has been doing the annual survey on the developer community for 13 years. This year over 90,000 developers responded to the survey. Speaker will develop a profile learning to code from online resources. Docker is the most popular technology among the respondents this year.

People learning to code are more likely to use npm or pip. They are the top two async tools amongst all developers. Markdown files are used more than GitHub discussions. Rust is the most admired technology. Speaker would like to use the least admired language Matlab again.

Speaker suggests that more developers would choose to work with Phoenix than react node, next JS and nodejs. 40% of chat GPT users want to use Google bar door being AI next year. Zig is the highest-paid language to know this year, while closure gets knocked from the top spot with a 10% decrease from 2022.

Speaker is talking about trends in technology and employment. Ai tools are being used more than 20% year-over-year. There is a slight increase in independent, contractor freelancer or self-employed workers and a decrease in full-time students. Speaker is talking about hybrid and fully remote work in large and small companies. The smaller companies are more likely to be in person. People managers spend less time looking for solutions to problems.

Speaker talks about the global community of developers. Most professional developers have a bachelor's degree with a quarter of them attaining a master's degree. Speaker is learning to code. The majority of developers are in their early to mid career stage. Speaker is looking at the most popular technologies.

Speaker explains to Nancy what kind of databases people are using. They use Firebase, because it's run on Google Cloud infrastructure. Speaker is a JavaScript developer Advocate. They plan to use AI Tools in their development process.

Speaker has less than one year experience and has two managers concerned about their team productivity. They send everyone back to work. Speaker used to code in notepad plus when they were coding. They are doing a survey. They forgot to do their clips and things. They are not sharing their screen. Speaker is interested in trying out Chrome OS on their new laptop.

Speaker is going to send everyone back to work. They will create a highlight clip out of the clips they got and send them off with some traveling music. When they come back they will take a look at the artist's website.

  • annual survey
  • online resources
  • top age cohort
  • agent sync tool
  • professional developers
  • admired language
  • development process
  • mid career stage
  • full stack

Welcome back, your dreams were your ticket, welcome back.

Same old place that you will the none, but those dreams have remained, and they turned around.

Welcome back.

All right, so this all started first, give a stretch.

Oh yeah.

Oh yeah.


Alright, so you get as much as I wanted done by got some stuff done like the laundry's getting some, the machine I got I found out that I spoke about this before but Dino KV.

I got look like I got access to it, and so I was thinking of different ideas that I can use for a side project for it and I just got distracted.

But Here, today, for this break session, good thing the breaks out of there because that kind of like, force me out of the rabbit hole that I was going down and so that's good.

But for this break session, I want to talk about the 2023 developer survey from stack Overflow.

I don't think I can.

I think I was traveling or something, but I don't think I spoke about it before.

So I wanted to talk about now always like, to do.

Random last one.

I think I did was the net Le fi developer survey.

So I like to use these for.

Kind of like, seeing what's out there?

You like, it overview of what's happening and then I can decide whether or not I want if anything sounds cool to me, right?

Because again, I don't really like jump into things unless I have like an idea to use it in a project or something and so kind of like with the KV stuff like I sing about stuff.

So I think I might have some ideas, we kind of cool, this a try out, you know mean, so I like to use the Preserve any kind of see what's happening, you know, like an overall View and then decide whether or not I want to jump into it further.

All right.

So, yeah, let me put a link to it and the so it will be next to the recorded video so you can check it out for yourselves and I guess, here we go.

20:23 developer survey on May 20, 23 over 90,000 developers responded to our annual Survey about how they learn and level up which tools they're using and which ones they want?


Cool because I got overview and methodology.


All right been doing this for 13 years.

The delivered leading delivered industry-leading, insights regarding the developer Community.

Let us do, let us see.

This is the voice of the developer analyst, it leaders reporters and other developers turn to this report.

To stay up-to-date with the evolving developer experience technologies that are rising or following and favor falling.

Yes, finally.

Killing falling in favor and to understand where Tech might be going next.

So again kind of like similar to what I use it for then.

Yeah, this year went deep into AI /ml artificial intelligence machine learning to capture how developers are thinking about it and using it in their workflows.

So I have got another link, we talk about that stuff too.

And as with other stack Overflow Labs which seems pretty cool as well and happy reading.

So I will develop a profile learning to code, learning to code from online resources, increase from 70% to 80% since the 2022, surveys.

Okay, so more people are learning how to code online from online resources, respondents, 18, and under are those most frequently selecting online resources that's dope.

So videos blogs forums to learn from respondents 25 to 34.

So I wonder what happened with the folks that were like 19 to 24.

I don't know where the top age cohort to have learned from online courses or certifications and then so that's 52 percent, but still learn more.

From 052 percent of those folks.

Wait, what?

But still learn more from Traditional School.


Most popular Technologies this year, Docker is a top use other tool amongst all respondents 53% rising from a second place spot last year.


People learning to code are more likely to be using npm or pip than Docker, okay?

50% and 37 percent respectively versus 26 percent.

Both are used alongside languages that are popular with students JavaScript and python respectively.

So yes, a JavaScript type npm pit for python.

All right, cool.

So the most popular Technologies, why complicated jira and Confluence are the top two async tools amongst all developers similar to last year but this year a new addition to the list broke top 3, 27 percent of respondents use markdown files as an agent sync tool, interesting.


People are learning to code people who are learning to code are using GitHub discussions more than markdown files 31% 29%.

So barely and turn to notion 23:6, 36 percent and Trello, 20% more than professional developers.

Okay, let us see.

It most technology admired and desired.

Rust is the most admired language, more than 80% of developers that use it.

Want to use it again next year.

Compare that to the least admired language Matlab?

Oh, I remember Matlab less than 20% of developers who use this language once and use it again next year.


I got to have liked everything kind of like summarized here.


My entire Phoenix is the most admire web, framework and Technology, okay?

More developers would choose to work with Phoenix.

(Again) than those who have used the three, most common note, react node, and next JS.


But then react, and next day, as an almost, like the same thing, right?

So, then just like meta, framework, or whatever for it, and then nodejs.


Technology Phoenix.

I think that uses words that use Scala.

No, I am not sure.

Okay technology or again and Myron desired other tools.

So more respondents want to, you want to continue using cargo, which I am not.

I think it's up the rest thing next year.

Then the top competitors tap six tools that respondents want to use next year.

However, Docker has almost doubled, the proportion of respondents that want to use it next year compared to all other options.

Okay, so 40% of chat GPT users want to use Google bar door being AI next year.

These users are enjoying their experience Sonia percent of them say they represent want to use chat gbt again next year.


Zig is the highest-paid language to know this year.

A new addition while closure gets knocked from the top spot with a 10% decrease from 2022.


So if you know, closure Zig, you should be done pretty well.


Darton SAS saw, the highest increase in median pay during 2023.


I am gonna say, yes, what is that growing more than 20% year-over-year?

That's cool.

All right.

So then we have the AI cinnamon and usage.

70% of all respondents are using or planning or are planning to use AI Tools in their development process.

Next year, or this year process this year.

Those learning to code are more likely than professional developers to be using a, I do be using or use AI tools.

But okay.

All right.

Then for all respondents this year, we see a slight increase in independent, contractor freelancer or self-employed and equal size decrease in full-time.


1% one percentage Point compared to last year and other employment status is changing less than that so full-time.


Yes, went down.


The cost of investing in oneself has risen from inflation in 2023 but not enough to sway many from the opportunity to level up their developer skills.

Okay that's more.

People are like still headed towards coding through like boot camps and things.

All right, so work hybrid is here to stay for larger organizations over half of employees.

In five thousand-plus organizations are hybrid, so I guess 5,000-plus is like considered large.

The smaller organizations are more likely, most likely to be in person with one out of five organizations with fewer than 20 people reporting being in person, okay.

Let us see more developers this year are working in person this year than last year.

That's a lot of years in their plus 2% return to office initiatives aside coating easily lends itself to fully remote work and one third or more of all organizations sizes are still fully remarked remote.


Let us see, activity.


Huh, 60% of all respondents for spend more than 30 minutes a day searching for answers or solutions to problems.

People managers are more likely to spend less time searching than individual contribution contributors.

Oh, people managers are less likely to spend time.

Yeah, I mean yeah, probably because they're not really doing like a technical thing right there.

Just kind of like helping developers.

Be able to ship products.

Okay, so what we know about the global community of Developers Most developers, a 4%, have a post-secondary education, having some college and more people that graduate like high school, or whatever, secondary level, or what have you is in your country?

All right, most professional developers have attained a bachelor's degree with a quarter.

Attend attaining and master's degree.


For the developers who are learning to code more than half are 18 and 24.

So it makes sense that they're more likely to not have a bachelor's degree there.

Likely still in school, makes sense.

And let us see.

So it's like their highest education.


So Allah professionals have The Bachelors learning to code.


Secondary high school stuff.


Other coders.

That looks almost the same.



Yeah, learning to code.

Okay, cool.

We kind of went over that.

So like online resources, I guess online courses or certification but that be bootcamp shown here.

Okay, cool.

Now a lot of people are doing boot camps.

All right.

All my resources to learn and so technical documentation, like to see that stackoverflow makes sense.


Video-based course.

Okay, kind of see.

Like, if you're into like making Tech content, you kind of see, like, where people are looking for things.

Okay, udemy is like, the, I guess the standard or whatever for online course platforms.

I guess.

Like a leader, Maybe.

Let us see.

So the majority of the developers are in their early to mid career stage.

All right, so okay, so that's all cool.

You see?

But an i technology Let us see what folks are using.

Most popular Technologies.

Alright, JavaScript array.


Okay, the foundation's like I like python cool typescript.

And while these were places or is because people like building for the web and said, I didn't do all this over here.

They're saying like Zig.


So what kind of databases this is systems?

People are using.

So I use Firebase here by use, like, firestore from other stuff, so that's tied, cool.


It really gets a really get some so small now.

Cloud platforms.

Okay the AWS is like running things as your and Google cloud and see thing is Google, Cloud and Firebase are kind of the same because Firebase is run on Google Cloud infrastructure.

So that's cool.

Thanks to Nancy both of them together.

Like let us separate My parents.

Here we go.

So node js, react jQuery.

Express, angular next JS.

Which is, I guess similar to react, and use react components core, but that's higher than view.


It's felt nice.


Other Frameworks and libraries.

Dotnet 5, plus okay, you know the stuff is making sense to me, I don't see any I think I will go drill into.

You know, and I am sleepy.

All right.

Okay, same Docker stuff.

Okay, but the thing I want to talk about what's also this other site here.

So developers sentiment around a IML Let me copy this link.

Here at cool now.

Sit down by the survey again over like 90,000 people.

Let us see, like I talk about like how they did things, that's pretty cool.


This one's pretty cool.

Do you currently use AI Tools in your development process?

And this is basically I am a JavaScript developer Advocate, and is 47.8 people saying yes 30.4 soon.

But I plan to soon nobody's plan too soon.

No, I didn't know plan to and some use or planning on using.


That's how they got that seventy percent.

So it's not like they just dropped, like all this money, and they give you like a percentages and stuff.

Okay, full stack your front end developer from developers beating out in full stack.


Do you currently use AI in your tool for development process?

So less than one year experience in?



Now you have this may have two managers be concerned about their team productivity.

Okay, cool.

I will take a while to load in it.

Am I think is messing up again?

I wonder why he's doing that weird, it's fine.

I am over anyway.

So yeah, so you check it out, it's pretty cool.

The whole stack, Overflow developer survey, good to see that stuff there, that's up, screen share.

All right, I am going to send you all back to work because I think my laundry could be done.

So about to be up out of here.

And, Oh yeah.

I totally forgot to do any clips and stuff.

So yeah.

So again pretty cool.

All respondents.

Let me see.

Oh, so visual studio code.

That's cool.

I remember using notepad plus back in the day.

So that's, that's cool to see that still there?

Or notepad is even there webstorm.

He's webstorm.

Just regular old notepad.

Let me see.

Nope, I guess people just use notepad plus.

Plus I remember when I was coding, I just use notepad because that's what would pop up when I was like, editing, like HTML file.

Like, when I want to open it up and I remember, I go that's cool.

And then, so I was coding for a long time using notepad.

And then I saw a notepad plus, it's like all the colors, the colors are amazing.

And so, yeah, super dope.

And then that's why I learned about what was it.

It wasn't vs code.

First, it was another one.

Our students here.

So this is Sublime could have been Sublime.

Adam, Adam was another one I used and I kind of like settled on Visual Studio code.

So I just realized I am not even sharing my screen.

Holy crap.

Let us see here.


I got so engrossed in the survey, I totally forgot to do my clips and things.

But yeah so again cool to see Visual Studio code up there.

Very nice.

It's cool.

I might you know check out some of these other stuff here that I have never heard of before.

It might suit, might use cases a synchronous tool.

So jira's leading the way.


As your devops get up discussions.

All right, cool.

And see what else we got here.

Synchronous tools.

So here we go.

So Microsoft teams.


Okay then I expect that one.


Zoom Discord.

Google meets OK.

Google Chat.

Something didn't know that.


Telegram Okay, cool.

Operating system.

So for a lot of people use Windows for their personal use.

Okay, that's cool.


So you would think from all like I have been seeing like the you think Mac OS was like?

The predominant like for professional use, whereas, I mean it's barely more than people have Mac OS for personal use interesting.

And not that much more than like 12.



Because it almost feels like everybody's using like, mac.

Every time I go to a conference like all Max, but I guess that's just a whole small use case.

Who even like iOS.


And then windows subsystem.

I just put that on my new laptop.

So I am interested in trying that out.

Let us see.

But yeah, like I said, Chrome OS.

Yep, sounds like Chrome OS.

So, so few people.

I am a big fan.

That's why you.

And so, I codon, like, personal stuff.

Haiku, I never heard of that.

All right?

My bad.

Never mind.

So I got my clips, and so I will be able to create a highlight clip out of this.

So, alright again, thanks for hanging out.

I am going to send you all back to work.

I am tired.

I just.


Just All of a sudden hit me.

All right, I am gonna send you off with some traveling music.

He's here is new Jabez featuring a Piney be checking skull.

Thank you.

Because again, thanks for hanging out.

When we come back we will take a look at artists website.

They listen to music watching videos and maybe you will become a fan of the Artist as well.

So here we go.

So, speaking of being fans, its new job ads, featuring of Pawnee, be the check is gone.

Thank you.

All right, catch all around till then 50 minutes after our for the final break till then I wish you much productivity and y'all be easy.

