Links mentioned: Details automatically generated.

Speaker is working on a post radio soap things. They send out the email blast to radio promoters and people who are on the mailing list. They also work on a side project. Speaker is interested in the Edge technology. They think that the time it takes to deploy an application has gone up.

Speaker explains how a static application would work. They have seen that the database has been moved from the files to the edge. Speaker hasn't delved too much into astral. They are going to pull up a screen and add links to all these things.

Cloudflare explains to Speaker what Edge Computing is and how it improves Internet devices and web applications by bringing Computing closer to the source of data.

Speaker is planning to expand their business. They believe many new websites will be run fully Edge within the next few years.

Speaker is sending everyone off with some traveling music and invites them to take the survey. They will see Anthony Cruz 15 minutes after the hour. Speaker wants to know if Anthony Cruz has done anything with the edge.

Speaker explains to Speaker how the server is routed. They saw them. Speaker is going to put a link to the documentation as well as the Edge functions. They are talking about Edge functions overview features in beta.

Speaker would like to look at the survey about edge functions. They are at the annual developer survey of the edge function ecosystem. Speaker will look into it when they have time. They will take the survey. The results will be made available in a free report published on this site.

Speaker is developing their Edge functions. They have never seen the edge thing, but they have done stuff for crowd run through Firebase.

Speaker uses cloudflare mongodb, Cave and workers KV. They have heard good things about workers. Speaker will take a look at Firebase and Edge functions again.

Speaker is developing The Edge function testing engine. They will write the functions in either JavaScript or types.

Speaker has 10 million plus requests running through their wow at the moment. They have experimented with running their application at the edge.

Speaker explains what is most important to pair with the computer, KV store. They are interested in real-time trigger events and websockets.

  • html files
  • outer nodes
  • network edge
  • origin servers
  • annual survey
  • fi edge functions
  • preferred language
  • geolocation basement personalization

Welcome back your dreams or your ticket.

I welcome back that same old place that you will then since you but those dreams everything, and they turn around so y'all welcome back.

All right you know it is give a stretch okay.

All right, hopefully, that last work session was productive for you for me.

Not too bad pretty quick, especially towards the end there.

I was actually like, just knocking stuff out.

So I am working on a bunch of post radio soap things.

So, like, sending out the email blast to radio promoters and people who are on the mailing list and stuff like posting to social media, like the tracks that we played on that stuff.

So I got a bunch of that done.

I am almost done so pretty good feeling.

You know and I work a little bit on a side project I thought of an idea I am like oh let me try this out real quick so that's bad.

Not too bad, not super focused but pretty productive considering what I got done in the time I got it done.

All right so now I wanted to talk about like I think I have been kind of like keeping an eye on is this whole Edge thing right?

Where it's Because previously, right like you would have your application in a data center somewhere and you would try and get it to up like you would deploy it to a place where it would be, I guess closer to the people that you want that are going like use it rights where the most people use.

But now everything is like everywhere and so people from all over the place can use it.

And so the closer someone was to that Area, like where your thing is deployed to it'd be faster because it doesn't have to travel as far, right?

But now it's somebody was further away like another country on the other side of the planet, it would take longer to go backwards.

Now we're talking about maybe like a couple seconds or whatever, right?

But it's still kind of noticeable, especially now, when people are expecting things to be instant, right?

And so, there's this thing, like the edge now, right?

And it's kind of interesting, because, It started off with so you deploy your application, right?

So let us say if it's like a static application and it's just like HTML files, what would happen would be that you would deploy it somewhere and then that service would have servers all over the world, and then they would deploy to those servers, right?

So that way the trip is shorter for people, so they know where the incoming request is coming from.

So they like, All right.

Well, you're going to go to that server.

That's closer to them and serve up the thing so that weighs like quicker.

And it's cool with that because you'd be able to do like certain customizations.

Like if it's only for like let us say you have like a store or whatever and your sewing things.

Well then maybe you could have like a sail in that area.

Like specific sales are different areas, kind of thing out of stuff like that.

I thought it interesting.

And so it moved from like the files that I have seen like functions.

So the things that are kind of like if you need to request data so that way.

So if it's like a more interactive application, that way you'd be able to do things like do like calculations or whatever and it is closer to the person.


Then also saw like databases to on the edge.

So like they would incrementally like there be like a one source of Truth and I guess they would incrementally update the outer nodes on the edge and so that way you're getting like fresh data like it's a lot of cool stuff and I think that's amazing.

I haven't delved too much into it.

I don't think like I know astral.

Well I am going to pull up a screen.

All this is going to make sense at some point eventually.

Because let me see, because I have heard like, cloudflare mentioned the edge a lot.

Let me look this up.

So, yeah.

Okay, here we go.

Crawford probably explain this lot better.

So screen share.

I am going to add links to all these things as well.

I don't think of me audio.

Okay, so cloudflare.

So like I was mentioning cloudflare or some folk that always happen there.

That's weird.

That was weird.

Hold on.

All right, adding the link.


So, like I mentioned cloudflare is a place that I have seen mentioning like Edge a lot and so, here's their, like explanation for what is Edge Computing, which is like, the newer thing I was talking about where it does it on that, local node closest to the person had the thing, right?

So Edge, Computing, optimizes Internet devices, and web applications by bringing Computing closer to the source of the data.


Minimizes the need for long distance communication between client and server which reduces latency and bandwidth usage dope.

So Okay, go into it.

So what is it?

So yeah so Edge Computing.

So basically you try and get Computing as close to the data as possible so then what is it Network Edge?

So for Internet devices the network Edge is where the device or the local network.

Containing the device communicates with the internet, The Edge is a bit of a fuzzy term.


For example, a user's computer or the processor inside of an iot camera.

Can be considered the network Edge.

But the users router or ISP or local Edge server are also considered the etch.

The important takeaway is that the edge of the network is geographically close to the device unlike origin servers or Cloud servers which can be very far from the devices that communicate with.

So like I said you deploy like one that's like when you deploy some something sometimes they say like well what region do you want to deploy to because that is like where that server is and all incoming?

A West are coming into that server and then sent back out.

But with this, it looks like it's routed to where it's closer.

It's yeah.

So a lot of amazing stuff here, right.

And then another place where I saw Edge being been, okay.

It was under you see something here kind of know when I was By the way is Astro.

I am a big fan of a stroke and building a bunch of stuff with Astro under documentation.

And then it was like when you use like net, Le fi, it mentioned Where is it?

Let me just look for it.

Here, they have like, and Integrations.

I think Integrations.

At Integrations.

And then the Phi.


This is going to come to a point, I promise, sir.

All right, so when you add necklace, I right.

It also mentioned you can do like Edge functions.

So now if I has to service, but I am going to put a link to this as well so you can check it out for yourself.

Oh, Edge functions, right now.

If I has to serverless platforms, Network Phi functions, right?

And then there's the notify experimental Edge functions.

So, let me open that in a new window.

Okay, just went to it.


All right.

I am going to copy this as well.

All right, so like it says, Edge functions overview features in beta.

So it's like new.

So Edge functions, connect the nettle, five platforms.

So it's like where you're hosting your stuff right, and workflow with an open runtime standard at the network Edge, Right.

So again Edge, this enables you to build fast personalized, web experiences with an ecosystem of development tools.

All right, now, using typescript in JavaScript you can modify Network request to localized content, serve relevant ads, authenticate users A/B test content and much more Edge functions.

Also, support a new generation of edge.

First web Frameworks, allowing your entire app to run at the edge.

Dramatic dramatically increasing performance because again, it is right there.

So here we go.

So all this Dynamic processing happens in a secure runtime based on Dino, and that is going to take me to where we're at now.

So Dino is really into the edge function stuff so much so that they actually have this state of edge functions.

See how?

That's I am wrapping it up, look right now, right?

And so they have this survey here, I figured why not take a look at the survey again.

I don't know too much about Edge functions.

And so sometimes I like to look at different surveys and kind of look for different topics and terms that I can maybe look up later and get a general understanding.

Because if they're asking about it in the surveys, then it may be something to look into right?

Because they want to get people's opinions on it.

And I want to have an educated opinion.

So I will look into these things when I have time.

So I don't think I added this link.

So I am at this survey link so, if you want to check it out for yourself, So I figured we will take a look at the survey and then if you want to check it out, you can't as well.

All right.

So sit in the state of edge functions.

The annual developer survey of the edge function ecosystem, and the goal of this serving, the ecosystem around Edge functions has grown very rapidly over the last few years.

However, information on best practices associated with their use remains highly fragmented particularly when it comes to more Innovative emerging applications.

The goal of this annual survey is to shed light on the most common tools use cases and expectations from the large community of existing Edge function.

Developers once results are collected, they will be made available in a free report published on this site.

If you have any questions or want to suggest changes to the survey for the next year, please feel free to reach out to this email.

Thank you.

Cool and presented by Dino.

All right, so I figured it'd take a quick look at this not going to take the survey because again, I don't know.

Much about 01 like skew things.

But figured, we will just take a look at it, all right?

Here we go.

So where are you?

Developing your Edge functions?

So the differently so much alike.

Cloud Fair, we're Tom Klatt for workers mentioned that nether fi Edge functions which we just took a look at Dino deploy.

I have seen Cloud run.

I don't.

I have never seen like the edge thing, but I have done stuff for like crowd run before.

Especially like, through like Firebase.

I wonder if that trickles down to Firebase.

I don't know.

Never really do.

Think it WS.

Lambda versus L.

Have really done anything.

With my, I am assuming it's clothes similar to what Edge does.

Identify does.

Fastly, I have not got a chance to play, fastly it, so I will right cool.

Let us see what's next.

What other connected services are you using with Edge functions?

And so, again, workers KV.

So, that is a cloudflare thing and Cave.

He's like key value Pairs.

And it's, I think it's like, a way of doing, like I will say, like the like a database kind of thing.

So, like you had like these key value pairs, like distributed around the world closer to things.

So if you needed to pull something like it's a whole, I think there's so much stuff planet-scale and I got a chance to play with.

I have heard good things up.

Stash of her good thing is that it would be heard good things.

Not I don't think I have ever heard me on workers.

I am assuming again, has to deal with cloudflare mongodb.

I have seen that fog a Firebase.

So I have done, I guess I have done some Edge function before, I thought they were just regular functions deployed one place.

I don't know if honored to be had heard of.

And so case I have heard of these places, I have never actually gets dive too deeply into.

So I will take a look again.

So, you know, use me like context.

Look at things now like Focus where I can like, look things up switch.

The following steps is inept and working with Edge functions, have been most frustrating, bundling code for deployment, integrating with third-party apis or day basis.

He has a thing.

How do you do the databases when it comes from different places and stuff and apis?

Because if your API is centrally located, somewhere, regardless of how a real fast, your thing is, if you're using a third-party, if it's still far away.

So going to take that time, right?

I think so actually developing The Edge function testing Edge functions uploading deploying the each function and the bugging behavior in life functions.

All right, let us see what's your preferred language to write the functions in?

All right.


It is either JavaScript or types, good for me, but it's cool that you can do Ruby rust python C++ code, Java.

All right.

Listen webassembly.

At some point will be there too.

What's the main value?

You expect to get from Edge functions.

All right, so cost setting so sites, be a performance gains help me compliance goals.

That's another thing, another country could require certain things.

And so, you will be able to have all that stuff running there.

That's cool.

Enables a more customized user experience, security advantages, ease of development other.

All right.

What have you what have been the most valuable individual?

Use cases for Edge function so far.

And going together, API databases authentication, geolocation basement personalization, load balancing data protection and privacy compliance.

Let us say I want to say policy and privacy in one word dynamic website personalization.

It's kind of like same thing, similar to the geolocation, one transforming responses, that's another thing.

So maybe, Like incoming you can maybe see what language they're using and then translate it and only have a certain set of translations in that specific area, right?

Because you know like within this area it's these different languages so it's less to kind of go through and hold so be quicker so you can call in then bam center right back out, right?

I don't know, this is this what I am thinking and session storage stuff, redirects?

All right, Real Time Communication.

See that's another Thing with web sockets are long polling.

I guess, if you want to do as real-time as possible, you would want your like server function.

That's doing like the websocket stuff to be as close to that person.

So, it's a lot quicker, which makes sense if you think about an image resizing as well.

So things, I guess that maybe take a while to do the closer, they are to the person, the less time it would take to travel so you can spend more time on computation stuff.

So, what approximate volume of requests are you Running through your wow?


10 million plus must be nice which means of any plan to use his ear.

So, pretty much like the same stuff their time out before.

All right, cool.

And then have you experimented with running your entire application at the edge?


Okay everything, cool.

What's up additional functionality?

Most important to pair with this computer, KV store.

So the key Value Store, stuff, background tasks.

Interesting relational database real-time trigger events.

Well real-time event triggers.

Yeah, websockets is, I think, is kind of cool and over request/response streaming.

So all this stuff like Eva Not familiar with like the topic just kind of knowing that it exists and kind of going through.

It's pretty cool.

All right, what does how did you first learn about Edge functions?

What have been the most helpful resources of you learn?

So this pretty cool.

So you can kind of see like, all right, where can I go to look for things?

How do you predict your overall usage changing in 2020 versus the prior year?

What are the main issues that might prevent you from expanding?

Your use of edge functions in the future?

Do you agree with the statement?

I believe that many new websites in or applications will be run fully Edge within in the next few years.

I don't know, I don't know.

A thing about it.

What's your role?

And then how long you have been working or studying in this field some more stuff about like you yourself, how big is your company and then you feel it off and you submit it and yeah, so I put a link to it.

So if you want to check it out, if you found this interesting and you want to talk about it, feel free if you want to take the survey.

I mean, and yeah, we will get you all back to work because I want to get a bunch of stuff done.

So again, thanks for hanging out.

I am gonna send you all off with some traveling music.

This right here.

I am getting that weird Mouse thing again.

I am not sure what's up with that, but it's not too bad.

I am going to move the mouse too much, it should be fine.

Alright, so I will see you all 15 minutes after the hour again.

Thanks for hanging out.

Let me know if you have done anything with the edge and yeah, seems pretty cool.

Like being able to, my whole thing is I want to be able to better user experience, so if I can have something closer to them and it essentially been something that's like time sensitive or like real time being closer to the person.

I think would help a lot.

I mean, so trying to figure that out that's going to be the thing I like to look into.

Alright so again thanks Hanging out.

So this is Anthony Cruz AKA Buddha and I will see you 15 minutes after our or take a look at artists website and let you want to come up here and talk about something we found interesting.

Alright so again thanks for hanging out see you around y'all be easy and peace.

I want to say thank you.