Links mentioned: Details automatically generated.

Speaker wants to talk about a new share screen thing that a lot of people have been playing with. They want to chat GPT from open a. i. It's free and fine-tuned from GPT 3.5 a language model train to produce text Gchat GT.

Speaker's AI is scraping the internet for data. Speaker wants it to be as human as possible, but it has limited knowledge of the world and events after 20 21. Speaker's conversations may be reviewed by AI trainers to improve their systems. Speaker recommends checking whether responses from the model are accurate and providing feedback by using the thumbs down button. They asked a song from Karis for inspiration.

Speaker explains how many MCS must get dissed. Mcs are typically associated with hip-hop and rap genres and getting dissed is a common occurrence. Speaker apologizes to Mrs. Jackson for making their daughter cry. Outcast has a song called Miss. Jackson. Speaker apologizes to Miss. Jackson for the pain they caused them and their daughter. They promise to make it up to them. The chat GPT is experiencing high demand and will let Speaker know when it's ready.

There is a problem with chat GPT. Speaker is working hard to fix it. They are trying to explain the chat GDP as an acrostic poem about the status of GDP, but it doesn't work. Speaker asks Miss. Jackson to write a rap verse. Speaker apologizes to Miss. Jackson for their behavior and for causing their trouble. They promise to make it up to them and their daughter for the rest of their life.

Speaker left their wallet in El Segundo. They will try to retrieve it as soon as possible. Speaker advises to cancel any credit cards or important documents to prevent them from being used fraudulently.

Speaker wants to become a self-taught developer. They will see a developer and get a job.

Speaker is a self-taught developer. They want to get a job that pays over 100,000 dollars in three months. Speaker explains how to become a self-taught developer and land a high-paying job. Stick Overflow temporarily banned chat GPT and white GPT generated text for content on Stack.

Speaker has tried chat GPT. The response they received from it was the funniest weirdest creepiest. Speaker is making progress in their project.

They are going to meet 15 minutes after the hour for the final break session and listen to music.

  • chat
  • identification credit cards
  • developer advocates
  • software developers
  • technical content
  • programming language

Take it out, welcome back that same old place that you laugh about well then since you hung around but those dreams every made, and they turned around a judge.

Welcome back.

Alright so this is a stretch it out.

Oh yeah stretch okay welcome back to another until it that works break session and I wanted to talk about this thing but then it was down but now it's back up.

So See how this works.

Alright, so I want to talk about is this thing that a lot of people have been playing with.

Let us see, share screen like the new hotness I guess on the internet and it has everybody going wild.

So I wanted to kind of talk about it real quick if it's still up.

So once I am out is chat GPT from open a.i., okay?

And so we have About opening a by for before.

Because previously, they had like an AI, where you would give it called Dolly Dal, hyphen, E.

I think it's Dolly to, and you would put in like a text prompt for an image and it would create the image for you.

You can do it in different styles and all sorts of things.

And so a lot of things now, people are doing like their avatars, their Twitter profiles or whatever.

File pictures with these things.

And so now there's a thing called chat GPT.

And, so I figured take a look at the frequently asked questions real quick and it says, well, how much does it cost during the initial research preview?

It's free.

So how does it work Jack?

Jack chat, chat GPT is fine-tuned from GPT 3.5 a language model train to produce text Gchat GT.

I am sorry.

Chat GPT was optimized for dialogue by using reinforcement learning with human feedback, a method that uses human demonstrations, to guide the model toward desired Behavior.

So, basically you give it a prompt and then it will respond with something that is learned from a for, then you kind of respond to back, basically have like a chat with it, and it's supposed to get better as it happened.

And then why does?

Yeah I seem so real in life light, That's amounts of data from the internet, written by humans.

So it's scraping the internet and getting all these messages including conversations.

Hopefully like public conversations are not like you know, private ones.

So the responses that provides may sound human, like it is important to keep in mind that this is a direct result of the systems design.

IE maximizing the similarity between outputs and the data set the models were trained on.

So try and be as human as possible and that such Outputs may be inaccurate untruthful and otherwise misleading at times because humans are liars.

So then can I trust the AI is telling me the truth is such weird questions chat.

Gbt is not connected to the internet and that's funny because I tested it before and is like, I am not gonna doing it and it can occasionally produce incorrect answers.

It has limited knowledge of the world and events after 20 21.

So anything after 20 21 is like, oh, so and may also occasionally produce harmful instructions or bias content so it could possibly be Racist.

So we recommend checking whether responses from the model are accurate or not, so don't trust anything.

It says, if you find an answer is incorrect, please provide that feedback by using the thumbs down button, all right?

So who can view my conversations as part of our commitment to safe and responsible AI?

We review conversations to improve our systems and to ensure that content complies with our policies and save the requirement means they can see it And then it's funny.

Will you use my conversations for training?


Your conversations may be reviewed by a our tray.

I trainers to improve our systems, so then, yes, if you want to delete it, you can do that.

And then get these.

Oh, you can.

So if you want to delete the data, sure.

But you can't delete any specific prompts right?

Like that.

So yeah, so don't share any sensitive information in your conversations, duh.

And then, blah, blah, blah.

Something's Okay, cool.

So you can go check it out, right?

So I did it previously like a couple of days ago, and so I was thinking like in a hip-hop like state of mind, and so I asked it because there's a song from Karis one.

We say a line, it says how many MCS must get this before?

They not?

Yeah, then Buckshot from Black Moon and the beat minors.

So Black Moon they have a song called how many MCs They sampled it.

And so it's kinda like a big hit.

And so, I was like, well, I asked it, how many MCS must get dissed and says, I am sorry, but I am not able to browse the internet, so I don't know.

The answer to your question.

MCS are typically associated with the hip-hop and rap genres and getting dissed is a common occurrence.

In those genres.

In general the number of MCS that must get dis depends on the context in which the question is being asked a lot.

Like wordplay, they're just like a lot of walks around these roundabouts stuff, some MCS may choose to engage in diss tracks as a way of promoting their music or gaining attention.

While Others May avoid them altogether, ultimately the answer to your question is will depend on the specific context in which is being asked.

So there's a whole lot of just yada That was like all right.

Sure then I asked it if you could write me like a verse.

And, so I said, hey because of course, you know, with the greatest group of all time I was like, hey Rod a 16-bar verse apologizing to Mrs. Jackson for making her daughter cry.

And if people are not familiar, Outcast has a song called Miss. Jackson.


All right?

So, It says verse I am Sorry.

Miss. Jackson, well I am Sorry.

Miss. Jackson for making your daughter cry.

I never meant to hurt her.

It wasn't it was never my intention but I know that doesn't make it right and for that I apologize.

So it kind of Rhymes living in there.

I know how much you love your daughter and how much she means to you.

So please believe I am truly sorry for what I have done.

I promise to never hurt her again, and to make it up to her.

In any way that I can, I will do whatever it takes to earn her trust and to make her smile once more.

I am truly sorry.

Miss. Jackson for the pain that I have caused you and your daughter.

I hope that one day you can forgive me and that we can move past this together.

All right, okay, I mean I probably should have said a wrap, so I will try it again and say, hey, Hey, write me a rap verse and see if that makes any better.

Now, when I tried to join it before, when I was getting ready for this live stream it says we are experiencing exceptionally high demand, please hang tight.

We are we as we work on scaling our systems and so it's things like capacity and you can sign up for a form and let you know when it's ready.

So and so, I guess the problem is written a rap about the status of chat GPT.

I guess.

We're thinking the same and says, yeah.



What's up chat GPT fam?

A lot of people trying to jam but don't worry we got your back, just check back soon.

We will get on track.

Chat GP tease, the place to be for all your AI chat needs.

We're working hard to keep up the pace.

So hold tight.

We will be back in this space so don't you worry.

Don't be mad.

We're working real hard.

We're working hard.

It's not so bad.

Just give us time.

We will be back, chat GPT See the future of chat.

That's a fact.

Sure it rhymed.

So I guess.

Yes, that would constitute a wrap.

Then I refreshed it.

I was like oh, there's something different.

So, write a limerick.

About the status of chat GPT check.

She did.

Another chat GTP is surely the best but it's servers are put to the test with so many users.

Chatting is no wonder they're lagging, but they will fix it soon.

No need to fret.

Okay, sure.

It's kind of amazing like that it does that I wonder if each one of these are actually it couldn't be because if your servers are already loaded, how would your experiencing technical difficulties screen actually do it.

So maybe these are a pre-written, I don't know, explains the chat GDP as a sea otter and it's why I spoke about otter earlier.

When either you know, squeak sorry, chat GT G.

PT is a very is very popular right now.

Please try again later.



And then this one's and are acrostic poem about the status of GDP.

I know that means so.

Oh, it smells out chat GPT and it is actual poem down crash.

Wait up soon situation.


All right.


And then explain it as a pirate ahoy mateys.


We be doing our best.

To make sure every landlubber.

Okay, nice.

So I was like before, like, oh so let me now scrambling to find something else, but then I was able to get it working.

So let us see if it actually still works.


And so, so you have different examples here, the capabilities of it, and then limitations, all right?

Oh, let me put a link to this also so you can check it out for yourself if it's working.

All right.

So let us ask you again to write a rap verse.

All advising.

Oh, I cannot see my here apologizing that out of the way to Miss. Jackson.

Or making her daughter cry.

So that it thinks about it idea.

Okay, let us see if it.

Oh, wait.

It's like it's wrapping.

I should have said a 16-bar verse but okay, cool.

Alright, so I wrote a verse.

Oh, I would say right about birds, I didn't say like 6000.

Then it just jumped.

All right, interesting.

So this is what it has to say.


Miss. Jackson I didn't mean to make your daughter cry.

Sounds just like outcasts thing.

I was just caught up in the moment and things got out of line.

I apologize for my behavior and for causing you such Strife, I will make it up to you and your daughter for the rest of my life.

I will never let it happen again.

I swear it on my soul.

I am truly sorry.

Miss. Jackson from the bottom of my heart and hole.

I hope you can forgive me, and we can move on from here.

I will do whatever it takes to show you that.

I care.

Okay, I am sorry.

I am Sorry.

Miss. Jackson, please give me another chance.

I will make it right, I promise.

Just give me this one.

Last dance.

All right, sure.

Okay, cool.

Now let us talk about there's a song by A Tribe Called Quest called Left My Wallet in El Segundo and it's like I got to get it.

Got to get it.

So what have I said?

I left my Oh, I think I need to try again.

Otherwise, it's going to use the before up.


There's just a silly lie actually.

So it's something new.




So now the verse.

All right, so let us reset the thread.

This is what I want to do here.

All right, so here I left my wallet.

Oso gun do what?

No one else I can do.

I got to get it.

Okay so I left my wallet in El Segundo.

I got to get it, got to get it.

Okay let us see what this says.

I am sorry to hear that, you left your wallet in El Segundo.

It's important that you keep track of your personal belongings especially your wallet as it may contain important information items such as your identification credit cards and cash.

If you know where you left your wallet you can try to retrieve it as soon as possible.

If you are unable to retrieve it yourself, you may want to contact the local authorities or the establishment where you believe you left it to see if it has been turned in.

It's also a good idea to cancel any credit cards.

Or other important documents that may be in your wallet to prevent them from being used fraudulently.

I will look at that.

It cares.

That's pretty hilarious.

So yeah, I am you know, I am a hold on to that one.

That one that was kind of cool.

So let me see if I can open this in a new window.

I got a couple of coding ones, so we did the hip-hop.

Now, let us talk about coding.

All right.

Or it's still up.

That's awesome.

All right.

So This is the question I have been wondering.

What do developer Advocates do?

I say that because I am a developer Advocate, all right.

The Boba, Advocates also known as Dev Advocates or developer relations professionals.

Sounds fancy are responsible for promoting a company software development platform tools our products to software developers and other technical professionals.

They work to build relationships with these individuals, often through writing technical content, speaking at conferences.

And engaging, with the developer community Through online, forums and social media, this can help Foster a sense of community around a company's products and Ultimately Drive adoption and usage among developers.

Additionally, developer Advocates May provide feedback and insight from the developer Community back to the company helping to inform product development and strategy.

I have got another one.

Let us okay, so this one I see this all over like Twitter and YouTube all the time.

So how can I be a self-taught developer?

The fire hyphen is self-taught but I will see developer and get a job in.

Oh, get a job.

That Haze over 100,000 dollars in three months.

So, how can I be a self-taught developer and get a job that pays over 100,000 dollars in three months?

All right, Oh, wow, and error occurred.

If this issue.

Persists, please contact us through our help center at

Oh, so it doesn't even know nice.

So if anything I will is probably overloaded again.

So let me see if it's overloaded again.

Maybe it just doesn't know the answer.

That's we're checking to see if I think insecure but wait, okay.


All right, let me try this again.

All right, let us see here.

I hear you go.

It's difficult to say how long it will take to become a self-taught developer and land, a high-paying job, as it can vary, depending on a number of factors such as your previous experience and how quickly you are able to learn in general, becoming a self-taught developer takes a significant amount of dedication and hard work.

You will need to learn a programming language or to familiarize yourself with common development, tools and building up a portfolio of projects.

You can show to prepare potential employers.

One potential way to fast-track your learning is to take online courses or tutorials to learn the basics of programming and development.

These can help you learn the fundamental concepts and get a sense of what it takes what it's like to be a developer.

You can then use this knowledge to start building your own projects which can help you learn more advanced concepts and gain practical experience.

It's important to note that becoming a developer and Landing.

A high-paying job is just three months in just three months, Maybe It is important to be religious, to set, realistic goals, and expectations for yourself, and to be prepared to put in the time and effort needed to succeed with dedication and hard work.

However, it is possible to become a self-taught developer and land, a high-paying job ah, makes you all feel warm inside.

So yeah, pretty dope and pretty hilarious.

Oh yeah, she will the chat.

So I have seen people use Sing it to like, like you type in like, I want a react component that does such and such, and it will like, spit out some code.

Now, sometimes it's not that great least from what I have seen, a lot of people like, well, I needed to fix some things, it wasn't like, 100% accurate, and even like, stack Overflow like Bandit, let me see, I think, let me see if I can, I want to make sure I pull that up, stack over flow, Bands.

Chat GPT.

So let me see, here we go.

Temporary policy.

Is that it?

Yeah let us see here.

It's a very policy okay yeah sure.

All right use of Jack GTP, white GPT generated text for content on stack.

Overflow is temporarily banned.

And so please see the help article.

Why posting GPT and chat GPT generate answers is not currently acceptable, and so they're basically saying hey a lot of it like they even say in on the chat.

That hey these things may be inaccurate, and they usually always fact check them and so for people who are type who are just copying and pasting, the questions into chat GPT just to be able to post on to stack Overflow.

And there were saying that there was a lot of like issues I guess.

So let me I am going to copy this link and paste it.

Well I didn't get the whole thing on you as I can here.

Come on, please stop.

Here we go.

I am also going to add this.

So there's still some a ways to go but you know, it's still pretty cool.

This is kind of see it, but just understand that, don't give it any sort of sensitive information.

All right, so let me stop my screen share.

So have you tried chat GPT?

If so, what did you ask it?

And how was the response and what was it?

Like the funniest weirdest creepiest.

Most interesting response that you have seen from chat GPT.

All right.

So let me know, hit me up on Twitter, and I am going to send you all off with some traveling music, get back to work because there's some stuff.

I am making some Headway in this project, and I am kind of trying.

Trying things.

I am just trying to wrap my brain around it because it's a lot, so we will see.

But yeah.

Thanks again for hanging out.

I will see you on the flip side.

I know I hit start screen share.

Here we go.

All right.

All right, thanks again for hanging out.

This is a new Jabez featuring a Pawnee be the track is called, thank you.

All right, thanks again for hanging out.

See you 15 minutes after the hour for the final break session and probably take a look at an artist's website and listen to music.

All right, thanks again for hanging out.

Wish you much productivity, easy piece.