Links mentioned: Details automatically generated.

Speaker is doing a charity event where if you were to deploy a domain or an application, you would be able to donate $ 500 to charity. Speaker has created a website Dusty. Domains. Speaker wants to help people get into technology fields. Speaker congratulates everyone on raising a hundred thousand dollars for charity. It's been three years since the Dotnet Phi dot app was launched. It helped them are discussing it.

Speaker is working on a project. they need to add a due date, a tag, a title and a reason for styling. Speaker is trying to verify Cool Meyer URL encoder.

They are the contenders for the title of Better Burger. Speaker wants to learn spelts. Tic-tac-toe is their first attempt. They are playing against each other. Speaker is working on a game. The game is under construction. Speaker has a lot of interesting links on the web. Speaker has been invited to present at shared along with slides videos and other linkable resources. They are talking about a book rendering tool.

Speaker is learning about the blog post from the top engineering teams in the world. They are learning about web development. They can see theme globe. Speaker is pretty sure there's going to be a Rick Roll.

Speaker likes Kelly Kapowski from Saved by the Bell, Jessie Spano from Lisa Turtle, a radio app, emojis and a musical piggy.

Speaker switched to listening to Lo-Fi hip-hop radio. The last episode of the show is from 94 to 95. Speaker's browser is going wild. It shows them a carbon footprint calculator, a map air pollution in the world and emojis.

Speaker is talking to Kevin Riley about the project. Kevin Riley wants to build a Greener Web Hisako. Speaker agrees. They are playing hockey. Speaker's team is Toronto Maple Leafs. Speaker notices that a lot of people are using their stuff to deploy data visualization, stations and things that nature very nice. Speaker wants to create a spooky new holiday for April 16th 2022.

Speaker is going through some stories from other people. they are going to give you more time on the final one. Speaker will do all of these projects.

If you fill out the form on February 14th, you will get a link to bootstrap's website with a lot of money off buttons. Speaker is talking about the Discord Ambassador programs webtools. Speaker has created a database called Penguin plots interesting. If you put in your Twitter handle, they will tweet you on Twitter.

Speaker is watching a basketball game on TV. Klay Thompson is a player for the Warriors. Speaker is interested in how Electronic Arts updates their website. Speaker tells Winx about the Momo, a video player of spooky movies. Speaker is a cat-scanners.

They are almost done. Speaker wants to give everybody time or another website. Speaker shares some of their interests with them. Speaker is looking for a code font.

Speaker will create a chronological playlist from Cinematic Universe universes directly on their Plex server. Jason sells organic ipsum at Zuy Club. Speaker likes it.

Speaker is going through Jason's personal website. Jason has a list of places to eat in Portland. Speaker is working on a website. It took them seven hours to complete. Speaker is watching a game. they like it. They are working on react project. Speaker wants to hang out with them. Speaker and their team have finished their work session. They will start a new one soon. Speaker will be back in ten minutes. Speaker is going to send Anthony Cruz with some music.

  • someday
  • github repo
  • video player
  • cats boxing unboxing crafts
  • goodreads
  • fugitive sheet
  • fi dust
  • paper flaps

Welcome back that same old place that you like since you hung around but those dreams have remained, and they have turned around.

If we got it on the spot, welcome back.

Welcome back.

Welcome back.

Welcome back.

Welcome back.

Welcome back.

Welcome back.

Hey, what's going on y'all?

All right.

How's everyone doing?

Hopefully, you are doing well and productive.

All right.

So for this one, I wanted to kind of talk about give an update on the dusty.

The domains charity event that we spoke about before, and I kind of wanted it to look it over.

And yeah, so for people that may not be familiar.

It was the flow net laughs.

I was doing a charity event where if you were to deploy a domain like if you got a domain that you have been sitting on that, you know, you haven't really done anything with.

If you're able to deploy an application too there.

Our hosting service, you would be able to donate.

$500 to like a set of Charities, you know, that the charity is all help.

People get into technology fields, which is, I think a worthy goal.

And so you just go to Dusty dot domains.

And then you'd be able to read the guidelines and then you would add it.

And, so I created a project and I added to it.

So I wanted to show give like an update on it and So, share my screen, I will share audio.

So I figured we can take a look see again, update, and then see some of the projects that were submitted some cool stuff there.

So share that.

Alright, so this is the website Dusty.


I am going to add it to the list of links for the video.

So if you want, you can check it out for yourself.

And so what does take a look at a couple of them?

And so as you can see as an update, y'all did it.

You shipped new sites to net Le fi dust it off those domains and raise a hundred thousand dollars for charity.

So that's super dope.

So it worked.

Congratulations everyone.

And let us see.

And so you brought the code we're sending cash.

And so net look fi and friends are sending ten thousand dollars to charity so each and so, yeah, progress you did it, 100% nice.

So shots, everybody that was involved.

All right.

Let us see.

And these are the Charities also that the money goes to.

So that's pretty dope.

So I am guessing it's mean split evenly so a hundred thousand dollars or twenty-five thousand dollars a piece, which, I mean, could seriously help some folks out.

So that's great.

So shout out to them again.

So, yeah, so let us take a look at some of this point here.

The judges.

I don't know what they're judging, so I am not sure how that works, but good luck to everybody just admit it and you can see me.

Sighs emissions are closed.

Thank you for participating.

Check out the Showcase, which just goes right here.

So I okay.

All right, so I figured models, they look.

So this one, this person had this way is not an actual domain name.

How is it three years Dusty?

It's just Dotnet Phi dot app, neither here nor there.

I don't know, but they got submitted.

So it helped out Charities.

Let us take a look at it.

So look like it's using angular.

This is a kanban board to do one.

Oh, wait, that's certain.

Hold on.

You said it?

Okay, okay.

Okay, what add?

Oh, okay.

Is this true?

Oh, when back, okay.


To be done.

You can do like a due date.

What is this?

I think this is like angular material.

Oh, no.

Could be bomber over the using for The Styling.

What is this?

Oh, it's priority.

And then you can turn a tag.

I don't know to do responsibility.

None, huh?

So then we're just okay, you add something else.


I think this is Boma.

See some here.

CSO its angular, cool.

And, Reason for styling here.


All right, cool.

Nice equals this.

All right, so I guess save it.

Cool, I don't you just title though?

So, do I move this around or a school?

All right.


Oh, wait.

No, let us wait.

Can I okay, so I guess Yeah, I am not sure but until next one, so nice chassis that person.

Swap kit.

You know, that means.

All right.

That one.


What does this do?

Oh so you can okay.

Oh, see.

Okay, you can verify Cool Meyer URL encoder.


Let us try.

Until it all works.

What is this does in code?


It's cool.

I don't know that's called the mire URL encode.



See what else people submitted image Luma suppose Emoji image generator.

I wish when you clicked on these open in a new window, like it opens in the same window.

So, then what?

What is this does so well, I guess you upload an image.

And then it will make Let us see.

Do I have anything hear anything for the radio show to have any images from the radio show?

What we just did.


So by the way, our IP Sidney Poitier, so, Put that I don't know.

What should give me like a number?

Like, I don't know.


And generate.

So the image okay is of Sidney Poitier.

And so okay.

I can kind of see it.

So yeah, so it's an actual images Sidney Poitier like a black and white image.

A photo taken in front of the Apollo Theater in New York City.

And so I make interesting.

So it takes it.

And it uses like all the different like skin tones to recreate in emojis.

That's cool.


All right.

Let us see.

And they have that domain for three years, glad to see they got use out of it.

Alright, so 12 days the still not sure what that is.

What was the side?

Hope you enjoy besides made with our mark down, the distill.

Our package postcards are package and deploy to notify.

All right.

Who shall say Toby Burns?

So 0 is just like a template in the used.


All right.

Let us see.

Did that one?

Burgers dot Dev burgers.

And then M Huggins?

Sort of fi.

I don't know how to pronounce that.

All right.

So who's the burger Champion?

Who's the burger chump?

Nice the contenders.

I think I saw something about this on Twitter.

So they who can create the Better Burger.

That's what I said.

They wrote each other's bios.

That's funny.

That's funny.

Okay, cool.


What is this?

Oh, that's an okay.

I guess how it all got started.

All right, cool.

The burgers.

Let us see.

Smash Burger and okay, so then, oh wow, fancy.

Smoothie Burger quick verdict.

So I guess they both made like websites for their burgers.

Nice and wrote about it.



Nice shots them.

Welcome to My Playground.


I also made a tic-tac-toe thing.


I want to learn spelts.

Filth is very nice.

I use felt a lot.

I try to come up with a side project that would keep my interest.

And I stumbled upon a YouTube video of someone making Minesweeper and got inspired.

I figured what better way to learn than building some simple games.

Tic-tac-toe is my first attempt.

All right.





See you playing like against the thing here.


That's cool.

What was it again?


All right.

Nice Minesweeper will with love Minesweeper lost.


Nice, good stuff.

Good stuff.

And built with felt very nice.

This one not working.

Okay, cool.

Color themes.

Nice, what is the play button do so it switches it up?


Nice Color Picker, okay.



Complementary, 10.


That's cool.

And they get exported colors, as Json or as an inch.

All right, very nice.

All right, that was that one.

Take a look at this one.

This one will actually are Monument more palette stuff.


Using Blazer tips.

Elusive a drinks.

All right, let us see.

All this pasta.

Nettie was five years Dusty.

All right.

Oh hello.

So, okay.

It's like when this person online.

Nice and has like upcoming stream.

So I guess.


The logo their software and game that's like twitch.

Nice under construction.

All right, cool reminds me of like from like early 90s stuff.


Hey, okay.

This is like this person's actual website.

Very nice.


That's okay.

I guess we will add projects later or something but nice the guy deployed that's most important thing.

Another websites were person.



So I think this was the one that was five years.

So it's good to see them.

Use this opportunity to actually get the site deployed.

Very nice.

Another thing here.

I cool.

Nice to meet you.

Hex and RGB.

Super cool there.

Oh, wow.

I have a bunch of different palettes.

Honest from the game.

Monument Valley.


Nice cool.

Let's see if you want to get some Blazer tips.

Very nice.

And then Oh, wow, so I scrolled.

My computer is going wild, but that's cool.

Oh, wow, that's cool.

All right, my computer is about to explode so and very nice.

Very nice.

That was Android drawings.

All right, let us look at huh.

Alison was actually still available come here, but it's up.


Jam, comments, grok of Thrones, silly engelbart's, great, big engineering at Tech.

12 days of web.

Dev are bridge.

Rick Roll roulette the me Globe.


So, let us see.

What's this?

All right.

Looks like it's for a This goat, wait.

Okay, this went to it.

Redirected to this person's site.



Maybe Hugo.

All right, so Okay, events.

I have been invited to present at shared along with slides videos and other linkable resources.


So this is this person.

So I guess they decided to link to.

I am not sure what happened there.

All right, a guilt-free.

Comment service for jams like blogs guilt-free.


Now embedded integrated.

All right.


That's cool.

So you will be able to add.

Comments, your jam stack application?

Nice looks good.

I wonder how long they had Jam. a year.


This is the crock of Thrones.

Graph related object queries.


Okay, so like lessons and stuff.

Okay, cool.

So you can play around with different things.

A school show you how to use it.

Very nice informative a minimal book example.


Cool, so it helps you like render books.

A written by John Doe.

Very nice.

Oh is built by book down our package?

Looks like another are another for the language are another package that will let you build Book sites.

Yes, very nice.

All right, what is this blog post from the top engineering teams in the world?

So it's like they kind of get and like a Looks like they go and get all the different blog posts from Airbnb.

Uber, Netflix and many more, and put them all in one place.

Consolidate them in one place.


You can add your own resource.


Let us see.

12 days of web dev.

If you're in celebration of fundamental.

Web Technologies.



It's kind of like the one we spoke about the web one that we did and had all the different, the pwa Advent.

That's what it was.

Okay, nice intersection Observer is pretty nice.

I like that.

That's always cool.

You can do this every like examples.

Here we go.

Midpoints intersected.


Nice cool.

It's good.

So look like a resource for some stuff.

All right there Bridge.

How is it going?

I believe in you nice.

All right word.

So an excuse to learn some amp they as the accelerated mobile project, but that Google was getting rid of that.

I don't know.

But yeah, aw shucks, really.

Yes, very sure what really, really?

No doubt.

You rock, go get them or other success message here.

Nice, okay.

A little bit more story.

That's cool.

All right, Rick Roll.

I am pretty sure there's gonna be a Rick Roll.

You got Safe.


Oh, I guess you can.

There's a bird like you may get Rick Rolled if you okay I get it nice.

All right, let us see theme globe.

So it's a bunch of themes, cool.

Coin can demo.

I am get the details.


Alright, that's that.

What else?

Let us see.

Oh, wow, Kelly.


Stop moving around.

Kelly Kapowski from Saved by the Bell, very nice and time tracking chill flicks fishy tank.

Carbon qualms be radio app, very nice.

Emoji, aqi musical piggy.

Stack Leafs cards.

All right.

All right.

Look like a nice little thing about Kelly Kapowski.

Cool, so just like a fan site nice.

Good job Pals.

So it also has like all the other people in there, too.

Jessie Spano.

Oh, wow.


Lisa Turtle.


Cool, wait, they have.

So is there actual like real people, Twitter?

Okay, very nice.


Alright, the Bell, what?

Not Kelly Kapowski.

Kelly Kapowski.

Oh, okay.

I get it.

So it's all the different shows.

So before Okay.

So from all the show ran into Point.

What, how long did the show last one?

Oh, from Wow, from 89 to 93.

Well, same five episodes.

That's why it's so, like, from 94 to now, wasn't Kelly.


That's funny.

All right.

I did.

Get shots of them.

What time tracker, nice?

Cool, that's good.

Check list, very nice.

So you can check different things.

All right, very nice leave.

Thank you.

Oh, okay.

It's like a loaf.

I think it plays in the background if the radio take a long takes a long time to load.

You should switch radio.


So yeah.

Lo-Fi hip-hop radio.

All right, we're not nice.

Oh, that's cool.

Fish swimming backwards.

That's interesting.

Wait what?

That's cool teleporting fish.

All right.

So yeah, my browser again is going wild here.

Carbon qualms select your carbon footprint sin and receive your Penance.


Don't know.

I had a campfire or use the fire pit.

I don't know.

So what does that do?

Tell someone to hide your car keys?

And not tell you where they are for at least three years till at least three years have passed.



So, by having a campfire or use the fire pit, I guess.

Three years of driving, the car is the same.



So but yeah carbon footprint calculator.

That's cool.

All right, very nice.

Let us see.

Beardy lap.

All right, all the different kinds of beers cool.

Very nice.

If you click one.

Does it go to a nice to a Details page?

Very nice.

All right, a map air pollution in the world.


Let us Let Go a good.

See what that does.

Oh, okay.

Wait, zoom out.

And it will show me the Emojis.

How's America doing?


If I zoom in more either problem because zoomed out.


All right, but stay still cool.

Let us I don't know, New York City.

Okay, I guess in the type it in.

Here we go.

See what's up, New York City.

So, how is it?

All right.

I don't know but hey, cool guy.

Deployed can always go back and fix it.

Oh, wow.

Oh, I remember this one.

I think this is whenever the I think is open map.


API gets like added or like updated.

It will make a chime and show you where it was updated.


All right.

Piggy stack.

Let us build a Greener web hisako is created to bring attention to the hidden environmental cost of the bloated and inefficient websites, okay.


You look at the size of the Top fifty worldwide websites.


A lot of people using this time to like, you know, spread some messages.

All right, avoid bit, hot, big honking, JavaScript Frameworks for simple websites.

Yeah, I agree with that and trying to be as simple as possible.

Very nice.

Cool shells to Kevin Riley.

Let us see.

Oh Toronto, Maple Leafs.

That's why beliefs not cards.

Okay so Center, okay, so that's cool.


Cool, the only two goalies in the whole team.

Okay, right.


Let us see.

Those leaves.

Okay, I think we're almost done.

So, here we go.

Yeah, there's mine x 0x.

R dot games.

Nice was least.

All right, let us take a quick look, stop.

Come on, please there.

Go one that one.

Hopefully, my computer will.

Be able to survive all this.

All right.

Oh, another website.

Oh, that must have been a template.

Could have sworn the other one looks similar, but hey, you got deployed.

That's the most important thing.

That's awesome.

So you can always go back as you are.

Learn, more things.

Are another person with our, I am seeing more and more are nice shots to you?

Oh hello.

Palmer Penguins, this is a purple word.





Not sure what that's about, but they cool got deployed?

Let us see.

I was like a lot of people are using this to like deal to deploy like data visualization, stations and things that nature very nice.

So that's why I am seeing a lot of our stuff.

That's cool.

Alright, oh and said penguin also so very nice.


Nice another thing.


Seem like a lot of these buttons, like look like this.

That's cool.

All right, is that like they're using a framework for these?

What is this?

So is this tail wind is this?

Noticing a lot of the stuff looking bootstrap.

All right.



White people.

Using bootstrap.

All right.

Oh, Honda Saturday.

I think I have seen this one.

Let us make a spooky new holiday for 16 2022.

So April, 16th wonder.


That specific day?

But not school.

All right, then you can learn more.

So, hey, let us make a spooky holiday.

All right, cool.

The first rule create a club Dev creator.

Up first rule of the Creator Club is that you should definitely talk to other people about the Creator Club sharing is caring, and we're all here to become successful creators.


All right, cool.

So, if you want to be a member of the Creator Club, have different articles.

Cool stories.

What stories from other people?

Okay, like a blog post and then products also way they're selling something, and they got books.

All right, cool.

All right, Scott, Hanson dot, d e.

Nice formally Pappas got de.

All right, cool, recent posts.

Very nice.

My other stuff.



Clean website.

That all right.

Oh, hello.

Exploding clock activity, activity Dot, Monster.


And oh, you can spin it around on.

It's pretty cool.

Very nice.

Oh, this is my actual time.

Oh, all right.

Oh, you can zoom out.

Zoom in very nice.

This is like G, so I can't even like explore it.

Okay, word.

Very nice.

All right, that was activity, monster.

There's a lot.


Don't worry.

I am going to give you more time on the final one, like over an hour or so.

Come on.

That one, that one.

Well, my computer is really going through it.

But I want to make sure, you know, the show love to everybody.

I think we already seen that will take a look, an axle.

Since it's there, might as well.

Probably not the brightest thing to do all of these but you know what?

We will do it.

All right.

Let us see.

My reads.

Oh, okay.

I think it's like a project, I think is seeing where you use a user.

Like I think it's a Google or Goodreads API one of those and you can like add books and things very nice.

Cool can search.

All right, very nice.

Another like, looks like a personal website.

Very nice.

Glad to see, people are using the time to be able to don't donate to charity and get their websites up.

Very nice.

Not sure.

What language Spanish, very nice?

All right.

It's posted an on February 14th.

2022 on this most beloved of day's Adventures Oddities.

And Scholarly Pursuits will be delivered through the Curious that creative and the kind.

Okay, so it's like another.



Cool, so I guess it will send something to you.

If you fill out the form on February 14th, like a story, maybe what this is in German.

Last alch infant, all right.

Is this that's it?

Okay, cool.

What does that mean?

Let me see English translator.

Oh good.

Nice relaxing.

All right currently seven day incidents in Germany.

It makes sense then.

Okay, cool.

Alrighty, very know.

Another person's website again with these buttons.

So, yeah, cool bootstrap is making a bunch of money off these buttons.

Well, he's getting it out there, shouts to a Medellin.

All right, very nice.

Cool developer Empire.

All in one place where you can find all the resources and details of Ambassador /.

Fellowship, open source events, web dev, sites JS, toolkits and Etc.

There are available across different sites that aren't available cancer sites, cool.

So the Discord Ambassador programs webtools just toolkits.


Very nice.

All right.

This was just slows down to the page.

Oh, no, it's more stuff.

Nice, I will list the different things that people can be a part of super cool shots who had a vampire.

I think I have seen this one, make your corpulent mushroom.

So you can like choose a color stuff.

I think we spoke about like the Color Picker API recently.

So with that, you'd be able to kind of like, pick anything anywhere.

Like just instead of having to do this and then doing this, you can do it directly.


Thank you.

Save the mushroom, which I guess is like a JPEG or PNG.


All right.

That's nice.

Cool, very nice.

All right, and though then balloons in it flies away.

Well, okay.

And then there's okay.

Well then I guess it repeats very nice.


Another one of these things here penguin.

There is a call Penguin plots interesting.

Hey, oh, hey, look at that one.

Another one.

That's familiar.

Nice me.

That I am glad to see you.

Still running good.

Yeah, cool.

That's when I made, by the way, very nice.

So over this database am a ask me.

Anything that's questions about other than oh, that's cool.

Okay, so you fill it out there, and then they will tweet you on Twitter.

But if you don't, if you don't put in your Twitter handle, how do they I guess I will just post it and stuff.

So, cool.

All right surveillance.

Does that TV?

And I think it's so this one as well.

So Klay Thompson, I am assuming is a player for it.

Looks like the Warriors and I guess they're hurt or something.

So, I don't know.

Maybe they will come back.

We will see.

That's cool.

Very nice.

Yeah, I am going to how they do it.

I wonder if they're like checking it.


It themselves are made like an API from the NBA to see if they're back on the roster.

That'd be cool if you did that.


I am a DBA who happens to have a love for electronic music dtp, which I am not sure.

That is Electronic Arts.

Lotus 79.

All right, cool.

So it's like their website.

Very nice.


Tweet and beds as a service.

Okay, so, okay cool.

Oh, crashing.

The Momo is like a video player of different spooky movies.

Playing Rocky Jones, Space Ranger crash or the movie many songs movies and was a movie.

This is an hour and 12 minutes.

That's cool.

All right.


Just react at this.

I think it's another penguin thing.

Is really tell you.

It'd be cool if you'd like is like hey, this is what this thing is doing.

I have no clue doing that means but it looks cool.


All right.

It was reacted.

Pet scan date.

Let us get your baby hooked up with another baby.


Yeah, I thought that was like, pet scan like date.

Like then, you would if you pet needed a pet scan or something cats, the others.

I cat-scans one's like dogs getting them.


That was a dumb joke, but pet.

Scan dates, cool.

All right, what's this one?

Not sure where language that's in, but it's counting.

Oh, that's the time.


Oh, I got this quicker.

Okay, I guess these are, I don't know.

These are, I can't read the language.

That's cool.

Its worldwide.

That's pretty dope.

All right.

Let us see.

Was that one?


How much more do we have?

I think we're almost done.

Hey, look, he's quicker.

Okay, yet another year.

Okay, what?

Stop moving around?

Okay, are we almost done?

So we got Club a snack that tips and you know, that tips was a thing.

Mind your dashes.

That's funny.



There's even more.


Wow, it's really well, again, shots, everybody.

I want to give everybody time or another website.

Nice for nice website clean.

I dig it met with Hugo if you have seen it before too.

All right, very nice.

Cool, Joshua, Julia.

Let us see.

A building on a website.


What is this calculus videos?

That's cool.

Wait, what?

Oh, calculus notes questions, answered gifts, cats boxing unboxing crafts.

Minecraft cats.

And this is the intersection of both.

Okay, cool.



All right.

Habit of the cloud.


Another's like a sumo wrestler with like the big thing that they wear.

But it's a laptop.

You have you believe that cloud.

Very nice.

I wonder what that's going to be welcome, accessibility allies.

That's cool.

People talking about accessibility very nice websites about accessibility.

Oh, and build an astro.

Very nice.

Big fan of Astro.

That's why I made my sight asteroids.


My xox are not games.

Cool, fugitive sheets.

Yes, o anatomical.

Fugitive sheets are illustrations of the body designed to display internal organs and structures using paper flaps.

Yes, the site reimagines The Fugitive sheet, as a misplaced code snippet.

Framed within a randomly generated cut out.

Okay, cool says.

Take like code and generous.

So what's the next sheet?

You see what?

This is like.

So just random shapes Blackjack.

Yes, cool.

All right.

The writing wolf dotnet life is cooler behind bars.

All right.


Okay, cool.

So is like a person's website?

All right.


I get it bars because, like, handlebars of the bicycle, nice.

Lucas Johnson out of the one, you know, these buttons are, like, everywhere now likes like that car like we get a car or something or some sort of item and these are seen everywhere, like a shirt or something.

Like, you can't see it anymore.


All right, Chef Lucas Johnson yet.

Another code font.

Okay, cool.

So all these different code fonts, if you're looking for yet another code van.

There you are.

Oh, some are free.

Some are paid.

All right, cool.

All right.

How much is your bill?

Oh a nice little tip thing.

Cool the split of the tip very nice to figure out the tip.

So I am wearing your bill.

How much you want to tip?

Nice indian unicorns list of privately held start-up companies with evaluation of 1 billion dollars or more.

Nice, I guess.

Based in India.

It wasn't a lot, very nice.


India couldn't thing who is alive?

It's very, very nice.

That's cool.

All right, it's funny because I just did the hackathon for a did the workshop for hackathon, in India.

I guess this.


In-browser Lang.

So, depending on what your browser language is set to go, say whatever how low is nice.

So if like in Spanish, you're buying be like, Oh, man.

I cannot believe.

I just forgot how to say hello in Spanish.

It's long day is when it's like Wednesday, is when is noches, but hello is Oh, man.

See, I don't know but like Japanese konnichiwa.

German is all.

Oh, what is in Spanish?

Adios is goodbye.

What is the opposite?

Like wave?

I don't know.

All right, fine.

I am tired will go through this hose.

Almost time for the next thing.

All right, speech.

Recognition, dog.

And fox QuickStart, brother, say dog, and fox and show an image of a dog or a fox on.

It's cool.


Another astrocytes.



The best product you ever use, Pantheon.


All right.

So, like a product page, very nice.

The oh, I think I saw this on Twitter.

So use, like a Blackboard or whatever.

You're just kind of like Erasing, like the chalk, and they have screened.

Oh, sounds like does half the screen chalkboard?

Cool dry.


Very nice.

All right.

Chrono list, create chronological playlist from various Cinematic Universe universes directly on your Plex server.

Okay, so they take like, the sounds in the music or whatever and I will create playlists from them.



All right.


Jason ipsum delicious locally.

Sourced organic ipsum only available in massive quantities.


Zuy Club, ask you.

Oh, I guess what?

Oh, what I guess this is person's weight with their cat or something.

Enter the club, what?

Okay, cool.

I don't know.

That means snack.

That tips.

Do you like snacks?

How about hot tips from together and you're here, and you're in for a treat?


She's knocked up for Portland.

Oh, I think I saw Jason language.

Post about this.

Oh, he's always getting asked about like places to eat in Portland.

And so he just made a list of places that he always recommends.


Very nice.

Jams that directory.

All right, so bunch of different sites.

I guess that have our Jam stack, cool.

Very nice to do another person's like personal website and glad to see more of these very nice.

Very nice.

Oh man, I have been going through this for a minute, mind your dashes.


Tells you when to use what dash for.

All right, is your sound on?

Yes, it is.

That's funny.

Alright, another person's personal website.

Very nice.

Look like this again.

Okay, cool.

Someday Dev, wrap gets your stats wrapped for 2021 on dip.

Okay, so you can get your stats from the div dot to platform.

Cool useless.

Random color buttons.


All right, Are we almost there?

Which one is that one?

You those uses random one annoying pixel?

All right.

This is taking a lot longer than I thought it would.

Noise, okay, almost done.

We're almost there.

Almost there.

Thank you for sticking with me.

All right.

Let us see.

There's one always one pixel.

I just obsess over its here.

John somewhere.

Okay, so I guess there's a random pixel somewhere.

It only took seven hours to get around to making it.




One annoying

Loon, shoot digital products are my thing.

Also, is another person's website.

Very nice, like their portfolio, cool shots of them.

Oh, no.




CSS fish tank that Dev.

Okay, another fish tank snail thing.

They're very nice.

What kind of like a fish?

Got the GitHub repo, and, like the resources, very nice, like a learning experiment.

Very nice 90s cursor.


Fairy dust that's cool.




Laughing emoji.

So if you ever need to Do that at school bubbles?

That's cool stuff likes.

Very nice.

Very nice shots of that.


Check the first box, and We're Off to the Races checkbox race.

Oh, what's funny is I really have to owe.

You move the mouse.

Okay, it's like it.

Okay, they move the positions.

That's really cool creative.

Oh, this thing has been going.

All right.

Okay, nice.

Another — weaker than the noise.

Okay, they have different.

Mouth noises looks like soundscape of awful sounds.

I am not going to do that right now.

Oh the Hugo thing.

So Hugo theme you want to hang out?


So this looks like the person hasn't what is this?

Port project portfolio to grow.

It is a polymer Penguins thing again.


Oh, look like this is built with our I guess.

So it's like, okay.


So this is the person made it.

That's cool.

Very nice.

And then these buttons again.

All right.

Cool, I think we saw Lucas Johnson.

Already talked to me.

I was like a chat box.



That react project.


Little prompts.

I think similar to the things I do for maybe.

I don't know.

Been through a bunch of these today is not a palindrome.

That's funny.

All right, that was built in view.

Repos wrapped yearly review of your public GitHub repo.

Repositories, cool.

Oh, and they just append your username and it is done it for you.


Another person's website.

Very nice creative, web developer.

Cool, like the background with a laminate animations.


All right.

Cool, and then that was it.



Yeah, yeah.

Because of the prawns, not space.


All right word.

And that's where we are.

Oh, we have to go and start this new one soon.

Alright, so sorry about that.

The final break session would be a lot of the work session will be a lot longer.

All right.

So again, thanks for hanging out.

Appreciate y'all.

And yeah, congrats again to Dusty dot domains.

And yeah, very good job.

All right, cool.

Going to be out of here.

This is a longer one that I expected.

All right.

A lot more.

So it was good to see all the different things that were submitted.

So very nice, very nice.

And again, it went to good Charities.

So, yeah, so that's good.

All right, cool.

It was worth it.

All right.

Thank you.



I am going to send you all on your way.

Let me stop sharing the screen.

They're going to send you with some music.

This is Anthony Cruz, AKA butter.

The track is called.

Thank you.

And thank you all for hanging out.

It's I know it's been a minute.

We will be right back basically took longer.

So yeah.

Be back in like ten minutes.

All right.

I got a lot of planning to do.





This was a interesting.

All right, we won't have this happens again.

I promise.

All right.

Thank you all.

See you soon.

Screen shot, audio, cool.

And here we go.

Anthony Cruz.

AKA butter Trestle.

Thank you.

See you later.